
abstract class Executor

An executor is responsible for executing actions. Each action is guaranteed to begin execution on a fresh stack frame.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def metrics(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): Option[ExecutionMetrics]

Current sampled execution metrics, if available.

Current sampled execution metrics, if available.

def submit(runnable: Runnable)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): Boolean

Submits an effect for execution.

Submits an effect for execution.

Concrete methods

def submitAndYield(runnable: Runnable)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): Boolean

Submits an effect for execution and signals that the current fiber is ready to yield.

Submits an effect for execution and signals that the current fiber is ready to yield.

final def submitAndYieldOrThrow(runnable: Runnable)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): Unit

Submits an effect for execution and signals that the current fiber is ready to yield or throws.

Submits an effect for execution and signals that the current fiber is ready to yield or throws.

final def submitOrThrow(runnable: Runnable)(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): Unit

Submits an effect for execution or throws.

Submits an effect for execution or throws.

Concrete fields

lazy val asExecutionContext: ExecutionContext

Views this Executor as a Scala ExecutionContext.

Views this Executor as a Scala ExecutionContext.

lazy val asJava: Executor

Views this Executor as a Java Executor.

Views this Executor as a Java Executor.

Inherited fields

lazy val asExecutionContextExecutorService: ExecutionContextExecutorService

Views this Executor as a Scala ExecutionContextExecutorService.

Views this Executor as a Scala ExecutionContextExecutorService.

Inherited from:
ExecutorPlatformSpecific (hidden)