



package metrics

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Metric[+Type, -In, +Out] extends ZIOAspect[Nothing, Any, Nothing, Any, Nothing, In]

    A Metric[In, Out] represents a concurrent metric, which accepts updates of type In, which are aggregated to a stateful value of type Out.

    A Metric[In, Out] represents a concurrent metric, which accepts updates of type In, which are aggregated to a stateful value of type Out.

    For example, a counter metric would have type Metric[Double, Double], representing the fact that the metric can be updated with doubles (the amount to increment or decrement the counter by), and the state of the counter is a double.

    There are five primitive metric types supported by ZIO:

    • Counters
    • Frequencies
    • Gauges
    • Histograms
    • Summaries

    The companion object contains constructors for these primitive metrics. All metrics are derived from these primitive metrics.

  2. final case class MetricKey[+Type] extends Product with Serializable

    A MetricKey is a unique key associated with each metric.

    A MetricKey is a unique key associated with each metric. The key is based on a combination of the metric type, the name and tags associated with the metric, and any other information to describe a a metric, such as the boundaries of a histogram. In this way, it is impossible to ever create different metrics with conflicting keys.

  3. sealed trait MetricKeyType extends AnyRef
  4. final case class MetricLabel(key: String, value: String) extends Product with Serializable

    A MetricLabel represents a key value pair that allows analyzing metrics at an additional level of granularity.

    A MetricLabel represents a key value pair that allows analyzing metrics at an additional level of granularity. For example if a metric tracks the response time of a service labels could be used to create separate versions that track response times for different clients.

  5. final case class MetricPair[Type <: MetricKeyType { type Out = Out0 }, Out0](metricKey: MetricKey[Type], metricState: MetricState[Out0]) extends Product with Serializable
  6. sealed trait MetricState[+Type] extends AnyRef

    A MetricState describes the state of a metric.

    A MetricState describes the state of a metric. The type parameter of a metric state corresponds to the type of the metric key (MetricKeyType). This phantom type parameter is used to tie keys to their expected states.

  7. trait PollingMetric[-R, +E, +Out] extends AnyRef

    A PollingMetric[Type, Out] is a combination of a metric and an effect that polls for updates to the metric.
