trait GenZIO
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object Gen.type

Value members

Concrete methods

final def causes[R <: Random & Sized, E](e: Gen[R, E], t: Gen[R, Throwable]): Gen[R, Cause[E]]

A generator of Cause values

A generator of Cause values

final def chained[R <: Random & Sized, Env, E, A](gen: Gen[R, ZIO[Env, E, A]]): Gen[R, ZIO[Env, E, A]]

A generator of effects that are the result of chaining the specified effect with itself a random number of times.

A generator of effects that are the result of chaining the specified effect with itself a random number of times.

final def chainedN[R <: Random, Env, E, A](n: Int)(zio: Gen[R, ZIO[Env, E, A]]): Gen[R, ZIO[Env, E, A]]

A generator of effects that are the result of chaining the specified effect with itself a given number of times.

A generator of effects that are the result of chaining the specified effect with itself a given number of times.

final def concurrent[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A]): Gen[Any, ZIO[R, E, A]]

A generator of effects that are the result of applying concurrency combinators to the specified effect that are guaranteed not to change its value.

A generator of effects that are the result of applying concurrency combinators to the specified effect that are guaranteed not to change its value.

final def died[R](gen: Gen[R, Throwable]): Gen[R, UIO[Nothing]]

A generator of effects that have died with a Throwable.

A generator of effects that have died with a Throwable.

final def failures[R, E](gen: Gen[R, E]): Gen[R, IO[E, Nothing]]

A generator of effects that have failed with an error.

A generator of effects that have failed with an error.

final def parallel[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A]): Gen[Any, ZIO[R, E, A]]

A generator of effects that are the result of applying parallelism combinators to the specified effect that are guaranteed not to change its value.

A generator of effects that are the result of applying parallelism combinators to the specified effect that are guaranteed not to change its value.

final def successes[R, A](gen: Gen[R, A]): Gen[R, UIO[A]]

A generator of successful effects.

A generator of successful effects.