
See theMetric companion trait
object Metric


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Type members


implicit class CounterSyntax[In](counter: Metric[Counter, In, Any])


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
implicit class GaugeSyntax[In](gauge: Metric[Gauge, In, Any])


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
implicit class InvariantSyntax[Type, In, Out](self: Metric[Type, In, Out])


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object runtime

Core metrics that are updated by the ZIO runtime system.

Core metrics that are updated by the ZIO runtime system.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type


type Counter[-In] = Metric[Counter, In, Counter]
type Frequency[-In] = Metric[Frequency, In, Frequency]
type Gauge[-In] = Metric[Gauge, In, Gauge]
type Histogram[-In] = Metric[Histogram, In, Histogram]
type Summary[-In] = Metric[Summary, In, Summary]

Value members

Concrete methods

def counter(name: String): Counter[Long]

A counter, which can be incremented by longs.

A counter, which can be incremented by longs.


def counter(name: String, description: String): Counter[Long]

A counter, which can be incremented by longs.

A counter, which can be incremented by longs.


A counter, which can be incremented by doubles.

A counter, which can be incremented by doubles.


def counterDouble(name: String, description: String): Counter[Double]

A counter, which can be incremented by doubles.

A counter, which can be incremented by doubles.


def counterInt(name: String): Counter[Int]

A counter, which can be incremented by integers.

A counter, which can be incremented by integers.


def counterInt(name: String, description: String): Counter[Int]

A counter, which can be incremented by integers.

A counter, which can be incremented by integers.


A string histogram metric, which keeps track of the counts of different strings.

A string histogram metric, which keeps track of the counts of different strings.


def frequency(name: String, description: String): Frequency[String]

A string histogram metric, which keeps track of the counts of different strings.

A string histogram metric, which keeps track of the counts of different strings.


def fromMetricKey[Type <: MetricKeyType](key: MetricKey[Type]): Metric[Type, In, Out]

Creates a metric from a metric key. This is the primary constructor for zio.metrics.Metric.

Creates a metric from a metric key. This is the primary constructor for zio.metrics.Metric.


def gauge(name: String): Gauge[Double]

A gauge, which can be set to a value.

A gauge, which can be set to a value.


def gauge(name: String, description: String): Gauge[Double]

A gauge, which can be set to a value.

A gauge, which can be set to a value.


def histogram(name: String, boundaries: Boundaries): Histogram[Double]

A numeric histogram metric, which keeps track of the count of numbers that fall in bins with the specified boundaries.

A numeric histogram metric, which keeps track of the count of numbers that fall in bins with the specified boundaries.


def histogram(name: String, description: String, boundaries: Boundaries): Histogram[Double]

A numeric histogram metric, which keeps track of the count of numbers that fall in bins with the specified boundaries.

A numeric histogram metric, which keeps track of the count of numbers that fall in bins with the specified boundaries.


def succeed[Out](out: => Out): Metric[Unit, Any, Out]

Creates a metric that ignores input and produces constant output.

Creates a metric that ignores input and produces constant output.


def summary(name: String, maxAge: Duration, maxSize: Int, error: Double, quantiles: Chunk[Double]): Summary[Double]

A summary metric.

A summary metric.


def summary(name: String, description: String, maxAge: Duration, maxSize: Int, error: Double, quantiles: Chunk[Double]): Summary[Double]

A summary metric.

A summary metric.


def summaryInstant(name: String, maxAge: Duration, maxSize: Int, error: Double, quantiles: Chunk[Double]): Summary[(Double, Instant)]
def summaryInstant(name: String, description: String, maxAge: Duration, maxSize: Int, error: Double, quantiles: Chunk[Double]): Summary[(Double, Instant)]
def timer(name: String, chronoUnit: ChronoUnit): Metric[Histogram, Duration, Histogram]

Creates a timer metric, based on a histogram, which keeps track of durations in the specified unit of time (milliseconds, seconds, etc.). The unit of time will automatically be added to the metric as a tag ("time_unit: milliseconds").

Creates a timer metric, based on a histogram, which keeps track of durations in the specified unit of time (milliseconds, seconds, etc.). The unit of time will automatically be added to the metric as a tag ("time_unit: milliseconds").


def timer(name: String, description: String, chronoUnit: ChronoUnit): Metric[Histogram, Duration, Histogram]

Creates a timer metric, based on a histogram, which keeps track of durations in the specified unit of time (milliseconds, seconds, etc.). The unit of time will automatically be added to the metric as a tag ("time_unit: milliseconds").

Creates a timer metric, based on a histogram, which keeps track of durations in the specified unit of time (milliseconds, seconds, etc.). The unit of time will automatically be added to the metric as a tag ("time_unit: milliseconds").


def timer(name: String, chronoUnit: ChronoUnit, boundaries: Chunk[Double]): Metric[Histogram, Duration, Histogram]
def timer(name: String, description: String, chronoUnit: ChronoUnit, boundaries: Chunk[Double]): Metric[Histogram, Duration, Histogram]



final implicit def CounterSyntax[In](counter: Metric[Counter, In, Any]): CounterSyntax[In]
final implicit def GaugeSyntax[In](gauge: Metric[Gauge, In, Any]): GaugeSyntax[In]
final implicit def InvariantSyntax[Type, In, Out](self: Metric[Type, In, Out]): InvariantSyntax[Type, In, Out]