
object ZManaged extends ZManagedPlatformSpecific with Serializable

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, ZManagedPlatformSpecific, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ZManaged
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. ZManagedPlatformSpecific
  5. AnyRef
  6. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class EnvironmentWithManagedPartiallyApplied[R] extends AnyVal
  2. final class EnvironmentWithPartiallyApplied[R] extends AnyVal
  3. final class EnvironmentWithZIOPartiallyApplied[R] extends AnyVal
  4. type Finalizer = (Exit[Any, Any]) ⇒ UIO[Any]

    A finalizer used in a ReleaseMap.

    A finalizer used in a ReleaseMap. The Exit value passed to it is the result of executing ZManaged#use or an arbitrary value passed into ReleaseMap#release.

  5. final class IfManaged[R, E] extends AnyVal
  6. abstract class PreallocationScope extends AnyRef

    A scope in which resources can be safely preallocated.

    A scope in which resources can be safely preallocated. Passing a ZManaged to the apply method will create (inside an effect) a managed resource which is already acquired and cannot fail.

  7. final class ProvideSome[R0, -R, +E, +A] extends AnyVal
  8. implicit final class RefineToOrDieOps[R, E <: Throwable, A] extends AnyVal
  9. abstract class ReleaseMap extends Serializable

    A ReleaseMap represents the finalizers associated with a scope.

    A ReleaseMap represents the finalizers associated with a scope.

    The design of ReleaseMap is inspired by ResourceT, written by Michael Snoyman @snoyberg. (

  10. abstract class Scope extends AnyRef

    A scope in which ZManaged values can be safely allocated.

    A scope in which ZManaged values can be safely allocated. Passing a managed resource to the apply method will return an effect that allocates the resource and returns it with an early-release handle.

  11. final class ServiceAtPartiallyApplied[Service] extends AnyVal
  12. final class ServiceWithManagedPartiallyApplied[Service] extends AnyVal
  13. final class ServiceWithPartiallyApplied[Service] extends AnyVal
  14. final class ServiceWithZIOPartiallyApplied[Service] extends AnyVal
  15. final class UnlessManaged[R, E] extends AnyVal
  16. final class UpdateService[-R, +E, +A, M] extends AnyVal
  17. final class UpdateServiceAt[-R, +E, +A, Service] extends AnyVal
  18. final class WhenManaged[R, E] extends AnyVal
  19. sealed trait ZManagedConstructor[Input] extends AnyRef

    A ZManagedConstructor[Input] knows how to construct a ZManaged value from an input of type Input.

    A ZManagedConstructor[Input] knows how to construct a ZManaged value from an input of type Input. This allows the type of the ZManaged value constructed to depend on Input.

  20. trait ZManagedConstructorLowPriority1 extends ZManagedConstructorLowPriority2
  21. trait ZManagedConstructorLowPriority2 extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def absolve[R, E, A](v: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Either[E, A]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Submerges the error case of an Either into the ZManaged.

    Submerges the error case of an Either into the ZManaged. The inverse operation of ZManaged.either.

  5. def acquireRelease[R, R1 <: R, E, A](acquire: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, A])(release: ⇒ ZIO[R1, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R1, E, A]

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action that does not need access to the resource.

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action that does not need access to the resource. The acquire and release actions will be performed uninterruptibly.

  6. def acquireReleaseAttempt[A](acquire: ⇒ A)(release: ⇒ Any)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A]

    Lifts a synchronous effect into ZManaged[R, Throwable, A] with a release action that does not need access to the resource.

    Lifts a synchronous effect into ZManaged[R, Throwable, A] with a release action that does not need access to the resource. The acquire and release actions will be performed uninterruptibly.

  7. def acquireReleaseAttemptWith[A](acquire: ⇒ A)(release: (A) ⇒ Any)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A]

    Lifts a synchronous effect into ZManaged[R, Throwable, A] with a release action.

    Lifts a synchronous effect into ZManaged[R, Throwable, A] with a release action. The acquire and release actions will be performed uninterruptibly.

  8. def acquireReleaseExit[R, R1 <: R, E, A](acquire: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, A])(release: (Exit[Any, Any]) ⇒ ZIO[R1, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R1, E, A]

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action that does not need access to the resource but handles Exit.

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action that does not need access to the resource but handles Exit. The acquire and release actions will be performed uninterruptibly.

  9. def acquireReleaseExitWith[R, R1 <: R, E, A](acquire: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, A])(release: (A, Exit[Any, Any]) ⇒ ZIO[R1, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R1, E, A]

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action that handles Exit.

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action that handles Exit. The acquire and release actions will be performed uninterruptibly.

  10. def acquireReleaseInterruptible[R, R1 <: R, E, A](acquire: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, A])(release: ⇒ ZIO[R1, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R1, E, A]

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action that does not require access to the resource.

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action that does not require access to the resource. The acquire action will be performed interruptibly, while release will be performed uninterruptibly.

  11. def acquireReleaseInterruptibleWith[R, R1 <: R, E, A](acquire: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, A])(release: (A) ⇒ URIO[R1, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R1, E, A]

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action.

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action. The acquire action will be performed interruptibly, while release will be performed uninterruptibly.

  12. def acquireReleaseSucceed[A](acquire: ⇒ A)(release: ⇒ Any)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, A]

    Lifts a synchronous effect that does not throw exceptions into a ZManaged[Any, Nothing, A] with a release action that does not need access to the resource.

    Lifts a synchronous effect that does not throw exceptions into a ZManaged[Any, Nothing, A] with a release action that does not need access to the resource. The acquire and release actions will be performed uninterruptibly.

  13. def acquireReleaseSucceedWith[A](acquire: ⇒ A)(release: (A) ⇒ Any)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, A]

    Lifts a synchronous effect that does not throw exceptions into a ZManaged[Any, Nothing, A] with a release action.

    Lifts a synchronous effect that does not throw exceptions into a ZManaged[Any, Nothing, A] with a release action. The acquire and release actions will be performed uninterruptibly.

  14. def acquireReleaseWith[R, R1 <: R, E, A](acquire: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, A])(release: (A) ⇒ ZIO[R1, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R1, E, A]

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action.

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action. The acquire and release actions will be performed uninterruptibly.

  15. def apply[R, E, A](run0: ZIO[R, E, (Finalizer, A)]): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Creates new ZManaged from a ZIO value that uses a ReleaseMap and returns a resource and a finalizer.

    Creates new ZManaged from a ZIO value that uses a ReleaseMap and returns a resource and a finalizer.

    The correct usage of this constructor consists of:

    • Properly registering a finalizer in the ReleaseMap as part of the ZIO value;
    • Managing interruption safety - take care to use ZIO.uninterruptible or ZIO.uninterruptibleMask to verify that the finalizer is registered in the ReleaseMap after acquiring the value;
    • Returning the finalizer returned from ReleaseMap#add. This is important to prevent double-finalization.
  16. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  17. def attempt[A](r: ⇒ A)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A]

    Lifts a synchronous side-effect into a ZManaged[R, Throwable, A], translating any thrown exceptions into typed failed effects.

  18. def blocking(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, Unit]

    Returns a managed effect that describes shifting to the blocking executor as the acquire action and shifting back to the original executor as the release action.

    Returns a managed effect that describes shifting to the blocking executor as the acquire action and shifting back to the original executor as the release action.

    Definition Classes
  19. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  20. def collect[R, E, A, B, Collection[+Element] <: Iterable[Element]](in: Collection[A])(f: (A) ⇒ ZManaged[R, Option[E], B])(implicit bf: zio.BuildFrom[Collection[A], B, Collection[B]], trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Collection[B]]

    Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, collecting the the successful values and discarding the empty cases.

    Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, collecting the the successful values and discarding the empty cases. For a parallel version, see collectPar.

  21. def collectAll[R, E, A, Collection[+Element] <: Iterable[Element]](ms: Collection[ZManaged[R, E, A]])(implicit bf: zio.BuildFrom[Collection[ZManaged[R, E, A]], A, Collection[A]], trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Collection[A]]

    Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, and collect the results.

    Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, and collect the results. For a parallel version, see collectAllPar.

  22. def collectAllDiscard[R, E, A](ms: ⇒ Iterable[ZManaged[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Unit]

    Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, and discard the results.

    Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, and discard the results. For a parallel version, see collectAllParDiscard.

  23. def collectAllPar[R, E, A, Collection[+Element] <: Iterable[Element]](as: Collection[ZManaged[R, E, A]])(implicit bf: zio.BuildFrom[Collection[ZManaged[R, E, A]], A, Collection[A]], trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Collection[A]]

    Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and collect the results.

    Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and collect the results. For a sequential version, see collectAll.

  24. def collectAllParDiscard[R, E, A](as: ⇒ Iterable[ZManaged[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Unit]

    Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and discard the results.

    Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and discard the results. For a sequential version, see collectAllDiscard.

  25. def collectFirst[R, E, A, B](as: ⇒ Iterable[A])(f: (A) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Option[B]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Option[B]]

    Collects the first element of the Iterable[A] for which the effectual function f returns Some.

  26. def collectPar[R, E, A, B, Collection[+Element] <: Iterable[Element]](in: Collection[A])(f: (A) ⇒ ZManaged[R, Option[E], B])(implicit bf: zio.BuildFrom[Collection[A], B, Collection[B]], trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Collection[B]]

    Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, collecting the the successful values and discarding the empty cases.

  27. def cond[E, A](predicate: ⇒ Boolean, result: ⇒ A, error: ⇒ E)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): Managed[E, A]

    Similar to Either.cond, evaluate the predicate, return the given A as success if predicate returns true, and the given E as error otherwise

  28. lazy val currentReleaseMap: FiberRef[ReleaseMap]
  29. def die(t: ⇒ Throwable)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, Nothing]

    Returns an effect that dies with the specified Throwable.

    Returns an effect that dies with the specified Throwable. This method can be used for terminating a fiber because a defect has been detected in the code.

  30. def dieMessage(message: ⇒ String)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, Nothing]

    Returns an effect that dies with a java.lang.RuntimeException having the specified text message.

    Returns an effect that dies with a java.lang.RuntimeException having the specified text message. This method can be used for terminating a fiber because a defect has been detected in the code.

  31. def done[E, A](r: ⇒ Exit[E, A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, E, A]

    Returns an effect from a lazily evaluated zio.Exit value.

  32. def environment[R](implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, Nothing, ZEnvironment[R]]

    Accesses the whole environment of the effect.

  33. def environmentWithManaged[R]: EnvironmentWithManagedPartiallyApplied[R]

    Create a managed that accesses the environment.

  34. def environmentWithZIO[R]: EnvironmentWithZIOPartiallyApplied[R]

    Create a managed that accesses the environment.

  35. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  36. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  37. def exists[R, E, A](as: ⇒ Iterable[A])(f: (A) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Boolean])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Boolean]

    Determines whether any element of the Iterable[A] satisfies the effectual predicate f.

  38. def fail[E](error: ⇒ E)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, E, Nothing]

    Returns an effect that models failure with the specified error.

    Returns an effect that models failure with the specified error. The moral equivalent of throw for pure code.

  39. def failCause[E](cause: ⇒ Cause[E])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, E, Nothing]

    Returns an effect that models failure with the specified Cause.

  40. def fiberId(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, FiberId]

    Returns an effect that succeeds with the FiberId of the caller.

  41. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  42. def finalizer[R](f: ⇒ URIO[R, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, Nothing, Unit]

    Creates an effect that only executes the provided finalizer as its release action.

  43. def finalizerExit[R](f: (Exit[Any, Any]) ⇒ URIO[R, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, Nothing, Unit]

    Creates an effect that only executes the provided function as its release action.

  44. def finalizerRef[R](initial: ⇒ Finalizer)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, Nothing, Ref[Finalizer]]

    Creates an effect that executes a finalizer stored in a Ref.

    Creates an effect that executes a finalizer stored in a Ref. The Ref is yielded as the result of the effect, allowing for control flows that require mutating finalizers.

  45. def firstSuccessOf[R, E, A](first: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A], rest: ⇒ Iterable[ZManaged[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Returns a managed resource that attempts to acquire the first managed resource and in case of failure, attempts to acquire each of the specified managed resources in order until one of them is successfully acquired, ensuring that the acquired resource is properly released after being used.

  46. def flatten[R, E, A](zManaged: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, ZManaged[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Returns an effect that performs the outer effect first, followed by the inner effect, yielding the value of the inner effect.

    Returns an effect that performs the outer effect first, followed by the inner effect, yielding the value of the inner effect.

    This method can be used to "flatten" nested effects.

  47. def flattenZIO[R, E, A](zManaged: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Returns an effect that performs the outer effect first, followed by the inner effect, yielding the value of the inner effect.

    Returns an effect that performs the outer effect first, followed by the inner effect, yielding the value of the inner effect.

    This method can be used to "flatten" nested effects.

  48. def foldLeft[R, E, S, A](in: ⇒ Iterable[A])(zero: ⇒ S)(f: (S, A) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, S])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, S]

    Folds an Iterable[A] using an effectual function f, working sequentially from left to right.

  49. def forall[R, E, A](as: ⇒ Iterable[A])(f: (A) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Boolean])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Boolean]

    Determines whether all elements of the Iterable[A] satisfy the effectual predicate f.

  50. final def foreach[R, E, A1, A2](in: Option[A1])(f: (A1) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A2])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Option[A2]]

    Applies the function f if the argument is non-empty and returns the results in a new Option[A2].

  51. def foreach[R, E, A1, A2, Collection[+Element] <: Iterable[Element]](in: Collection[A1])(f: (A1) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A2])(implicit bf: zio.BuildFrom[Collection[A1], A2, Collection[A2]], trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Collection[A2]]

    Applies the function f to each element of the Collection[A] and returns the results in a new Collection[B].

    Applies the function f to each element of the Collection[A] and returns the results in a new Collection[B].

    For a parallel version of this method, see foreachPar. If you do not need the results, see foreachDiscard for a more efficient implementation.

  52. def foreachDiscard[R, E, A](as: ⇒ Iterable[A])(f: (A) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Unit]

    Applies the function f to each element of the Iterable[A] and runs produced effects sequentially.

    Applies the function f to each element of the Iterable[A] and runs produced effects sequentially.

    Equivalent to foreach(as)(f).unit, but without the cost of building the list of results.

  53. final def foreachExec[R, E, A, B, Collection[+Element] <: Iterable[Element]](as: Collection[A])(exec: ⇒ ExecutionStrategy)(f: (A) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, B])(implicit bf: zio.BuildFrom[Collection[A], B, Collection[B]], trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Collection[B]]

    Applies the function f to each element of the Collection[A] and returns the result in a new Collection[B] using the specified execution strategy.

  54. def foreachPar[R, E, A1, A2, Collection[+Element] <: Iterable[Element]](as: Collection[A1])(f: (A1) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A2])(implicit bf: zio.BuildFrom[Collection[A1], A2, Collection[A2]], trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Collection[A2]]

    Applies the function f to each element of the Collection[A] in parallel, and returns the results in a new Collection[B].

    Applies the function f to each element of the Collection[A] in parallel, and returns the results in a new Collection[B].

    For a sequential version of this method, see foreach.

  55. def foreachParDiscard[R, E, A](as: ⇒ Iterable[A])(f: (A) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Unit]

    Applies the function f to each element of the Iterable[A] and runs produced effects in parallel, discarding the results.

    Applies the function f to each element of the Iterable[A] and runs produced effects in parallel, discarding the results.

    For a sequential version of this method, see foreachDiscard.

  56. def from[Input](input: ⇒ Input)(implicit constructor: ZManagedConstructor[Input], trace: ZTraceElement): Out

    Constructs a ZManaged value of the appropriate type for the specified input.

  57. def fromAutoCloseable[R, E, A <: AutoCloseable](fa: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Creates a ZManaged from an AutoCloseable resource.

    Creates a ZManaged from an AutoCloseable resource. The resource's close method will be used as the release action.

  58. def fromEither[E, A](v: ⇒ Either[E, A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, E, A]

    Lifts an Either into a ZManaged value.

  59. def fromOption[A](v: ⇒ Option[A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Option[Nothing], A]

    Lifts an Option into a ZManaged but preserves the error as an option in the error channel, making it easier to compose in some scenarios.

  60. def fromReservation[R, E, A](reservation: ⇒ Reservation[R, E, A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Lifts a pure Reservation[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A].

    Lifts a pure Reservation[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A]. The acquisition step is performed interruptibly.

  61. def fromReservationZIO[R, E, A](reservation: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, Reservation[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Creates a ZManaged from a Reservation produced by an effect.

    Creates a ZManaged from a Reservation produced by an effect. Evaluating the effect that produces the reservation will be performed *uninterruptibly*, while the acquisition step of the reservation will be performed *interruptibly*. The release step will be performed uninterruptibly as usual.

    This two-phase acquisition allows for resource acquisition flows that can be safely interrupted and released.

  62. def fromTry[A](value: ⇒ Try[A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): TaskManaged[A]

    Lifts a Try into a ZManaged.

  63. def fromZIO[R, E, A](fa: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with no release action.

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with no release action. The effect will be performed interruptibly.

  64. def fromZIOUninterruptible[R, E, A](fa: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with no release action.

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with no release action. The effect will be performed uninterruptibly. You usually want the ZManaged.fromZIO variant.

  65. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  66. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  67. def ifManaged[R, E](b: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Boolean]): IfManaged[R, E]

    Runs onTrue if the result of b is true and onFalse otherwise.

  68. def interrupt(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, Nothing]

    Returns an effect that is interrupted as if by the fiber calling this method.

  69. def interruptAs(fiberId: ⇒ FiberId)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, Nothing]

    Returns an effect that is interrupted as if by the specified fiber.

  70. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  71. def iterate[R, E, S](initial: ⇒ S)(cont: (S) ⇒ Boolean)(body: (S) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, S])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, S]

    Iterates with the specified effectual function.

    Iterates with the specified effectual function. The moral equivalent of:

    var s = initial
    while (cont(s)) {
      s = body(s)
  72. def lock(executor: ⇒ Executor)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, Unit]

    Returns a managed effect that describes shifting to the specified executor as the acquire action and shifting back to the original executor as the release action.

  73. def loop[R, E, A, S](initial: ⇒ S)(cont: (S) ⇒ Boolean, inc: (S) ⇒ S)(body: (S) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, List[A]]

    Loops with the specified effectual function, collecting the results into a list.

    Loops with the specified effectual function, collecting the results into a list. The moral equivalent of:

    var s  = initial
    var as = List.empty[A]
    while (cont(s)) {
      as = body(s) :: as
      s  = inc(s)
  74. def loopDiscard[R, E, S](initial: ⇒ S)(cont: (S) ⇒ Boolean, inc: (S) ⇒ S)(body: (S) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Unit]

    Loops with the specified effectual function purely for its effects.

    Loops with the specified effectual function purely for its effects. The moral equivalent of:

    var s = initial
    while (cont(s)) {
      s = inc(s)
  75. def memoize[R, E, A, B](f: (A) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, B])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, (A) ⇒ ZIO[R, E, B]]

    Returns a memoized version of the specified resourceful function in the context of a managed scope.

    Returns a memoized version of the specified resourceful function in the context of a managed scope. Each time the memoized function is evaluated a new resource will be acquired, if the function has not already been evaluated with that input, or else the previously acquired resource will be returned. All resources acquired by evaluating the function will be released at the end of the scope.

  76. def mergeAll[R, E, A, B](in: ⇒ Iterable[ZManaged[R, E, A]])(zero: ⇒ B)(f: (B, A) ⇒ B)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, B]

    Merges an Iterable[ZManaged] to a single ZManaged, working sequentially.

  77. def mergeAllPar[R, E, A, B](in: ⇒ Iterable[ZManaged[R, E, A]])(zero: ⇒ B)(f: (B, A) ⇒ B)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, B]

    Merges an Iterable[ZManaged] to a single ZManaged, working in parallel.

    Merges an Iterable[ZManaged] to a single ZManaged, working in parallel.

    Due to the parallel nature of this combinator, f must be both:

    • commutative: f(a, b) == f(b, a)
    • associative: f(a, f(b, c)) == f(f(a, b), c)
  78. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  79. def never(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, Nothing]

    Returns a ZManaged that never acquires a resource.

  80. val none: Managed[Nothing, Option[Nothing]]

    Returns a ZManaged with the empty value.

  81. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  82. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  83. def onExecutor(executor: ⇒ Executor)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, Unit]

    Returns a managed effect that describes shifting to the specified executor as the acquire action and shifting back to the original executor as the release action.

  84. def parallelism(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, Option[Int]]

    Retrieves the maximum number of fibers for parallel operators or None if it is unbounded.

  85. def preallocationScope(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): Managed[Nothing, PreallocationScope]

    Creates a scope in which resources can be safely preallocated.

  86. def provide[RIn, E, ROut, RIn2, ROut2](builder: ZLayer[RIn, E, ROut])(managed: ZManaged[ROut with RIn2, E, ROut2])(implicit ev: zio.Tag[RIn2], tag: zio.Tag[ROut], trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[RIn with RIn2, E, ROut2]
  87. def readFile(path: String)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, IOException, ZInputStream]
    Definition Classes
  88. def readFile(path: Path)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, IOException, ZInputStream]
    Definition Classes
  89. def readURI(uri: URI)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, IOException, ZInputStream]
    Definition Classes
  90. def readURL(url: String)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, IOException, ZInputStream]
    Definition Classes
  91. def readURL(url: URL)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, IOException, ZInputStream]
    Definition Classes
  92. def reduceAll[R, E, A](a: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A], as: ⇒ Iterable[ZManaged[R, E, A]])(f: (A, A) ⇒ A)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Reduces an Iterable[IO] to a single IO, working sequentially.

  93. def reduceAllPar[R, E, A](a: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A], as: ⇒ Iterable[ZManaged[R, E, A]])(f: (A, A) ⇒ A)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Reduces an Iterable[IO] to a single IO, working in parallel.

  94. def releaseMap(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, ReleaseMap]

    Provides access to the entire map of resources allocated by this ZManaged.

  95. def runtime[R](implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, Nothing, Runtime[R]]

    Returns an ZManaged that accesses the runtime, which can be used to (unsafely) execute tasks.

    Returns an ZManaged that accesses the runtime, which can be used to (unsafely) execute tasks. This is useful for integration with legacy code that must call back into ZIO code.

  96. def sandbox[R, E, A](v: ZManaged[R, E, A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, Cause[E], A]
  97. def scope(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): Managed[Nothing, Scope]

    Creates a scope in which resources can be safely allocated into together with a release action.

  98. def service[A](implicit arg0: zio.Tag[A], arg1: IsNotIntersection[A], trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[A, Nothing, A]

    Accesses the specified service in the environment of the effect.

  99. def serviceAt[Service]: ServiceAtPartiallyApplied[Service]

    Accesses the service corresponding to the specified key in the environment.

  100. def serviceWith[Service]: ServiceWithPartiallyApplied[Service]

    Accesses the specified service in the environment of the effect.

    Accesses the specified service in the environment of the effect.

    def foo(int: Int) = ZManaged.serviceWith[Foo](
  101. def serviceWithManaged[Service]: ServiceWithManagedPartiallyApplied[Service]

    Effectfully accesses the specified managed service in the environment of the effect .

    Effectfully accesses the specified managed service in the environment of the effect .

    Especially useful for creating "accessor" methods on Services' companion objects accessing managed resources.

    trait Foo {
      def start(): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, Unit]
    def start: ZManaged[Foo, Nothing, Unit] =
  102. def serviceWithZIO[Service]: ServiceWithZIOPartiallyApplied[Service]

    Effectfully accesses the specified service in the environment of the effect.

    Effectfully accesses the specified service in the environment of the effect.

    def foo(int: Int) = ZManaged.serviceWith[Foo](
  103. def shift(executor: ⇒ Executor)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, Unit]

    Returns a managed effect that describes shifting to the specified executor as the acquire action with no release action.

  104. def some[A](a: ⇒ A)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): UManaged[Option[A]]

    Returns an effect with the optional value.

  105. def succeed[A](r: ⇒ A)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, A]

    Lifts a lazy, pure value into a Managed.

  106. def suspend[R, E, A](zManaged: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Returns a lazily constructed Managed.

  107. def switchable[R, E, A](implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, Nothing, (ZManaged[R, E, A]) ⇒ ZIO[R, E, A]]

    Returns a ZManaged value that represents a managed resource that can be safely swapped within the scope of the ZManaged.

    Returns a ZManaged value that represents a managed resource that can be safely swapped within the scope of the ZManaged. The function provided inside the ZManaged can be used to switch the resource currently in use.

    When the resource is switched, the finalizer for the previous finalizer will be executed uninterruptibly. If the effect executing inside the ZManaged#use is interrupted, the finalizer for the resource currently in use is guaranteed to execute.

    This constructor can be used to create an expressive control flow that uses several instances of a managed resource. For example:

    def makeWriter: Task[FileWriter]
    trait FileWriter {
      def write(data: Int): Task[Unit]
      def close: UIO[Unit]
    val elements = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
    val writingProgram =
      ZManaged.switchable[Any, Throwable, FileWriter].use { switchWriter =>
        ZIO.foreachDiscard(elements) { element =>
          for {
            writer <- switchWriter(makeWriter.toManaged(_.close))
            _      <- writer.write(element)
          } yield ()
  108. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  109. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  110. lazy val unit: ZManaged[Any, Nothing, Unit]

    Returns the effect resulting from mapping the success of this effect to unit.

  111. def unless[R, E, A](b: ⇒ Boolean)(zManaged: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Option[A]]

    The moral equivalent of if (!p) exp

  112. def unlessManaged[R, E](b: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Boolean]): UnlessManaged[R, E]

    The moral equivalent of if (!p) exp when p has side-effects

  113. def unsandbox[R, E, A](v: ⇒ ZManaged[R, Cause[E], A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    The inverse operation to sandbox.

    The inverse operation to sandbox. Submerges the full cause of failure.

  114. def unwrap[R, E, A](fa: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, ZManaged[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Unwraps a ZManaged that is inside a ZIO.

  115. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  116. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  117. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  118. def when[R, E, A](b: ⇒ Boolean)(zManaged: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Option[A]]

    The moral equivalent of if (p) exp

  119. def whenCase[R, E, A, B](a: ⇒ A)(pf: PartialFunction[A, ZManaged[R, E, B]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Option[B]]

    Runs an effect when the supplied PartialFunction matches for the given value, otherwise does nothing.

  120. def whenCaseManaged[R, E, A, B](a: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A])(pf: PartialFunction[A, ZManaged[R, E, B]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Option[B]]

    Runs an effect when the supplied PartialFunction matches for the given effectful value, otherwise does nothing.

  121. def whenManaged[R, E](b: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Boolean]): WhenManaged[R, E]

    The moral equivalent of if (p) exp when p has side-effects

  122. def withChildren[R, E, A](get: (UIO[Chunk[Fiber.Runtime[Any, Any]]]) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Locally installs a supervisor and an effect that succeeds with all the children that have been forked in the returned effect.

  123. def withParallism(n: ⇒ Int)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, Unit]

    Returns a managed effect that describes setting the specified maximum number of fibers for parallel operators as the acquire action and setting it back to the original value as the release action.

  124. def withParallismUnbounded(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, Unit]

    Returns a managed effect that describes setting an unbounded maximum number of fibers for parallel operators as the acquire action and setting it back to the original value as the release action.

  125. def withRuntimeConfig(runtimeConfig: ⇒ RuntimeConfig)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, Unit]

    Returns a managed effect that describes setting the runtime configuration to the specified value as the acquire action and setting it back to the original runtime configuration as the release action.

  126. def writeFile(path: Path)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, IOException, ZOutputStream]
    Definition Classes
  127. def writeFile(path: String)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, IOException, ZOutputStream]
    Definition Classes
  128. object Finalizer
  129. object ReleaseMap extends Serializable
  130. object ZManagedConstructor extends ZManagedConstructorLowPriority1

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def access[R]: EnvironmentWithPartiallyApplied[R]

    Create a managed that accesses the environment.

    Create a managed that accesses the environment.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use environmentWith

  2. def accessM[R]: EnvironmentWithZIOPartiallyApplied[R]

    Create a managed that accesses the environment.

    Create a managed that accesses the environment.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use environmentWithZIO

  3. def accessManaged[R]: EnvironmentWithManagedPartiallyApplied[R]

    Create a managed that accesses the environment.

    Create a managed that accesses the environment.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use environmentWithManaged

  4. def accessZIO[R]: EnvironmentWithZIOPartiallyApplied[R]

    Create a managed that accesses the environment.

    Create a managed that accesses the environment.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use environmentWithZIO

  5. def collectAllParN[R, E, A, Collection[+Element] <: Iterable[Element]](n: ⇒ Int)(as: Collection[ZManaged[R, E, A]])(implicit bf: zio.BuildFrom[Collection[ZManaged[R, E, A]], A, Collection[A]], trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Collection[A]]

    Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and collect the results.

    Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and collect the results. For a sequential version, see collectAll.

    Unlike CollectAllPar, this method will use at most n fibers.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use collectAllPar

  6. def collectAllParNDiscard[R, E, A](n: ⇒ Int)(as: ⇒ Iterable[ZManaged[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Unit]

    Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and discard the results.

    Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and discard the results. For a sequential version, see collectAllDiscard.

    Unlike collectAllParDiscard, this method will use at most n fibers.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use collectAllParDiscard

  7. def collectAllParN_[R, E, A](n: ⇒ Int)(as: ⇒ Iterable[ZManaged[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Unit]

    Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and discard the results.

    Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and discard the results. For a sequential version, see collectAll_.

    Unlike CollectAllPar_, this method will use at most n fibers.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use collectAllParDiscard

  8. def collectAllPar_[R, E, A](as: ⇒ Iterable[ZManaged[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Unit]

    Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and discard the results.

    Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and discard the results. For a sequential version, see collectAll_.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use collectAllParDiscard

  9. def collectAll_[R, E, A](ms: ⇒ Iterable[ZManaged[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Unit]

    Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, and discard the results.

    Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, and discard the results. For a parallel version, see collectAllPar_.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use collectAllDiscard

  10. def collectParN[R, E, A, B, Collection[+Element] <: Iterable[Element]](n: ⇒ Int)(in: Collection[A])(f: (A) ⇒ ZManaged[R, Option[E], B])(implicit bf: zio.BuildFrom[Collection[A], B, Collection[B]], trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Collection[B]]

    Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, collecting the the successful values and discarding the empty cases.

    Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, collecting the the successful values and discarding the empty cases.

    Unlike collectPar, this method will use at most up to n fibers.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use collectAllPar

  11. def effect[A](r: ⇒ A)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A]

    Lifts a synchronous side-effect into a ZManaged[R, Throwable, A], translating any thrown exceptions into typed failed effects.

    Lifts a synchronous side-effect into a ZManaged[R, Throwable, A], translating any thrown exceptions into typed failed effects.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use attempt

  12. def effectTotal[A](r: ⇒ A)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, A]

    Lifts a by-name, pure value into a Managed.

    Lifts a by-name, pure value into a Managed.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use succeed

  13. def environmentWith[R]: EnvironmentWithPartiallyApplied[R]

    Create a managed that accesses the environment.

    Create a managed that accesses the environment.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use serviceWith

  14. def flattenM[R, E, A](zManaged: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Returns an effect that performs the outer effect first, followed by the inner effect, yielding the value of the inner effect.

    Returns an effect that performs the outer effect first, followed by the inner effect, yielding the value of the inner effect.

    This method can be used to "flatten" nested effects.


    (Since version 2,0.0) use flattenZIO

  15. def foreachParN[R, E, A1, A2, Collection[+Element] <: Iterable[Element]](n0: ⇒ Int)(as: Collection[A1])(f: (A1) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A2])(implicit bf: zio.BuildFrom[Collection[A1], A2, Collection[A2]], trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Collection[A2]]

    Applies the function f to each element of the Collection[A] in parallel, and returns the results in a new Collection[B].

    Applies the function f to each element of the Collection[A] in parallel, and returns the results in a new Collection[B].

    Unlike foreachPar, this method will use at most up to n fibers.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use foreachPar

  16. def foreachParNDiscard[R, E, A](n0: ⇒ Int)(as: ⇒ Iterable[A])(f: (A) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Unit]

    Applies the function f to each element of the Iterable[A] and runs produced effects in parallel, discarding the results.

    Applies the function f to each element of the Iterable[A] and runs produced effects in parallel, discarding the results.

    Unlike foreachParDiscard, this method will use at most up to n fibers.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use foreachParDiscard

  17. def foreachParN_[R, E, A](n: ⇒ Int)(as: ⇒ Iterable[A])(f: (A) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Unit]

    Applies the function f to each element of the Iterable[A] and runs produced effects in parallel, discarding the results.

    Applies the function f to each element of the Iterable[A] and runs produced effects in parallel, discarding the results.

    Unlike foreachPar_, this method will use at most up to n fibers.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use foreachParDiscard

  18. def foreachPar_[R, E, A](as: ⇒ Iterable[A])(f: (A) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Unit]

    Applies the function f to each element of the Iterable[A] and runs produced effects in parallel, discarding the results.

    Applies the function f to each element of the Iterable[A] and runs produced effects in parallel, discarding the results.

    For a sequential version of this method, see foreach_.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use foreachParDiscard

  19. def foreach_[R, E, A](as: ⇒ Iterable[A])(f: (A) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Unit]

    Applies the function f to each element of the Iterable[A] and runs produced effects sequentially.

    Applies the function f to each element of the Iterable[A] and runs produced effects sequentially.

    Equivalent to foreach(as)(f).unit, but without the cost of building the list of results.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use foreachDiscard

  20. def fromEffect[R, E, A](fa: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with no release action.

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with no release action. The effect will be performed interruptibly.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use fromZIO

  21. def fromEffectUninterruptible[R, E, A](fa: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with no release action.

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with no release action. The effect will be performed uninterruptibly. You usually want the ZManaged.fromZIO variant.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use fromZIOUninterruptible

  22. def fromFunction[R, A](f: (ZEnvironment[R]) ⇒ A)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, Nothing, A]

    Lifts a function R => A into a ZManaged[R, Nothing, A].

    Lifts a function R => A into a ZManaged[R, Nothing, A].


    (Since version 2.0.0) use access

  23. def fromFunctionM[R, E, A](f: (ZEnvironment[R]) ⇒ ZManaged[Any, E, A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Lifts an effectful function whose effect requires no environment into an effect that requires the input to the function.

    Lifts an effectful function whose effect requires no environment into an effect that requires the input to the function.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use environmentWithZIOManaged

  24. def halt[E](cause: ⇒ Cause[E])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, E, Nothing]

    Returns an effect that models failure with the specified Cause.

    Returns an effect that models failure with the specified Cause.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use failCause

  25. def ifM[R, E](b: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Boolean]): IfManaged[R, E]

    Runs onTrue if the result of b is true and onFalse otherwise.

    Runs onTrue if the result of b is true and onFalse otherwise.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use ifManaged

  26. def loop_[R, E, S](initial: ⇒ S)(cont: (S) ⇒ Boolean, inc: (S) ⇒ S)(body: (S) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Unit]

    Loops with the specified effectual function purely for its effects.

    Loops with the specified effectual function purely for its effects. The moral equivalent of:

    var s = initial
    while (cont(s)) {
      s = inc(s)

    (Since version 2.0.0) use loopDiscard

  27. def make[R, R1 <: R, E, A](acquire: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, A])(release: (A) ⇒ ZIO[R1, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R1, E, A]

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action.

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action. The acquire and release actions will be performed uninterruptibly.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use acquireReleaseWith

  28. def makeEffect[A](acquire: ⇒ A)(release: (A) ⇒ Any)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A]

    Lifts a synchronous effect into ZManaged[R, Throwable, A] with a release action.

    Lifts a synchronous effect into ZManaged[R, Throwable, A] with a release action. The acquire and release actions will be performed uninterruptibly.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use acquireReleaseAttemptWith

  29. def makeEffectTotal[A](acquire: ⇒ A)(release: (A) ⇒ Any)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, A]

    Lifts a synchronous effect that does not throw exceptions into a ZManaged[Any, Nothing, A] with a release action.

    Lifts a synchronous effect that does not throw exceptions into a ZManaged[Any, Nothing, A] with a release action. The acquire and release actions will be performed uninterruptibly.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use acquireReleaseSucceedWith

  30. def makeEffectTotal_[A](acquire: ⇒ A)(release: ⇒ Any)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Nothing, A]

    Lifts a synchronous effect that does not throw exceptions into a ZManaged[Any, Nothing, A] with a release action that does not need access to the resource.

    Lifts a synchronous effect that does not throw exceptions into a ZManaged[Any, Nothing, A] with a release action that does not need access to the resource. The acquire and release actions will be performed uninterruptibly.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use acquireReleaseSucceed

  31. def makeEffect_[A](acquire: ⇒ A)(release: ⇒ Any)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A]

    Lifts a synchronous effect into ZManaged[R, Throwable, A] with a release action that does not need access to the resource.

    Lifts a synchronous effect into ZManaged[R, Throwable, A] with a release action that does not need access to the resource. The acquire and release actions will be performed uninterruptibly.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use acquireReleaseAttempt

  32. def makeExit[R, R1 <: R, E, A](acquire: ZIO[R, E, A])(release: (A, Exit[Any, Any]) ⇒ ZIO[R1, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R1, E, A]

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action that handles Exit.

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action that handles Exit. The acquire and release actions will be performed uninterruptibly.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use acquireReleaseExitWith

  33. def makeExit_[R, R1 <: R, E, A](acquire: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, A])(release: (Exit[Any, Any]) ⇒ ZIO[R1, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R1, E, A]

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action that does not need access to the resource but handles Exit.

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action that does not need access to the resource but handles Exit. The acquire and release actions will be performed uninterruptibly.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use acquireReleaseExit

  34. def makeInterruptible[R, R1 <: R, E, A](acquire: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, A])(release: (A) ⇒ URIO[R, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action.

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action. The acquire action will be performed interruptibly, while release will be performed uninterruptibly.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use acquireReleaseInterruptibleWith

  35. def makeInterruptible_[R, R1 <: R, E, A](acquire: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, A])(release: ⇒ ZIO[R1, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R1, E, A]

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action that does not require access to the resource.

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action that does not require access to the resource. The acquire action will be performed interruptibly, while release will be performed uninterruptibly.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use acquireReleaseInterruptible

  36. def makeReserve[R, E, A](reservation: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, Reservation[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Creates a ZManaged from a Reservation produced by an effect.

    Creates a ZManaged from a Reservation produced by an effect. Evaluating the effect that produces the reservation will be performed *uninterruptibly*, while the acquisition step of the reservation will be performed *interruptibly*. The release step will be performed uninterruptibly as usual.

    This two-phase acquisition allows for resource acquisition flows that can be safely interrupted and released.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use fromReservationZIO

  37. def make_[R, R1 <: R, E, A](acquire: ⇒ ZIO[R, E, A])(release: ⇒ ZIO[R1, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R1, E, A]

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action that does not need access to the resource.

    Lifts a ZIO[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A] with a release action that does not need access to the resource. The acquire and release actions will be performed uninterruptibly.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use acquireRelease

  38. def mapN[R, E, A, B, C, D, F](zManaged1: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A], zManaged2: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, B], zManaged3: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, C], zManaged4: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, D])(f: (A, B, C, D) ⇒ F)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, F]

    Sequentially zips the specified effects using the specified combiner function.

    Sequentially zips the specified effects using the specified combiner function.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use zip

  39. def mapN[R, E, A, B, C, D](zManaged1: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A], zManaged2: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, B], zManaged3: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, C])(f: (A, B, C) ⇒ D)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, D]

    Sequentially zips the specified effects using the specified combiner function.

    Sequentially zips the specified effects using the specified combiner function.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use zip

  40. def mapN[R, E, A, B, C](zManaged1: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A], zManaged2: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, B])(f: (A, B) ⇒ C)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, C]

    Sequentially zips the specified effects using the specified combiner function.

    Sequentially zips the specified effects using the specified combiner function.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use zip

  41. def mapParN[R, E, A, B, C, D, F](zManaged1: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A], zManaged2: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, B], zManaged3: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, C], zManaged4: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, D])(f: (A, B, C, D) ⇒ F)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, F]

    Returns an effect that executes the specified effects in parallel, combining their results with the specified f function.

    Returns an effect that executes the specified effects in parallel, combining their results with the specified f function. If any effect fails, then the other effects will be interrupted.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use zipPar

  42. def mapParN[R, E, A, B, C, D](zManaged1: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A], zManaged2: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, B], zManaged3: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, C])(f: (A, B, C) ⇒ D)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, D]

    Returns an effect that executes the specified effects in parallel, combining their results with the specified f function.

    Returns an effect that executes the specified effects in parallel, combining their results with the specified f function. If any effect fails, then the other effects will be interrupted.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use zipPar

  43. def mapParN[R, E, A, B, C](zManaged1: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A], zManaged2: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, B])(f: (A, B) ⇒ C)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, C]

    Returns an effect that executes the specified effects in parallel, combining their results with the specified f function.

    Returns an effect that executes the specified effects in parallel, combining their results with the specified f function. If any effect fails, then the other effects will be interrupted.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use zipPar

  44. def mergeAllParN[R, E, A, B](n0: ⇒ Int)(in: ⇒ Iterable[ZManaged[R, E, A]])(zero: ⇒ B)(f: (B, A) ⇒ B)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, B]

    Merges an Iterable[ZManaged] to a single ZManaged, working in parallel.

    Merges an Iterable[ZManaged] to a single ZManaged, working in parallel.

    Due to the parallel nature of this combinator, f must be both:

    • commutative: f(a, b) == f(b, a)
    • associative: f(a, f(b, c)) == f(f(a, b), c)

    Unlike mergeAllPar, this method will use at most up to n fibers.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use mergeAllPar

  45. def reduceAllParN[R, E, A](n0: ⇒ Int)(a: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A], as: ⇒ Iterable[ZManaged[R, E, A]])(f: (A, A) ⇒ A)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Reduces an Iterable[IO] to a single IO, working in parallel.

    Reduces an Iterable[IO] to a single IO, working in parallel.

    Unlike mergeAllPar, this method will use at most up to n fibers.

    This is not implemented in terms of ZIO.foreach / ZManaged.zipWithPar as otherwise all reservation phases would always run, causing unnecessary work


    (Since version 2.0.0) use reduceAllPar

  46. def require[R, E, A](error: ⇒ E)(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): (ZManaged[R, E, Option[A]]) ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Requires that the given ZManaged[E, Option[A]] contain a value.

    Requires that the given ZManaged[E, Option[A]] contain a value. If there is no value, then the specified error will be raised.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use someOrFail

  47. def reserve[R, E, A](reservation: ⇒ Reservation[R, E, A])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, A]

    Lifts a pure Reservation[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A].

    Lifts a pure Reservation[R, E, A] into ZManaged[R, E, A]. The acquisition step is performed interruptibly.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use fromReservation

  48. def services[A, B, C, D](implicit arg0: zio.Tag[A], arg1: IsNotIntersection[A], arg2: zio.Tag[B], arg3: IsNotIntersection[B], arg4: zio.Tag[C], arg5: IsNotIntersection[C], arg6: zio.Tag[D], arg7: IsNotIntersection[D], trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[A with B with C with D, Nothing, (A, B, C, D)]

    Accesses the specified services in the environment of the effect.

    Accesses the specified services in the environment of the effect.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use service

  49. def services[A, B, C](implicit arg0: zio.Tag[A], arg1: IsNotIntersection[A], arg2: zio.Tag[B], arg3: IsNotIntersection[B], arg4: zio.Tag[C], arg5: IsNotIntersection[C], trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[A with B with C, Nothing, (A, B, C)]

    Accesses the specified services in the environment of the effect.

    Accesses the specified services in the environment of the effect.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use service

  50. def services[A, B](implicit arg0: zio.Tag[A], arg1: IsNotIntersection[A], arg2: zio.Tag[B], arg3: IsNotIntersection[B], trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[A with B, Nothing, (A, B)]

    Accesses the specified services in the environment of the effect.

    Accesses the specified services in the environment of the effect.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use service

  51. def unlessM[R, E](b: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Boolean]): UnlessManaged[R, E]

    The moral equivalent of if (!p) exp when p has side-effects

    The moral equivalent of if (!p) exp when p has side-effects


    (Since version 2.0.0) use unlessManaged

  52. def whenCaseM[R, E, A, B](a: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, A])(pf: PartialFunction[A, ZManaged[R, E, B]])(implicit trace: ZTraceElement): ZManaged[R, E, Option[B]]

    Runs an effect when the supplied PartialFunction matches for the given effectful value, otherwise does nothing.

    Runs an effect when the supplied PartialFunction matches for the given effectful value, otherwise does nothing.


    (Since version 2.0.0) use whenCaseManaged

  53. def whenM[R, E](b: ⇒ ZManaged[R, E, Boolean]): WhenManaged[R, E]

    The moral equivalent of if (p) exp when p has side-effects

    The moral equivalent of if (p) exp when p has side-effects


    (Since version 2.0.0) use whenManaged

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from ZManagedPlatformSpecific

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
