
final implicit class TestLensAnyOps[A](self: TestLens[A]) extends AnyVal
class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def anything: TestLens[Boolean]

Always returns true as long the chain of preceding transformations has succeeded.

Always returns true as long the chain of preceding transformations has succeeded.

 val option: Either[Int, Option[String]] = Right(Some("Cool"))
 assertTrue(option.is(_.right.some.anything)) // returns true
 assertTrue(option.is(_.left.anything)) // will fail because of `.left`.
def custom[B](customAssertion: CustomAssertion[A, B]): TestLens[B]

Transforms a value with the given CustomAssertion

Transforms a value with the given CustomAssertion

def subtype[Subtype <: A]: TestLens[Subtype]

Transforms a value of some type into the given Subtype if possible, otherwise fails.

Transforms a value of some type into the given Subtype if possible, otherwise fails.

 sealed trait CustomError
 case class Explosion(blastRadius: Int) extends CustomError
 case class Melting(degrees: Double) extends CustomError
 case class Fulminating(wow: Boolean) extends CustomError

 val error: CustomError = Melting(100)
 assertTrue(option.is(_.subtype[Melting]).degrees > 10) // succeeds
 assertTrue(option.is(_.subtype[Explosion]).blastRadius == 12) // fails