
sealed trait Trace[+A]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def result: Result[A]

Concrete methods

final def &&(that: Trace[Boolean])(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Trace[Boolean]
final def <==>(that: Trace[Boolean])(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Trace[Boolean]
final def ==>(that: Trace[Boolean])(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Trace[Boolean]
final def >>>[B](that: Trace[B]): Trace[B]
final def annotate(annotation: Annotation*): Trace[A]
final def implies(that: Trace[Boolean])(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Trace[Boolean]
def isFailure: Boolean
def isSuccess: Boolean
final def unary_!(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Trace[Boolean]
final def withCode(code: Option[String]): Trace[A]

Apply the code to every node in the tree.

Apply the code to every node in the tree.

def withLocation(location: Option[String]): Trace[A]

Apply the location to every node in the tree.

Apply the location to every node in the tree.

def withParentSpan(span: Option[Span]): Trace[A]

Apply the parent span to every node in the tree.

Apply the parent span to every node in the tree.

final def withSpan(span: Option[Span]): Trace[A]

Apply the metadata to the rightmost node in the trace.

Apply the metadata to the rightmost node in the trace.

final def ||(that: Trace[Boolean])(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Trace[Boolean]