
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package zio
    Definition Classes
  • package test

    _ZIO Test_ is a featherweight testing library for effectful programs.

    _ZIO Test_ is a featherweight testing library for effectful programs.

    The library imagines every spec as an ordinary immutable value, providing tremendous potential for composition. Thanks to tight integration with ZIO, specs can use resources (including those requiring disposal), have well- defined linear and parallel semantics, and can benefit from a host of ZIO combinators.

    import zio.test._
    import zio.Clock.nanoTime
    import Assertion.isGreaterThan
    object MyTest extends DefaultRunnableSpec {
      def spec = suite("clock")(
        test("time is non-zero") {
          for {
            time <-
          } yield assertTrue(time >= 0)
    Definition Classes
  • package diff
    Definition Classes
  • package internal
    Definition Classes
  • package laws

    The laws package provides functionality for describing laws as values.

    The laws package provides functionality for describing laws as values. The fundamental abstraction is a set of ZLaws[Caps, R]. These laws model the laws that instances having a capability of type Caps are expected to satisfy. A capability Caps[_] is an abstraction describing some functionality that is common across different data types and obeys certain laws. For example, we can model the capability of two values of a type being compared for equality as follows:

    trait Equal[-A] {
      def equal(a1: A, a2: A): Boolean

    Definitions of equality are expected to obey certain laws:

    1. Reflexivity - a1 === a1
    2. Symmetry - a1 === a2 ==> a2 === a1
    3. Transitivity - (a1 === a2) && (a2 === a3) ==> (a1 === a3)

    These laws define what the capabilities mean and ensure that it is safe to abstract across different instances with the same capability.

    Using ZIO Test, we can represent these laws as values. To do so, we define each law using one of the ZLaws constructors. For example:

    val transitivityLaw = ZLaws.Laws3[Equal]("transitivityLaw") {
      def apply[A: Equal](a1: A, a2: A, a3: A): TestResult =

    We can then combine laws using the + operator:

    val reflexivityLaw: = ???
    val symmetryLaw:    = ???
    val equalLaws = reflexivityLaw + symmetryLaw + transitivityLaw

    Laws have a run method that takes a generator of values of type A and checks that those values satisfy the laws. In addition, objects can extend ZLawful to provide an even more convenient syntax for users to check that instances satisfy certain laws.

    object Equal extends Lawful[Equal]
    object Hash extends Lawful[Hash]
    object Ord extends Lawful[Ord]
    checkAllLaws(Equal + Hash + Ord)(

    Note that capabilities compose seamlessly because of contravariance. We can combine laws describing different capabilities to construct a set of laws requiring that instances having all of the capabilities satisfy each of the laws.

    Definition Classes
  • package poly
    Definition Classes
  • package render
    Definition Classes
  • ConsoleRenderer
  • ExecutionResult
  • IntelliJRenderer
  • LogLine
  • TestRenderer



package render

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. render
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ConsoleRenderer extends TestRenderer
  2. case class ExecutionResult(resultType: ResultType, label: String, status: Status, offset: Int, annotations: List[TestAnnotationMap], lines: List[Line]) extends Product with Serializable
  3. trait IntelliJRenderer extends TestRenderer
  4. trait TestRenderer extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. def ansi(s: String, ansiColor: String): Fragment
  2. def bold(s: String): Fragment
  3. def detail(s: String): Fragment
  4. def dim(s: String): Fragment
  5. def error(s: String): Fragment
  6. def fr(s: String): Fragment
  7. def info(s: String): Fragment
  8. def primary(s: String): Fragment
  9. val sp: Fragment
  10. def underlined(s: String): Fragment
  11. def warn(s: String): Fragment
  12. def withOffset(i: Int)(line: Line): Line
  13. object ConsoleRenderer extends ConsoleRenderer
  14. object ExecutionResult extends Serializable
  15. object IntelliJRenderer extends IntelliJRenderer
  16. object LogLine
  17. object TestRenderer

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
