
object ZTransducer extends ZTransducerPlatformSpecificConstructors

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ZTransducer
  2. ZTransducerPlatformSpecificConstructors
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def apply[I]: ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, I, I]

    Shorthand form for ZTransducer.identity.

    Shorthand form for ZTransducer.identity. Use as:

    ZTransducer[Int].filter(_ % 2 != 0)
  5. def apply[R, E, I, O](push: ZManaged[R, Nothing, (Option[Chunk[I]]) => ZIO[R, E, Chunk[O]]]): ZTransducer[R, E, I, O]
  6. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  7. def branchAfter[R, E, I, O](n: Int)(f: (Chunk[I]) => ZTransducer[R, E, I, O]): ZTransducer[R, E, I, O]

    Reads the first n values from the stream and uses them to choose the transducer that will be used for the remainder of the stream.

    Reads the first n values from the stream and uses them to choose the transducer that will be used for the remainder of the stream. If the stream ends before it has collected n values the partial chunk will be provided to f.

  8. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  9. def collectAllN[I](n: Int): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, I, Chunk[I]]

    Creates a transducer accumulating incoming values into chunks of maximum size n.

  10. def collectAllToMapN[K, I](n: Long)(key: (I) => K)(f: (I, I) => I): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, I, Map[K, I]]

    Creates a transducer accumulating incoming values into maps of up to n keys.

    Creates a transducer accumulating incoming values into maps of up to n keys. Elements are mapped to keys using the function key; elements mapped to the same key will be merged with the function f.

  11. def collectAllToSetN[I](n: Long): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, I, Set[I]]

    Creates a transducer accumulating incoming values into sets of maximum size n.

  12. def collectAllWhile[I](p: (I) => Boolean): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, I, List[I]]

    Accumulates incoming elements into a chunk as long as they verify predicate p.

  13. def collectAllWhileM[R, E, I](p: (I) => ZIO[R, E, Boolean]): ZTransducer[R, E, I, List[I]]

    Accumulates incoming elements into a chunk as long as they verify effectful predicate p.

  14. def deflate(bufferSize: Int = 64 * 1024, noWrap: Boolean = false, level: CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel.DefaultCompression, strategy: CompressionStrategy = CompressionStrategy.DefaultStrategy, flushMode: FlushMode = FlushMode.NoFlush): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, Byte, Byte]

    Compresses stream with 'deflate' method described in

    Compresses stream with 'deflate' method described in Each incoming chunk is compressed at once, so it can utilize thread for long time if chunks are big.


    Size of internal buffer used for pulling data from deflater, affects performance.


    Whether output stream is wrapped in ZLIB header and trailer. For HTTP 'deflate' content-encoding should be false, see

    Definition Classes
  15. def die(e: => Throwable): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, Any, Nothing]

    Creates a transducer that always dies with the specified exception.

  16. def dropWhile[I](p: (I) => Boolean): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, I, I]

    Creates a transducer that starts consuming values as soon as one fails the predicate p.

  17. def dropWhileM[R, E, I](p: (I) => ZIO[R, E, Boolean]): ZTransducer[R, E, I, I]

    Creates a transducer that starts consuming values as soon as one fails the effectful predicate p.

  18. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  19. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  20. def fail[E](e: => E): ZTransducer[Any, E, Any, Nothing]

    Creates a transducer that always fails with the specified failure.

  21. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  22. def fold[I, O](z: O)(contFn: (O) => Boolean)(f: (O, I) => O): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, I, O]

    Creates a transducer by folding over a structure of type O for as long as contFn results in true.

    Creates a transducer by folding over a structure of type O for as long as contFn results in true. The transducer will emit a value when contFn evaluates to false and then restart the folding.

  23. def foldLeft[I, O](z: O)(f: (O, I) => O): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, I, O]

    Creates a transducer by folding over a structure of type O.

    Creates a transducer by folding over a structure of type O. The transducer will fold the inputs until the stream ends, resulting in a stream with one element.

  24. def foldLeftM[R, E, I, O](z: O)(f: (O, I) => ZIO[R, E, O]): ZTransducer[R, E, I, O]

    Creates a transducer by effectfully folding over a structure of type O.

    Creates a transducer by effectfully folding over a structure of type O. The transducer will fold the inputs until the stream ends, resulting in a stream with one element.

  25. def foldM[R, E, I, O](z: O)(contFn: (O) => Boolean)(f: (O, I) => ZIO[R, E, O]): ZTransducer[R, E, I, O]

    Creates a sink by effectfully folding over a structure of type S.

  26. def foldUntil[I, O](z: O, max: Long)(f: (O, I) => O): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, I, O]

    Creates a transducer that folds elements of type I into a structure of type O until max elements have been folded.

    Creates a transducer that folds elements of type I into a structure of type O until max elements have been folded.

    Like foldWeighted, but with a constant cost function of 1.

  27. def foldUntilM[R, E, I, O](z: O, max: Long)(f: (O, I) => ZIO[R, E, O]): ZTransducer[R, E, I, O]

    Creates a transducer that effectfully folds elements of type I into a structure of type O until max elements have been folded.

    Creates a transducer that effectfully folds elements of type I into a structure of type O until max elements have been folded.

    Like foldWeightedM, but with a constant cost function of 1.

  28. def foldWeighted[I, O](z: O)(costFn: (O, I) => Long, max: Long)(f: (O, I) => O): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, I, O]

    Creates a transducer that folds elements of type I into a structure of type O, until max worth of elements (determined by the costFn) have been folded.

    Creates a transducer that folds elements of type I into a structure of type O, until max worth of elements (determined by the costFn) have been folded.


    Elements that have an individual cost larger than max will force the transducer to cross the max cost. See foldWeightedDecompose for a variant that can handle these cases.

  29. def foldWeightedDecompose[I, O](z: O)(costFn: (O, I) => Long, max: Long, decompose: (I) => Chunk[I])(f: (O, I) => O): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, I, O]

    Creates a transducer that folds elements of type I into a structure of type O, until max worth of elements (determined by the costFn) have been folded.

    Creates a transducer that folds elements of type I into a structure of type O, until max worth of elements (determined by the costFn) have been folded.

    The decompose function will be used for decomposing elements that cause an O aggregate to cross max into smaller elements. For example:

    Stream(1, 5, 1)
         .foldWeightedDecompose(List[Int]())((i: Int) => i.toLong, 4,
           (i: Int) => Chunk(i - 1, 1)) { (acc, el) =>
           el :: acc

    The stream would emit the elements List(1), List(4), List(1, 1).

    Be vigilant with this function, it has to generate "simpler" values or the fold may never end. A value is considered indivisible if decompose yields the empty chunk or a single-valued chunk. In these cases, there is no other choice than to yield a value that will cross the threshold.

    The foldWeightedDecomposeM allows the decompose function to return a ZIO value, and consequently it allows the transducer to fail.

  30. def foldWeightedDecomposeM[R, E, I, O](z: O)(costFn: (O, I) => ZIO[R, E, Long], max: Long, decompose: (I) => ZIO[R, E, Chunk[I]])(f: (O, I) => ZIO[R, E, O]): ZTransducer[R, E, I, O]

    Creates a transducer that effectfully folds elements of type I into a structure of type S, until max worth of elements (determined by the costFn) have been folded.

    Creates a transducer that effectfully folds elements of type I into a structure of type S, until max worth of elements (determined by the costFn) have been folded.

    The decompose function will be used for decomposing elements that cause an S aggregate to cross max into smaller elements. Be vigilant with this function, it has to generate "simpler" values or the fold may never end. A value is considered indivisible if decompose yields the empty chunk or a single-valued chunk. In these cases, there is no other choice than to yield a value that will cross the threshold.

    See foldWeightedDecompose for an example.

  31. def foldWeightedM[R, E, I, O](z: O)(costFn: (O, I) => ZIO[R, E, Long], max: Long)(f: (O, I) => ZIO[R, E, O]): ZTransducer[R, E, I, O]

    Creates a transducer that effectfully folds elements of type I into a structure of type S, until max worth of elements (determined by the costFn) have been folded.

    Creates a transducer that effectfully folds elements of type I into a structure of type S, until max worth of elements (determined by the costFn) have been folded.


    Elements that have an individual cost larger than max will force the transducer to cross the max cost. See foldWeightedDecomposeM for a variant that can handle these cases.

  32. def fromEffect[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A]): ZTransducer[R, E, Any, A]

    Creates a transducer that always evaluates the specified effect.

  33. def fromFunction[I, O](f: (I) => O): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, I, O]

    Creates a transducer that purely transforms incoming values.

  34. def fromFunctionM[R, E, I, O](f: (I) => ZIO[R, E, O]): ZTransducer[R, E, I, O]

    Creates a transducer that effectfully transforms incoming values.

  35. def fromPush[R, E, I, O](push: (Option[Chunk[I]]) => ZIO[R, E, Chunk[O]]): ZTransducer[R, E, I, O]

    Creates a transducer from a chunk processing function.

  36. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  37. def gunzip(bufferSize: Int = 64 * 1024): ZTransducer[Any, CompressionException, Byte, Byte]

    Decompresses gzipped stream.

    Decompresses gzipped stream. Compression method is described in


    Size of buffer used internally, affects performance.

    Definition Classes
  38. def gzip(bufferSize: Int = 64 * 1024, level: CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel.DefaultCompression, strategy: CompressionStrategy = CompressionStrategy.DefaultStrategy, flushMode: FlushMode = FlushMode.NoFlush): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, Byte, Byte]


    Size of buffer used internally, affects performance.

    Definition Classes
  39. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  40. def head[O]: ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, O, Option[O]]

    Creates a transducer that returns the first element of the stream, if it exists.

  41. def identity[I]: ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, I, I]

    The identity transducer.

    The identity transducer. Passes elements through.

  42. def inflate(bufferSize: Int = 64 * 1024, noWrap: Boolean = false): ZTransducer[Any, CompressionException, Byte, Byte]

    Decompresses deflated stream.

    Decompresses deflated stream. Compression method is described in


    Size of buffer used internally, affects performance.


    Whether is wrapped in ZLIB header and trailer, see For HTTP 'deflate' content-encoding should be false, see

    Definition Classes
  43. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  44. val iso_8859_1Decode: ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, Byte, String]

    Decodes chunks of ISO/IEC 8859-1 bytes into strings.

    Decodes chunks of ISO/IEC 8859-1 bytes into strings.

    This transducer uses the String constructor's behavior when handling malformed byte sequences.

  45. def last[O]: ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, O, Option[O]]

    Creates a transducer that returns the last element of the stream, if it exists.

  46. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  47. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  48. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  49. def prepend[A](values: Chunk[A]): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, A, A]

    Emits the provided chunk before emitting any other value.

  50. val splitLines: ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, String, String]

    Splits strings on newlines.

    Splits strings on newlines. Handles both Windows newlines (\r\n) and UNIX newlines (\n).

  51. def splitOn(delimiter: String): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, String, String]

    Splits strings on a delimiter.

  52. def splitOnChunk[A](delimiter: Chunk[A]): ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, A, Chunk[A]]

    Splits elements on a delimiter and transforms the splits into desired output.

  53. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  54. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  55. val usASCIIDecode: ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, Byte, String]

    Decodes chunks of US-ASCII bytes into strings.

    Decodes chunks of US-ASCII bytes into strings.

    This transducer uses the String constructor's behavior when handling malformed byte sequences.

  56. val utf16BEDecode: ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, Byte, String]

    Decodes chunks of UTF-16BE bytes into strings.

    Decodes chunks of UTF-16BE bytes into strings.

    This transducer uses the String constructor's behavior when handling malformed byte sequences.

  57. val utf16Decode: ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, Byte, String]

    Decodes chunks of UTF-16 bytes into strings.

    Decodes chunks of UTF-16 bytes into strings. If no byte order mark is found big-endianness is assumed.

    This transducer uses the endisn-specific String constructor's behavior when handling malformed byte sequences.

  58. val utf16LEDecode: ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, Byte, String]

    Decodes chunks of UTF-16LE bytes into strings.

    Decodes chunks of UTF-16LE bytes into strings.

    This transducer uses the String constructor's behavior when handling malformed byte sequences.

  59. lazy val utf32BEDecode: ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, Byte, String]

    Decodes chunks of UTF-32BE bytes into strings.

    Decodes chunks of UTF-32BE bytes into strings.

    This transducer uses the String constructor's behavior when handling malformed byte sequences.

  60. lazy val utf32Decode: ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, Byte, String]

    Decodes chunks of UTF-32 bytes into strings.

    Decodes chunks of UTF-32 bytes into strings. If no byte order mark is found big-endianness is assumed.

  61. lazy val utf32LEDecode: ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, Byte, String]

    Decodes chunks of UTF-32LE bytes into strings.

    Decodes chunks of UTF-32LE bytes into strings.

    This transducer uses the String constructor's behavior when handling malformed byte sequences.

  62. val utf8Decode: ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, Byte, String]

    Decodes chunks of UTF-8 bytes into strings.

    Decodes chunks of UTF-8 bytes into strings.

    This transducer uses the String constructor's behavior when handling malformed byte sequences.

  63. val utfDecode: ZTransducer[Any, Nothing, Byte, String]

    Decodes chunks of Unicode bytes into strings.

    Decodes chunks of Unicode bytes into strings.

    Detects byte order marks for UTF-8, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE or defaults to UTF-8 if no BOM is detected.

  64. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  65. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  66. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  67. object Push

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
