
object Gen extends GenZIO with FunctionVariants with TimeVariants with Serializable

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Gen
  2. Serializable
  3. TimeVariants
  4. FunctionVariants
  5. GenZIO
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def alphaChar(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Char]

    A generator of alpha characters.

  5. def alphaNumericChar(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Char]

    A generator of alphanumeric characters.

    A generator of alphanumeric characters. Shrinks toward '0'.

  6. def alphaNumericString(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, String]

    A generator of alphanumeric strings.

    A generator of alphanumeric strings. Shrinks towards the empty string.

  7. def alphaNumericStringBounded(min: Int, max: Int)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, String]

    A generator of alphanumeric strings whose size falls within the specified bounds.

  8. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  9. def asciiChar(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Char]

    A generator of US-ASCII characters.

    A generator of US-ASCII characters. Shrinks toward '0'.

  10. def asciiString(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, String]

    A generator US-ASCII strings.

    A generator US-ASCII strings. Shrinks towards the empty string.

  11. def bigDecimal(min: BigDecimal, max: BigDecimal)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, BigDecimal]

    A generator of big decimals inside the specified range: [start, end].

    A generator of big decimals inside the specified range: [start, end]. The shrinker will shrink toward the lower end of the range ("smallest").

    The values generated will have a precision equal to the precision of the difference between max and min.

  12. def bigDecimalJava(min: BigDecimal, max: BigDecimal)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, BigDecimal]

    A generator of java.math.BigDecimal inside the specified range: [start, end].

    A generator of java.math.BigDecimal inside the specified range: [start, end]. The shrinker will shrink toward the lower end of the range ("smallest").

    The values generated will have a precision equal to the precision of the difference between max and min.

    See also

    See bigDecimal for implementation.

  13. def bigInt(min: BigInt, max: BigInt)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, BigInt]

    A generator of big integers inside the specified range: [start, end].

    A generator of big integers inside the specified range: [start, end]. The shrinker will shrink toward the lower end of the range ("smallest").

  14. def bigIntegerJava(min: BigInt, max: BigInt)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, BigInteger]

    A generator of java.math.BigInteger inside the specified range: [start, end].

    A generator of java.math.BigInteger inside the specified range: [start, end]. The shrinker will shrink toward the lower end of the range ("smallest").

    See also

    See bigInt for implementation.

  15. def boolean(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Boolean]

    A generator of booleans.

    A generator of booleans. Shrinks toward 'false'.

  16. def bounded[R, A](min: Int, max: Int)(f: (Int) => Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, A]

    A generator whose size falls within the specified bounds.

  17. def byte(min: Byte, max: Byte)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Byte]

    A generator of byte values inside the specified range: [start, end].

    A generator of byte values inside the specified range: [start, end]. The shrinker will shrink toward the lower end of the range ("smallest").

  18. def byte(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Byte]

    A generator of bytes.

    A generator of bytes. Shrinks toward '0'.

  19. final def causes[R, E](e: Gen[R, E], t: Gen[R, Throwable])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Cause[E]]

    A generator of Cause values

    A generator of Cause values

    Definition Classes
  20. final def chained[R, Env, E, A](gen: Gen[R, ZIO[Env, E, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, ZIO[Env, E, A]]

    A generator of effects that are the result of chaining the specified effect with itself a random number of times.

    A generator of effects that are the result of chaining the specified effect with itself a random number of times.

    Definition Classes
  21. final def chainedN[R, Env, E, A](n: Int)(zio: Gen[R, ZIO[Env, E, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, ZIO[Env, E, A]]

    A generator of effects that are the result of chaining the specified effect with itself a given number of times.

    A generator of effects that are the result of chaining the specified effect with itself a given number of times.

    Definition Classes
  22. def char(min: Char, max: Char)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Char]

    A generator of character values inside the specified range: [start, end].

    A generator of character values inside the specified range: [start, end]. The shrinker will shrink toward the lower end of the range ("smallest").

  23. def char(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Char]

    A generator of characters.

    A generator of characters. Shrinks toward '0'.

  24. def chunkOf[R, A](g: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Chunk[A]]

    A sized generator of chunks.

  25. def chunkOf1[R, A](g: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, NonEmptyChunk[A]]

    A sized generator of non-empty chunks.

  26. def chunkOfBounded[R, A](min: Int, max: Int)(g: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Chunk[A]]

    A generator of chunks whose size falls within the specified bounds.

  27. def chunkOfN[R, A](n: Int)(g: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Chunk[A]]

    A generator of chunks of the specified size.

  28. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  29. def collectAll[R, A](gens: Iterable[Gen[R, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, List[A]]

    Composes the specified generators to create a cartesian product of elements with the specified function.

  30. def concatAll[R, A](gens: => Iterable[Gen[R, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, A]

    Combines the specified deterministic generators to return a new deterministic generator that generates all of the values generated by the specified generators.

  31. final def concurrent[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, ZIO[R, E, A]]

    A generator of effects that are the result of applying concurrency combinators to the specified effect that are guaranteed not to change its value.

    A generator of effects that are the result of applying concurrency combinators to the specified effect that are guaranteed not to change its value.

    Definition Classes
  32. def const[A](a: => A)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, A]

    A constant generator of the specified value.

  33. def constSample[R, A](sample: => Sample[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, A]

    A constant generator of the specified sample.

  34. def currency(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Currency]

    A generator of currency.

  35. final def dayOfWeek(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, DayOfWeek]

    A generator of java.time.DayOfWeek values.

    A generator of java.time.DayOfWeek values. Shrinks toward DayOfWeek.MONDAY.

    Definition Classes
  36. final def died[R](gen: Gen[R, Throwable])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, UIO[Nothing]]

    A generator of effects that have died with a Throwable.

    A generator of effects that have died with a Throwable.

    Definition Classes
  37. def double(min: Double, max: Double)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Double]

    A generator of double values inside the specified range: [start, end].

    A generator of double values inside the specified range: [start, end]. The shrinker will shrink toward the lower end of the range ("smallest").

  38. def double(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Double]

    A generator of doubles.

    A generator of doubles. Shrinks toward '0'.

  39. def either[R, A, B](left: Gen[R, A], right: Gen[R, B])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Either[A, B]]
  40. def elements[A](as: A*)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, A]
  41. def empty(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Nothing]
  42. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  43. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  44. def exponential(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Double]

    A generator of exponentially distributed doubles with mean 1.

    A generator of exponentially distributed doubles with mean 1. The shrinker will shrink toward 0.

  45. final def failures[R, E](gen: Gen[R, E])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, IO[E, Nothing]]

    A generator of effects that have failed with an error.

    A generator of effects that have failed with an error.

    Definition Classes
  46. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  47. final def finiteDuration(min: zio.Duration, max: zio.Duration)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, zio.Duration]

    A generator of finite zio.duration.Duration values inside the specified range: [min, max].

    A generator of finite zio.duration.Duration values inside the specified range: [min, max]. Shrinks toward min.

    Definition Classes
  48. final def finiteDuration(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, zio.Duration]

    A generator of finite zio.duration.Duration values.

    A generator of finite zio.duration.Duration values. Shrinks toward Duration.Zero.

    Definition Classes
  49. def float(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Float]

    A generator of floats.

    A generator of floats. Shrinks toward '0'.

  50. def fromIterable[R, A](as: Iterable[A], shrinker: (A) => ZStream[R, Nothing, A] = defaultShrinker)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, A]

    Constructs a deterministic generator that only generates the specified fixed values.

  51. final def fromRandom[A](f: (Random) => UIO[A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, A]

    Constructs a generator from a function that uses randomness.

    Constructs a generator from a function that uses randomness. The returned generator will not have any shrinking.

  52. final def fromRandomSample[R, A](f: (Random) => UIO[Sample[R, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, A]

    Constructs a generator from a function that uses randomness to produce a sample.

  53. def fromZIO[R, A](effect: URIO[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, A]

    Constructs a generator from an effect that constructs a value.

  54. def fromZIOSample[R, A](effect: ZIO[R, Nothing, Sample[R, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, A]

    Constructs a generator from an effect that constructs a sample.

  55. final def function[R, A, B](gen: Gen[R, B])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, (A) => B]

    Constructs a generator of functions from A to B given a generator of B values.

    Constructs a generator of functions from A to B given a generator of B values. Two A values will be considered to be equal, and thus will be guaranteed to generate the same B value, if they have the same hashCode.

    Definition Classes
  56. final def function2[R, A, B, C](gen: Gen[R, C])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, (A, B) => C]

    A version of function that generates functions that accept two parameters.

    A version of function that generates functions that accept two parameters.

    Definition Classes
  57. final def function3[R, A, B, C, D](gen: Gen[R, D])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, (A, B, C) => D]

    A version of function that generates functions that accept three parameters.

    A version of function that generates functions that accept three parameters.

    Definition Classes
  58. final def function4[R, A, B, C, D, E](gen: Gen[R, E])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, (A, B, C, D) => E]

    A version of function that generates functions that accept four parameters.

    A version of function that generates functions that accept four parameters.

    Definition Classes
  59. final def functionWith[R, A, B](gen: Gen[R, B])(hash: (A) => Int)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, (A) => B]

    Constructs a generator of functions from A to B given a generator of B values and a hashing function for A values.

    Constructs a generator of functions from A to B given a generator of B values and a hashing function for A values. Two A values will be considered to be equal, and thus will be guaranteed to generate the same B value, if they have have the same hash. This is useful when A does not implement hashCode in a way that is consistent with equality.

    Definition Classes
  60. final def functionWith2[R, A, B, C](gen: Gen[R, C])(hash: (A, B) => Int)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, (A, B) => C]

    A version of functionWith that generates functions that accept two parameters.

    A version of functionWith that generates functions that accept two parameters.

    Definition Classes
  61. final def functionWith3[R, A, B, C, D](gen: Gen[R, D])(hash: (A, B, C) => Int)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, (A, B, C) => D]

    A version of functionWith that generates functions that accept three parameters.

    A version of functionWith that generates functions that accept three parameters.

    Definition Classes
  62. final def functionWith4[R, A, B, C, D, E](gen: Gen[R, E])(hash: (A, B, C, D) => Int)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, (A, B, C, D) => E]

    A version of functionWith that generates functions that accept four parameters.

    A version of functionWith that generates functions that accept four parameters.

    Definition Classes
  63. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  64. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  65. def hexChar(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Char]

    A generator of hex chars(0-9,a-f,A-F).

  66. def hexCharLower(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Char]

    A generator of lower hex chars(0-9, a-f).

  67. def hexCharUpper(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Char]

    A generator of upper hex chars(0-9, A-F).

  68. final def instant(min: Instant, max: Instant)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Instant]

    A generator of java.time.Instant values inside the specified range: [min, max].

    A generator of java.time.Instant values inside the specified range: [min, max]. Shrinks toward min.

    Definition Classes
  69. final def instant(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Instant]

    A generator of java.time.Instant values.

    A generator of java.time.Instant values. Shrinks toward Instant.MIN.

    Definition Classes
  70. def int(min: Int, max: Int)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Int]

    A generator of integers inside the specified range: [start, end].

    A generator of integers inside the specified range: [start, end]. The shrinker will shrink toward the lower end of the range ("smallest").

  71. def int(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Int]

    A generator of integers.

    A generator of integers. Shrinks toward '0'.

  72. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  73. def iso_8859_1(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, String]

    A generator of strings that can be encoded in the ISO-8859-1 character set.

  74. def large[R, A](f: (Int) => Gen[R, A], min: Int = 0)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, A]

    A sized generator that uses a uniform distribution of size values.

    A sized generator that uses a uniform distribution of size values. A large number of larger sizes will be generated.

  75. def listOf[R, A](g: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, List[A]]

    A sized generator of lists.

  76. def listOf1[R, A](g: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, ::[A]]

    A sized generator of non-empty lists.

  77. def listOfBounded[R, A](min: Int, max: Int)(g: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, List[A]]

    A generator of lists whose size falls within the specified bounds.

  78. def listOfN[R, A](n: Int)(g: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, List[A]]

    A generator of lists of the specified size.

  79. final def localDate(min: LocalDate, max: LocalDate)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, LocalDate]

    A generator for java.time.LocalDate values inside the specified range: [min, max].

    A generator for java.time.LocalDate values inside the specified range: [min, max]. Shrinks towards min.

    Definition Classes
  80. final def localDate(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, LocalDate]

    A generator of java.time.LocalDate values.

    A generator of java.time.LocalDate values. Shrinks toward LocalDate.MIN.

    Definition Classes
  81. final def localDateTime(min: LocalDateTime, max: LocalDateTime)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, LocalDateTime]

    A generator of java.time.LocalDateTime values inside the specified range: [min, max].

    A generator of java.time.LocalDateTime values inside the specified range: [min, max]. Shrinks toward min.

    Definition Classes
  82. final def localDateTime(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, LocalDateTime]

    A generator of java.time.LocalDateTime values.

    A generator of java.time.LocalDateTime values. Shrinks toward LocalDateTime.MIN.

    Definition Classes
  83. final def localTime(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, LocalTime]

    A generator of java.time.LocalTime values.

    A generator of java.time.LocalTime values. Shrinks toward LocalTime.MIN.

    Definition Classes
  84. final def localTime(min: LocalTime, max: LocalTime)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, LocalTime]

    A generator of java.time.LocalTime values within the specified range: [min, max].

    A generator of java.time.LocalTime values within the specified range: [min, max]. Shrinks toward LocalTime.MIN.

    Definition Classes
  85. def long(min: Long, max: Long)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Long]

    A generator of long values in the specified range: [start, end].

    A generator of long values in the specified range: [start, end]. The shrinker will shrink toward the lower end of the range ("smallest").

  86. def long(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Long]

    A generator of longs.

    A generator of longs. Shrinks toward '0'.

  87. def mapOf[R, A, B](key: Gen[R, A], value: Gen[R, B])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Map[A, B]]

    A sized generator of maps.

  88. def mapOf1[R, A, B](key: Gen[R, A], value: Gen[R, B])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Map[A, B]]

    A sized generator of non-empty maps.

  89. def mapOfBounded[R, A, B](min: Int, max: Int)(key: Gen[R, A], value: Gen[R, B])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Map[A, B]]

    A generator of maps whose size falls within the specified bounds.

  90. def mapOfN[R, A, B](n: Int)(key: Gen[R, A], value: Gen[R, B])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Map[A, B]]

    A generator of maps of the specified size.

  91. def medium[R, A](f: (Int) => Gen[R, A], min: Int = 0)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, A]

    A sized generator that uses an exponential distribution of size values.

    A sized generator that uses an exponential distribution of size values. The majority of sizes will be towards the lower end of the range but some larger sizes will be generated as well.

  92. final def month(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Month]

    A generator of java.time.Month values.

    A generator of java.time.Month values. Shrinks toward Month.JANUARY.

    Definition Classes
  93. final def monthDay(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, MonthDay]

    A generator of java.time.MonthDay values.

    A generator of java.time.MonthDay values. Shrinks toward MonthDay.of(Month.JANUARY, 1).

    Definition Classes
  94. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  95. def none(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Option[Nothing]]

    A constant generator of the empty value.

  96. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  97. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  98. def numericChar(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Char]

    A generator of numeric characters.

    A generator of numeric characters. Shrinks toward '0'.

  99. final def offsetDateTime(min: OffsetDateTime, max: OffsetDateTime)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, OffsetDateTime]

    A generator of java.time.OffsetDateTime values inside the specified range: [min, max].

    A generator of java.time.OffsetDateTime values inside the specified range: [min, max]. Shrinks toward min.

    Definition Classes
  100. final def offsetDateTime(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, OffsetDateTime]

    A generator of java.time.OffsetDateTime values.

    A generator of java.time.OffsetDateTime values. Shrinks toward OffsetDateTime.MIN.

    Definition Classes
  101. final def offsetTime(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, OffsetTime]

    A generator of java.time.OffsetTime values.

    A generator of java.time.OffsetTime values. Shrinks torward OffsetTime.MIN.

    Definition Classes
  102. def oneOf[R, A](as: Gen[R, A]*)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, A]
  103. def option[R, A](gen: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Option[A]]

    A generator of optional values.

    A generator of optional values. Shrinks toward None.

  104. final def parallel[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, ZIO[R, E, A]]

    A generator of effects that are the result of applying parallelism combinators to the specified effect that are guaranteed not to change its value.

    A generator of effects that are the result of applying parallelism combinators to the specified effect that are guaranteed not to change its value.

    Definition Classes
  105. def partialFunction[R, A, B](gen: Gen[R, B])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, PartialFunction[A, B]]

    Constructs a generator of partial functions from A to B given a generator of B values.

    Constructs a generator of partial functions from A to B given a generator of B values. Two A values will be considered to be equal, and thus will be guaranteed to generate the same B value or both be outside the partial function's domain, if they have the same hashCode.

  106. def partialFunctionWith[R, A, B](gen: Gen[R, B])(hash: (A) => Int)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, PartialFunction[A, B]]

    Constructs a generator of partial functions from A to B given a generator of B values and a hashing function for A values.

    Constructs a generator of partial functions from A to B given a generator of B values and a hashing function for A values. Two A values will be considered to be equal, and thus will be guaranteed to generate the same B value or both be outside the partial function's domain, if they have have the same hash. This is useful when A does not implement hashCode in a way that is consistent with equality.

  107. final def period(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Period]

    A generator of java.time.Period values.

    A generator of java.time.Period values. Shrinks toward Period.ZERO.

    Definition Classes
  108. def printableChar(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Char]

    A generator of printable characters.

    A generator of printable characters. Shrinks toward '!'.

  109. def setOf[R, A](gen: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Set[A]]

    A sized generator of sets.

  110. def setOf1[R, A](gen: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Set[A]]

    A sized generator of non-empty sets.

  111. def setOfBounded[R, A](min: Int, max: Int)(g: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Set[A]]

    A generator of sets whose size falls within the specified bounds.

  112. def setOfN[R, A](n: Int)(gen: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Set[A]]

    A generator of sets of the specified size.

  113. def short(min: Short, max: Short)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Short]

    A generator of short values inside the specified range: [start, end].

    A generator of short values inside the specified range: [start, end]. The shrinker will shrink toward the lower end of the range ("smallest").

  114. def short(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Short]

    A generator of shorts.

    A generator of shorts. Shrinks toward '0'.

  115. def size(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Int]
  116. def sized[R, A](f: (Int) => Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, A]

    A sized generator, whose size falls within the specified bounds.

  117. def small[R, A](f: (Int) => Gen[R, A], min: Int = 0)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, A]

    A sized generator that uses an exponential distribution of size values.

    A sized generator that uses an exponential distribution of size values. The values generated will be strongly concentrated towards the lower end of the range but a few larger values will still be generated.

  118. def some[R, A](gen: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Option[A]]
  119. def string[R](char: Gen[R, Char])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, String]

    A sized generator of strings.

  120. def string(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, String]

    A generator of strings.

    A generator of strings. Shrinks towards the empty string.

  121. def string1[R](char: Gen[R, Char])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, String]

    A sized generator of non-empty strings.

  122. def stringBounded[R](min: Int, max: Int)(g: Gen[R, Char])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, String]

    A generator of strings whose size falls within the specified bounds.

  123. def stringN[R](n: Int)(char: Gen[R, Char])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, String]

    A generator of strings of the specified size.

  124. final def successes[R, A](gen: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, UIO[A]]

    A generator of successful effects.

    A generator of successful effects.

    Definition Classes
  125. def suspend[R, A](gen: => Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, A]

    Lazily constructs a generator.

    Lazily constructs a generator. This is useful to avoid infinite recursion when creating generators that refer to themselves.

  126. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  127. def throwable(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Throwable]

    A generator of throwables.

  128. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  129. def unfoldGen[R, S, A](s: S)(f: (S) => Gen[R, (S, A)])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, List[A]]

    A sized generator of collections, where each collection is generated by repeatedly applying a function to an initial state.

  130. def unfoldGenN[R, S, A](n: Int)(s: S)(f: (S) => Gen[R, (S, A)])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, List[A]]

    A generator of collections of up to the specified size, where each collection is generated by repeatedly applying a function to an initial state.

  131. def unicodeChar(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Char]

    A generator of Unicode characters.

    A generator of Unicode characters. Shrinks toward '0'.

  132. def uniform(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Double]

    A generator of uniformly distributed doubles between [0, 1].

    A generator of uniformly distributed doubles between [0, 1]. The shrinker will shrink toward 0.

  133. def unit(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Unit]

    A constant generator of the unit value.

  134. def uuid(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, UUID]

    A generator of universally unique identifiers.

    A generator of universally unique identifiers. The returned generator will not have any shrinking.

  135. def vectorOf[R, A](g: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Vector[A]]

    A sized generator of vectors.

  136. def vectorOf1[R, A](g: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Vector[A]]

    A sized generator of non-empty vectors.

  137. def vectorOfBounded[R, A](min: Int, max: Int)(g: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Vector[A]]

    A generator of vectors whose size falls within the specified bounds.

  138. def vectorOfN[R, A](n: Int)(g: Gen[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, Vector[A]]

    A generator of vectors of the specified size.

  139. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  140. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  141. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  142. def weighted[R, A](gs: (Gen[R, A], Double)*)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[R, A]

    A generator which chooses one of the given generators according to their weights.

    A generator which chooses one of the given generators according to their weights. For example, the following generator will generate 90% true and 10% false values.

    val trueFalse = Gen.weighted((Gen.const(true), 9), (Gen.const(false), 1))
  143. def whitespaceChars(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Char]

    A generator of whitespace characters.

  144. final def year(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Year]

    A generator of java.time.Year values.

    A generator of java.time.Year values. Shrinks toward Year.of(Year.MIN_VALUE).

    Definition Classes
  145. final def year(min: Year, max: Year)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, Year]

    A generator of java.time.Year values inside the specified range: [min, max].

    A generator of java.time.Year values inside the specified range: [min, max]. Shrinks toward min.

    Definition Classes
  146. final def yearMonth(min: YearMonth, max: YearMonth)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, YearMonth]

    A generator of java.time.YearMonth values within specified range: [min, max].

    A generator of java.time.YearMonth values within specified range: [min, max]. Shrinks toward min.

    Definition Classes
  147. final def yearMonth(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, YearMonth]

    A generator of java.time.YearMonth values.

    A generator of java.time.YearMonth values. Shrinks toward YearMonth.of(Year.MIN_VALUE, Month.JANUARY).

    Definition Classes
  148. final def zoneId(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, ZoneId]

    A generator of java.time.ZoneId values.

    A generator of java.time.ZoneId values. Doesn't have any shrinking.

    Definition Classes
  149. final def zoneOffset(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, ZoneOffset]

    A generator of java.time.ZoneOffset values.

    A generator of java.time.ZoneOffset values. Shrinks toward ZoneOffset.MIN.

    Definition Classes
  150. final def zonedDateTime(min: ZonedDateTime, max: ZonedDateTime)(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, ZonedDateTime]

    A generator of java.time.ZonedDateTime values within specified range: [min, max].

    A generator of java.time.ZonedDateTime values within specified range: [min, max]. Shrinks toward min.

    Definition Classes
  151. final def zonedDateTime(implicit trace: Trace): Gen[Any, ZonedDateTime]

    A generator of java.time.ZonedDateTime values.

    A generator of java.time.ZonedDateTime values. Shrinks toward ZoneDateTime.of(LocalDateTime.MIN, zoneId).

    Definition Classes

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from TimeVariants

Inherited from FunctionVariants

Inherited from GenZIO

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
