
abstract class ZTransducer[-R, +E, -I, +O](val push: ZManaged[R, Nothing, Option[Chunk[I]] => ZIO[R, E, Chunk[O]]])
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
ZTransducer[R, E, I, O]

Value members

Concrete methods

def >>>[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, O2 >: O, O3](that: ZTransducer[R1, E1, O2, O3]): ZTransducer[R1, E1, I, O3]

Compose this transducer with another transducer, resulting in a composite transducer.

Compose this transducer with another transducer, resulting in a composite transducer.

def >>>[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, O2 >: O, I1 <: I, L, Z](that: ZSink[R1, E1, O2, L, Z]): ZSink[R1, E1, I1, L, Z]

Compose this transducer with a sink, resulting in a sink that processes elements by piping them through this transducer and piping the results into the sink.

Compose this transducer with a sink, resulting in a sink that processes elements by piping them through this transducer and piping the results into the sink.

final def contramap[J](f: J => I): ZTransducer[R, E, J, O]

Transforms the inputs of this transducer.

Transforms the inputs of this transducer.

final def contramapM[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, J](f: J => ZIO[R1, E1, I]): ZTransducer[R1, E1, J, O]

Effectually transforms the inputs of this transducer

Effectually transforms the inputs of this transducer

final def filter(p: O => Boolean): ZTransducer[R, E, I, O]

Filters the outputs of this transducer.

Filters the outputs of this transducer.

final def filterInput[I1 <: I](p: I1 => Boolean): ZTransducer[R, E, I1, O]

Filters the inputs of this transducer.

Filters the inputs of this transducer.

final def filterInputM[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, I1 <: I](p: I1 => ZIO[R1, E1, Boolean]): ZTransducer[R1, E1, I1, O]

Effectually filters the inputs of this transducer.

Effectually filters the inputs of this transducer.

final def map[P](f: O => P): ZTransducer[R, E, I, P]

Transforms the outputs of this transducer.

Transforms the outputs of this transducer.

final def mapChunks[O2](f: Chunk[O] => Chunk[O2]): ZTransducer[R, E, I, O2]

Transforms the chunks emitted by this transducer.

Transforms the chunks emitted by this transducer.

final def mapChunksM[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, O2](f: Chunk[O] => ZIO[R1, E1, Chunk[O2]]): ZTransducer[R1, E1, I, O2]

Effectfully transforms the chunks emitted by this transducer.

Effectfully transforms the chunks emitted by this transducer.

final def mapError[E1](f: E => E1): ZTransducer[R, E1, I, O]

Transforms the outputs of this transducer.

Transforms the outputs of this transducer.

final def mapM[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, P](f: O => ZIO[R1, E1, P]): ZTransducer[R1, E1, I, P]

Effectually transforms the outputs of this transducer

Effectually transforms the outputs of this transducer

Concrete fields

val push: ZManaged[R, Nothing, Option[Chunk[I]] => ZIO[R, E, Chunk[O]]]