
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package zio
    Definition Classes
  • package test

    _ZIO Test_ is a featherweight testing library for effectful programs.

    _ZIO Test_ is a featherweight testing library for effectful programs.

    The library imagines every spec as an ordinary immutable value, providing tremendous potential for composition. Thanks to tight integration with ZIO, specs can use resources (including those requiring disposal), have well- defined linear and parallel semantics, and can benefit from a host of ZIO combinators.

    import zio.test._
    import zio.clock.nanoTime
    import Assertion.isGreaterThan
    object MyTest extends DefaultRunnableSpec {
      def spec = suite("clock")(
        testM("time is non-zero") {
    Definition Classes
  • package environment

    The environment package contains testable versions of all the standard ZIO environment types through the TestClock, TestConsole, TestSystem, and TestRandom modules.

    The environment package contains testable versions of all the standard ZIO environment types through the TestClock, TestConsole, TestSystem, and TestRandom modules. See the documentation on the individual modules for more detail about using each of them.

    If you are using ZIO Test and extending RunnableSpec a TestEnvironment containing all of them will be automatically provided to each of your tests. Otherwise, the easiest way to use the test implementations in ZIO Test is by providing the TestEnvironment to your program.

    import zio.test.environment._

    Then all environmental effects, such as printing to the console or generating random numbers, will be implemented by the TestEnvironment and will be fully testable. When you do need to access the "live" environment, for example to print debugging information to the console, just use the live combinator along with the effect as your normally would.

    If you are only interested in one of the test implementations for your application, you can also access them a la carte through the make method on each module. Each test module requires some data on initialization. Default data is included for each as DefaultData.

    import zio.test.environment._

    Finally, you can create a Test object that implements the test interface directly using the makeTest method. This can be useful when you want to access some testing functionality without using the environment type.

    import zio.test.environment._
    for {
      testRandom <- TestRandom.makeTest(TestRandom.DefaultData)
      n          <- testRandom.nextInt
    } yield n

    This can also be useful when you are creating a more complex environment to provide the implementation for test services that you mix in.

    Definition Classes
  • Live
  • Restorable
  • TestClock
  • TestConsole
  • TestEnvironment
  • TestRandom
  • TestSystem
  • package mock
    Definition Classes
  • package poly
    Definition Classes
  • package reflect
    Definition Classes



package environment

The environment package contains testable versions of all the standard ZIO environment types through the TestClock, TestConsole, TestSystem, and TestRandom modules. See the documentation on the individual modules for more detail about using each of them.

If you are using ZIO Test and extending RunnableSpec a TestEnvironment containing all of them will be automatically provided to each of your tests. Otherwise, the easiest way to use the test implementations in ZIO Test is by providing the TestEnvironment to your program.

import zio.test.environment._


Then all environmental effects, such as printing to the console or generating random numbers, will be implemented by the TestEnvironment and will be fully testable. When you do need to access the "live" environment, for example to print debugging information to the console, just use the live combinator along with the effect as your normally would.

If you are only interested in one of the test implementations for your application, you can also access them a la carte through the make method on each module. Each test module requires some data on initialization. Default data is included for each as DefaultData.

import zio.test.environment._


Finally, you can create a Test object that implements the test interface directly using the makeTest method. This can be useful when you want to access some testing functionality without using the environment type.

import zio.test.environment._

for {
  testRandom <- TestRandom.makeTest(TestRandom.DefaultData)
  n          <- testRandom.nextInt
} yield n

This can also be useful when you are creating a more complex environment to provide the implementation for test services that you mix in.

Linear Supertypes
PlatformSpecific, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. environment
  2. PlatformSpecific
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. type Live = Has[Service]
  2. trait Restorable extends Serializable
  3. type TestClock = Has[Service]
  4. type TestConsole = Has[Service]
  5. type TestEnvironment = zio.ZEnv with Annotations with TestClock with TestConsole with Live with TestRandom with Sized with TestSystem
    Definition Classes
  6. type TestRandom = Has[Service]
  7. type TestSystem = Has[Service]

Value Members

  1. def live[E, A](zio: ZIO[zio.ZEnv, E, A]): ZIO[Live, E, A]

    Provides an effect with the "real" environment as opposed to the test environment.

    Provides an effect with the "real" environment as opposed to the test environment. This is useful for performing effects such as timing out tests, accessing the real time, or printing to the real console.

  2. val liveEnvironment: Layer[Nothing, zio.ZEnv]
  3. val testEnvironment: Layer[Nothing, TestEnvironment]
  4. def withLive[R, E, E1, A, B](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(f: (IO[E, A]) => ZIO[zio.ZEnv, E1, B]): ZIO[R with Live, E1, B]

    Transforms this effect with the specified function.

    Transforms this effect with the specified function. The test environment will be provided to this effect, but the live environment will be provided to the transformation function. This can be useful for applying transformations to an effect that require access to the "real" environment while ensuring that the effect itself uses the test environment.

  5. object Live

    The Live trait provides access to the "live" environment from within the test environment for effects such as printing test results to the console or timing out tests where it is necessary to access the real environment.

    The Live trait provides access to the "live" environment from within the test environment for effects such as printing test results to the console or timing out tests where it is necessary to access the real environment.

    The easiest way to access the "live" environment is to use the live method with an effect that would otherwise access the test environment.

    import zio.clock
    import zio.test.environment._
    val realTime = live(clock.nanoTime)

    The withLive method can be used to apply a transformation to an effect with the live environment while ensuring that the effect itself still runs with the test environment, for example to time out a test. Both of these methods are re-exported in the environment package for easy availability.

  6. object TestClock extends Serializable

    TestClock makes it easy to deterministically and efficiently test effects involving the passage of time.

    TestClock makes it easy to deterministically and efficiently test effects involving the passage of time.

    Instead of waiting for actual time to pass, sleep and methods implemented in terms of it schedule effects to take place at a given wall clock time. Users can adjust the wall clock time using the adjust and setTime methods, and all effects scheduled to take place on or before that wall clock time will automically be run.

    For example, here is how we can test ZIO#timeout using TestClock:

    import zio.ZIO
    import zio.duration._
    import zio.test.environment.TestClock
    for {
      fiber  <- ZIO.sleep(5.minutes).timeout(1.minute).fork
      _      <- TestClock.adjust(1.minute)
      result <- fiber.join
    } yield result == None

    Note how we forked the fiber that sleep was invoked on. Calls to sleep and methods derived from it will semantically block until the wall clock time is set to on or after the time they are scheduled to run. If we didn't fork the fiber on which we called sleep we would never get to set the the wall clock time on the line below. Thus, a useful pattern when using TestClock is to fork the effect being tested, then adjust the wall clock time, and finally verify that the expected effects have been performed.

    Sleep and related combinators schedule events to occur at a specified duration in the future relative to the current fiber time (e.g. 10 seconds from the current fiber time). The fiber time is backed by a FiberRef and is incremented for the duration each fiber is sleeping. Child fibers inherit the fiber time of their parent so methods that rely on repeated sleep calls work as you would expect.

    For example, here is how we can test an effect that recurs with a fixed delay:

    import zio.Queue
    import zio.duration._
    import zio.test.environment.TestClock
    for {
      q <- Queue.unbounded[Unit]
      _ <- (q.offer(()).delay(60.minutes)).forever.fork
      a <-
      _ <- TestClock.adjust(60.minutes)
      b <-
      c <-
      _ <- TestClock.adjust(60.minutes)
      d <-
      e <-
    } yield a && b && c && d && e

    Here we verify that no effect is performed before the recurrence period, that an effect is performed after the recurrence period, and that the effect is performed exactly once. The key thing to note here is that after each recurrence the next recurrence is scheduled to occur at the appropriate time in the future, so when we adjust the wall clock time by 60 minutes exactly one value is placed in the queue, and when we adjust the wall clock time by another 60 minutes exactly one more value is placed in the queue.

  7. object TestConsole extends Serializable

    TestConsole provides a testable interface for programs interacting with the console by modeling input and output as reading from and writing to input and output buffers maintained by TestConsole and backed by a Ref.

    TestConsole provides a testable interface for programs interacting with the console by modeling input and output as reading from and writing to input and output buffers maintained by TestConsole and backed by a Ref.

    All calls to putStr and putStrLn using the TestConsole will write the string to the output buffer and all calls to getStrLn will take a string from the input buffer. To facilitate debugging, by default output will also be rendered to standard output. You can enable or disable this for a scope using debug, silent, or the corresponding test aspects.

    TestConsole has several methods to access and manipulate the content of these buffers including feedLines to feed strings to the input buffer that will then be returned by calls to getStrLn, output to get the content of the output buffer from calls to putStr and putStrLn, and clearInput and clearOutput to clear the respective buffers.

    Together, these functions make it easy to test programs interacting with the console.

    import zio.console._
    import zio.test.environment.TestConsole
    import zio.ZIO
    val sayHello = for {
      name <- getStrLn
      _    <- putStrLn("Hello, " + name + "!")
    } yield ()
    for {
      _ <- TestConsole.feedLines("John", "Jane", "Sally")
      _ <- ZIO.collectAll(List.fill(3)(sayHello))
      result <- TestConsole.output
    } yield result == Vector("Hello, John!\n", "Hello, Jane!\n", "Hello, Sally!\n")
  8. object TestEnvironment
    Definition Classes
  9. object TestRandom extends Serializable

    TestRandom allows for deterministically testing effects involving randomness.

    TestRandom allows for deterministically testing effects involving randomness.

    TestRandom operates in two modes. In the first mode, TestRandom is a purely functional pseudo-random number generator. It will generate pseudo-random values just like scala.util.Random except that no internal state is mutated. Instead, methods like nextInt describe state transitions from one random state to another that are automatically composed together through methods like flatMap. The random seed can be set using setSeed and TestRandom is guaranteed to return the same sequence of values for any given seed. This is useful for deterministically generating a sequence of pseudo-random values and powers the property based testing functionality in ZIO Test.

    In the second mode, TestRandom maintains an internal buffer of values that can be "fed" with methods such as feedInts and then when random values of that type are generated they will first be taken from the buffer. This is useful for verifying that functions produce the expected output for a given sequence of "random" inputs.

    import zio.random._
    import zio.test.environment.TestRandom
    for {
      _ <- TestRandom.feedInts(4, 5, 2)
      x <- random.nextInt(6)
      y <- random.nextInt(6)
      z <- random.nextInt(6)
    } yield x + y + z == 11

    TestRandom will automatically take values from the buffer if a value of the appropriate type is available and otherwise generate a pseudo-random value, so there is nothing you need to do to switch between the two modes. Just generate random values as you normally would to get pseudo-random values, or feed in values of your own to get those values back. You can also use methods like clearInts to clear the buffer of values of a given type so you can fill the buffer with new values or go back to pseudo-random number generation.

  10. object TestSystem extends Serializable

    TestSystem supports deterministic testing of effects involving system properties.

    TestSystem supports deterministic testing of effects involving system properties. Internally, TestSystem maintains mappings of environment variables and system properties that can be set and accessed. No actual environment variables or system properties will be accessed or set as a result of these actions.

    import zio.system
    import zio.test.environment.TestSystem
    for {
      _      <- TestSystem.putProperty("", "VM")
      result <-"")
    } yield result == Some("VM")

Inherited from PlatformSpecific

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
