



package test

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. test
  2. CompileVariants
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package sbt

Type Members

  1. type TestAspectAtLeastR[-R] = TestAspect[Nothing, R, Nothing, Any]
  2. type TestAspectPoly = TestAspect[Nothing, Any, Nothing, Any]
  3. type TestEnvironment = Annotations with Live with Sized with TestConfig
  4. type ZTest[-R, +E] = ZIO[R, TestFailure[E], TestSuccess]

Value Members

  1. def annotations(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Annotations]
  2. def annotationsWith[R, E, A](f: (Annotations) => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]
  3. macro def assert[A](expr: => A)(assertion: Assertion[A]): TestResult
    Definition Classes
  4. def assertCompletes(implicit trace: Trace, sourceLocation: SourceLocation): TestResult
  5. def assertCompletesZIO(implicit trace: Trace, sourceLocation: SourceLocation): UIO[TestResult]
  6. def assertNever(message: String)(implicit trace: Trace, sourceLocation: SourceLocation): TestResult
  7. macro def assertTrue(expr: Boolean): TestResult
    Definition Classes
  8. macro def assertTrue(expr: Boolean, exprs: Boolean*): TestResult
    Definition Classes
  9. def assertZIO[R, E, A](effect: ZIO[R, E, A])(assertion: Assertion[A])(implicit trace: Trace, sourceLocation: SourceLocation): ZIO[R, E, TestResult]
    Definition Classes
  10. def check[R <: ZAny, A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F], rv6: Gen[R, G], rv7: Gen[R, H], rv8: Gen[R, I])(test: (A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  11. def check[R <: ZAny, A, B, C, D, F, G, H, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F], rv6: Gen[R, G], rv7: Gen[R, H])(test: (A, B, C, D, F, G, H) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  12. def check[R <: ZAny, A, B, C, D, F, G, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F], rv6: Gen[R, G])(test: (A, B, C, D, F, G) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  13. def check[R <: ZAny, A, B, C, D, F, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F])(test: (A, B, C, D, F) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  14. def check[R <: ZAny, A, B, C, D, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D])(test: (A, B, C, D) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  15. def check[R <: ZAny, A, B, C, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C])(test: (A, B, C) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  16. def check[R <: ZAny, A, B, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B])(test: (A, B) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  17. def check[R <: ZAny, A, In](rv: Gen[R, A])(test: (A) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  18. def checkAll[R <: ZAny, E, A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F], rv6: Gen[R, G], rv7: Gen[R, H], rv8: Gen[R, I])(test: (A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  19. def checkAll[R <: ZAny, A, B, C, D, F, G, H, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F], rv6: Gen[R, G], rv7: Gen[R, H])(test: (A, B, C, D, F, G, H) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  20. def checkAll[R <: ZAny, A, B, C, D, F, G, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F], rv6: Gen[R, G])(test: (A, B, C, D, F, G) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  21. def checkAll[R <: ZAny, A, B, C, D, F, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F])(test: (A, B, C, D, F) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  22. def checkAll[R <: ZAny, A, B, C, D, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D])(test: (A, B, C, D) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  23. def checkAll[R <: ZAny, A, B, C, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C])(test: (A, B, C) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  24. def checkAll[R <: ZAny, A, B, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B])(test: (A, B) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  25. def checkAll[R <: ZAny, A, In](rv: Gen[R, A])(test: (A) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  26. def checkAllPar[R <: ZAny, E, A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F], rv6: Gen[R, G], rv7: Gen[R, H], rv8: Gen[R, I], parallelism: Int)(test: (A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  27. def checkAllPar[R <: ZAny, E, A, B, C, D, F, G, H, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F], rv6: Gen[R, G], rv7: Gen[R, H], parallelism: Int)(test: (A, B, C, D, F, G, H) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  28. def checkAllPar[R <: ZAny, E, A, B, C, D, F, G, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F], rv6: Gen[R, G], parallelism: Int)(test: (A, B, C, D, F, G) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  29. def checkAllPar[R <: ZAny, E, A, B, C, D, F, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F], parallelism: Int)(test: (A, B, C, D, F) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  30. def checkAllPar[R <: ZAny, E, A, B, C, D, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], parallelism: Int)(test: (A, B, C, D) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  31. def checkAllPar[R <: ZAny, E, A, B, C, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], parallelism: Int)(test: (A, B, C) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  32. def checkAllPar[R <: ZAny, E, A, B, In](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], parallelism: Int)(test: (A, B) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  33. def checkAllPar[R <: ZAny, E, A, In](rv: Gen[R, A], parallelism: Int)(test: (A) => In)(implicit checkConstructor: CheckConstructor[R, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, TestResult]
  34. def checkN(n: Int): CheckN
  35. lazy val defaultTestRunner: TestRunner[TestEnvironment, Any]
  36. def failed[E](cause: Cause[E])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, TestFailure[E], Nothing]
  37. val ignored: UIO[TestSuccess]
  38. def live(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Live]
  39. def live[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]
  40. val liveEnvironment: Layer[Nothing, Clock with Console with System with Random]
  41. def liveWith[R, E, A](f: (Live) => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]
  42. def platformSpecific[R, E, A](js: => A, jvm: => A)(f: (A) => ZTest[R, E]): ZTest[R, E]
  43. def sized(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Sized]
  44. def sizedWith[R, E, A](f: (Sized) => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]
  45. def suite[In](label: String)(specs: In*)(implicit suiteConstructor: SuiteConstructor[In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): Spec[OutEnvironment, OutError]
  46. def test[In](label: String)(assertion: => In)(implicit testConstructor: TestConstructor[Nothing, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): Out
  47. def testClock(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[TestClock]
  48. def testClockWith[R, E, A](f: (TestClock) => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]
  49. def testConfig(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[TestConfig]
  50. def testConfigWith[R, E, A](f: (TestConfig) => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]
  51. def testConsole(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[TestConsole]
  52. def testConsoleWith[R, E, A](f: (TestConsole) => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]
  53. val testEnvironment: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, TestEnvironment]
  54. def testRandom(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[TestRandom]
  55. def testRandomWith[R, E, A](f: (TestRandom) => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]
  56. def testSystem(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[TestSystem]
  57. def testSystemWith[R, E, A](f: (TestSystem) => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]
  58. final macro def typeCheck(code: String): UIO[Either[String, Unit]]
    Definition Classes
  59. def versionSpecific[R, E, A](scala3: => A, scala2: => A)(f: (A) => ZTest[R, E]): ZTest[R, E]
  60. def withAnnotations[R, E, A <: Annotations, B](annotations: => A)(zio: => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, B]
  61. def withAnnotationsScoped[A <: Annotations](annotations: => A)(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]
  62. def withLive[R, E, E1, A, B](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(f: (ZIO[R, E, A]) => ZIO[R, E1, B])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E1, B]
  63. def withLive[R, E, A <: Live, B](live: => A)(zio: => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, B]
  64. def withLiveScoped[A <: Live](live: => A)(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]
  65. def withSized[R, E, A <: Sized, B](sized: => A)(zio: => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, B]
  66. def withSizedScoped[A <: Sized](sized: => A)(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]
  67. def withTestConfig[R, E, A <: TestConfig, B](testConfig: => A)(zio: => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, B]
  68. def withTestConfigScoped[A <: TestConfig](testConfig: => A)(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]

Inherited from CompileVariants

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
