
trait OpticCompose[GetWhole, SetWholeBefore, SetWholeBefore1, SetWholeBefore2, GetError, SetError, SetError1, GetPiece]()

OpticCompose abstracts over the different ways that optics can be composed together, allowing all optics to be composed with a single operator.

OpticCompose abstracts over the different ways that optics can be composed together, allowing all optics to be composed with a single operator.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def compose[SetPiece, SetPiece1, GetError1 >: GetError, GetPiece1, SetWholeAfter](left: Optic[GetWhole, SetWholeBefore, SetPiece, GetError, SetError, GetPiece, SetWholeAfter], right: Optic[GetPiece, SetWholeBefore1, SetPiece1, GetError1, SetError1, GetPiece1, SetPiece]): Optic[GetWhole, SetWholeBefore2, SetPiece1, GetError1, SetError1, GetPiece1, SetWholeAfter]