
object ZChannel
trait Sum
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


final class EnvironmentWithChannelPartiallyApplied[Env](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal
final class EnvironmentWithPartiallyApplied[Env](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal
final class EnvironmentWithZIOPartiallyApplied[Env](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal
object Fold
sealed abstract class MergeDecision[-R, -E0, -Z0, +E, +Z]
sealed trait MergeStrategy
final class ProvideSomeLayer[Env0, -Env, -InErr, -InElem, -InDone, +OutErr, +OutElem, +OutDone](self: ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone]) extends AnyVal
final class ScopedPartiallyApplied[R](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal
final class ServiceAtPartiallyApplied[Service](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal
final class ServiceWithChannelPartiallyApplied[Service](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal
final class ServiceWithPartiallyApplied[Service](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal
final class ServiceWithZIOPartiallyApplied[Service](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal
final class UnwrapScopedPartiallyApplied[Env](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal
final class UpdateService[-Env, -InErr, -InElem, -InDone, +OutErr, +OutElem, +OutDone, Service](self: ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone]) extends AnyVal
final class UpdateServiceAt[-Env, -InErr, -InElem, -InDone, +OutErr, +OutElem, +OutDone, Service](self: ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone]) extends AnyVal

Inherited types

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from:

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

def acquireReleaseExitWith[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, Acquired, OutElem2, OutDone](acquire: => ZIO[Env, OutErr, Acquired])(release: (Acquired, Exit[OutErr, OutDone]) => URIO[Env, Any])(use: Acquired => ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem2, OutDone])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem2, OutDone]
def acquireReleaseOutExitWith[Env, OutErr, Acquired](acquire: => ZIO[Env, OutErr, Acquired])(release: (Acquired, Exit[Any, Any]) => URIO[Env, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Env, Any, Any, Any, OutErr, Acquired, Unit]
def acquireReleaseOutWith[Env, OutErr, Acquired](acquire: => ZIO[Env, OutErr, Acquired])(release: Acquired => URIO[Env, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Env, Any, Any, Any, OutErr, Acquired, Unit]
def acquireReleaseWith[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, Acquired, OutElem2, OutDone](acquire: => ZIO[Env, OutErr, Acquired])(release: Acquired => URIO[Env, Any])(use: Acquired => ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem2, OutDone])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem2, OutDone]
def buffer[InErr, InElem, InDone](empty: => InElem, isEmpty: InElem => Boolean, ref: => Ref[InElem])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, InErr, InElem, InDone, InErr, InElem, InDone]

Creates a channel backed by a buffer. When the buffer is empty, the channel will simply passthrough its input as output. However, when the buffer is non-empty, the value inside the buffer will be passed along as output.

Creates a channel backed by a buffer. When the buffer is empty, the channel will simply passthrough its input as output. However, when the buffer is non-empty, the value inside the buffer will be passed along as output.

def bufferChunk[InErr, InElem, InDone](ref: => Ref[Chunk[InElem]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, InErr, Chunk[InElem], InDone, InErr, Chunk[InElem], InDone]
def concatAll[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone](channels: => ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, Any], Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, Any]
def concatAllWith[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone, OutDone2, OutDone3](channels: => ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone], OutDone2])(f: (OutDone, OutDone) => OutDone, g: (OutDone, OutDone2) => OutDone3)(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone3]
def environment[Env](implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Env, Any, Any, Any, Nothing, Nothing, ZEnvironment[Env]]

Accesses the whole environment of the channel.

Accesses the whole environment of the channel.

Accesses the environment of the channel.

Accesses the environment of the channel.

Accesses the environment of the channel in the context of a channel.

Accesses the environment of the channel in the context of a channel.

Accesses the environment of the channel in the context of an effect.

Accesses the environment of the channel in the context of an effect.

def fail[E](e: => E)(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, E, Nothing, Nothing]
def failCause[E](cause: => Cause[E])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, E, Nothing, Nothing]
def fromEither[E, A](either: => Either[E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, E, Nothing, A]
def fromHub[Err, Done, Elem](hub: => Hub[Either[Exit[Err, Done], Elem]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, Err, Elem, Done]
def fromHubScoped[Err, Done, Elem](hub: => Hub[Either[Exit[Err, Done], Elem]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, Err, Elem, Done]]
def fromOption[A](option: => Option[A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, None.type, Nothing, A]
def fromQueue[Err, Done, Elem](queue: => Dequeue[Either[Exit[Err, Done], Elem]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, Err, Elem, Done]
def fromZIO[R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[R, Any, Any, Any, E, Nothing, A]
def identity[Err, Elem, Done](implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Err, Elem, Done, Err, Elem, Done]
def interruptAs(fiberId: => FiberId)(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing]
def mergeAll[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem](channels: => ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, Any], Any], n: => Int, bufferSize: => Int, mergeStrategy: => MergeStrategy)(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, Any]
def mergeAllUnbounded[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem](channels: => ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, Any], Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, Any]
def mergeAllUnboundedWith[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone](channels: => ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone], OutDone])(f: (OutDone, OutDone) => OutDone)(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone]
def mergeAllWith[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone](channels: ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone], OutDone], n: => Int, bufferSize: => Int, mergeStrategy: => MergeStrategy)(f: (OutDone, OutDone) => OutDone)(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone]
final def never(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing]

Returns a channel that never completes

Returns a channel that never completes

def provideLayer[Env0, Env, Env1, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone](layer: ZLayer[Env0, OutErr, Env])(channel: => ZChannel[Env & Env1, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone])(implicit ev: Tag[Env], tag: Tag[Env1], trace: Trace): ZChannel[Env0 & Env1, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone]
def read[In](implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Any, In, Any, None.type, Nothing, In]
def readOrFail[E, In](e: => E)(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Any, In, Any, E, Nothing, In]
def readWith[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone](in: InElem => ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone], error: InErr => ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone], done: InDone => ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone]
def readWithCause[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone](in: InElem => ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone], halt: Cause[InErr] => ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone], done: InDone => ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone]
def service[Service : Tag](implicit evidence$1: Tag[Service], trace: Trace): ZChannel[Service, Any, Any, Any, Nothing, Nothing, Service]

Accesses the specified service in the environment of the channel.

Accesses the specified service in the environment of the channel.

def serviceAt[Service]: ServiceAtPartiallyApplied[Service]

Accesses the service corresponding to the specified key in the environment.

Accesses the service corresponding to the specified key in the environment.

Accesses the specified service in the environment of the channel.

Accesses the specified service in the environment of the channel.

Accesses the specified service in the environment of the channel in the context of a channel.

Accesses the specified service in the environment of the channel in the context of a channel.

Accesses the specified service in the environment of the channel in the context of an effect.

Accesses the specified service in the environment of the channel in the context of an effect.

def succeed[Z](z: => Z)(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, Nothing, Nothing, Z]

Creates a channel that succeeds immediately with the given value

Creates a channel that succeeds immediately with the given value

def succeedNow[Z](result: Z)(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, Nothing, Nothing, Z]
def succeedWith[R, Z](f: ZEnvironment[R] => Z)(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[R, Any, Any, Any, Nothing, Nothing, Z]
def suspend[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone](channel: => ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone]): ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone]

Returns a lazily constructed channel.

Returns a lazily constructed channel.

def toHub[Err, Done, Elem](hub: => Hub[Either[Exit[Err, Done], Elem]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Err, Elem, Done, Nothing, Nothing, Any]
def toQueue[Err, Done, Elem](queue: => Enqueue[Either[Exit[Err, Done], Elem]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Err, Elem, Done, Nothing, Nothing, Any]
def unwrap[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone](channel: => ZIO[Env, OutErr, ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Env, InErr, InElem, InDone, OutErr, OutElem, OutDone]
def write[Out](out: Out)(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, Nothing, Out, Unit]
def writeAll[Out](outs: Out*)(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, Nothing, Out, Unit]
def writeChunk[Out](outs: Chunk[Out])(implicit trace: Trace): ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, Nothing, Out, Unit]

Concrete fields

val unit: ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, Nothing, Nothing, Unit]

Channel that succeeds with the unit value

Channel that succeeds with the unit value