
abstract class Law3M[-CapsF[_[_]], -Caps[_], -R](label: String) extends Covariant[CapsF, Caps, R]

Constructs a law from an effectual function taking three parameters.

class Covariant[CapsF, Caps, R]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Law3M[CapsF, Caps, R]

Value members

Abstract methods

def apply[F[_] : CapsF, A : Caps, B : Caps, C : Caps](fa: F[A], fb: F[B], fc: F[C]): URIO[R, TestResult]

Concrete methods

final def run[R1 <: R & TestConfig, F[_] : CapsF, A : Caps](genF: GenF[R1, F], gen: Gen[R1, A]): ZIO[R1, Nothing, TestResult]

Inherited methods

def +[CapsF1 <: ([x[_]] =>> CapsF[x]), Caps1 <: (Caps), R1 <: R](that: Covariant[CapsF1, Caps1, R1]): Covariant[CapsF1, Caps1, R1]

Combine these laws with the specified laws to produce a set of laws that require both sets of laws to be satisfied.

Combine these laws with the specified laws to produce a set of laws that require both sets of laws to be satisfied.

Inherited from: