
package zio.kafka.utils

Members list

Type members


object SslHelper

This function validates that your Kafka client (Admin, Consumer, or Producer) configurations are valid for the Kafka Cluster you want to contact.

This function validates that your Kafka client (Admin, Consumer, or Producer) configurations are valid for the Kafka Cluster you want to contact.

This function protects you against this long standing bug in kafka-clients that leads to crash your app with an OOM. More details, see: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4090

Credits for this work go to Nick Pavlov (https://github.com/gurinderu), Guillaume Bécan (https://github.com/gbecan) and the Conduktor (https://www.conduktor.io/) devs team.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type