
final implicit class HasSyntax[Self <: Has[_]](self: Self) extends AnyVal
class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def ++[B <: Has[_] : Tag](that: B): Self & B
def add[B](b: B)(implicit tagged: Tag[B]): Self & Has[B]

Adds a service to the environment.

Adds a service to the environment.

def get[B](implicit ev: Self <:< Has[B], tagged: Tag[B]): B

Retrieves a service from the environment.

Retrieves a service from the environment.

def prune(implicit tagged: Tag[Self]): Self

Prunes the environment to the set of services statically known to be contained within it.

Prunes the environment to the set of services statically known to be contained within it.

def union[B <: Has[_] : Tag](that: B): Self & B

Combines this environment with the specified environment.

Combines this environment with the specified environment.

def unionAll[B <: Has[_]](that: B): Self & B

Combines this environment with the specified environment. In the event of service collisions, which may not be reflected in statically known types, the right hand side will be preferred.

Combines this environment with the specified environment. In the event of service collisions, which may not be reflected in statically known types, the right hand side will be preferred.

def update[B : Tag](f: B => B)(implicit evidence$258: Tag[B], ev: MustHave[Self, B]): Self

Updates a service in the environment.

Updates a service in the environment.