
object Runtime

Linear Supertypes
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  2. By Inheritance
  1. Runtime
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait Managed[+R] extends Runtime[R]

    A runtime that can be shutdown to release resources allocated to it.

Value Members

  1. def apply[R](r: R, platform0: Platform): Runtime[R]

    Builds a new runtime given an environment R and a zio.internal.Platform.

  2. lazy val default: Runtime[zio.ZEnv]
  3. lazy val global: Runtime[zio.ZEnv]
  4. def unsafeFromLayer[R <: Has[_]](layer: Layer[Any, R], platform: Platform = Platform.default): Managed[R]

    Unsafely creates a Runtime from a ZLayer whose resources will be allocated immediately, and not released until the Runtime is shut down or the end of the application.

    Unsafely creates a Runtime from a ZLayer whose resources will be allocated immediately, and not released until the Runtime is shut down or the end of the application.

    This method is useful for small applications and integrating ZIO with legacy code, but other applications should investigate using ZIO.provideLayer directly in their application entry points.

  5. object Managed