
final implicit class ZLayerProvideSomeOps[RIn, E, ROut](self: ZLayer[RIn, E, ROut]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def >+>[RIn2, E1 >: E, ROut2](that: => ZLayer[ROut & RIn2, E1, ROut2])(implicit tagged: Tag[ROut], tagged2: Tag[ROut2], trace: Trace): ZLayer[RIn & RIn2, E1, ROut & ROut2]

Feeds the output services of this layer into the input of the specified layer, resulting in a new layer with the inputs of this layer, and the outputs of both layers.

Feeds the output services of this layer into the input of the specified layer, resulting in a new layer with the inputs of this layer, and the outputs of both layers.


def >+>[E1 >: E, RIn2 >: ROut, ROut1 >: ROut, ROut2](that: => ZLayer[RIn2, E1, ROut2])(implicit tagged: Tag[ROut2], trace: Trace): ZLayer[RIn, E1, ROut1 & ROut2]

Feeds the output services of this layer into the input of the specified layer, resulting in a new layer with the inputs of this layer, and the outputs of both layers.

Feeds the output services of this layer into the input of the specified layer, resulting in a new layer with the inputs of this layer, and the outputs of both layers.


def >>>[RIn2, E1 >: E, ROut2](that: => ZLayer[ROut & RIn2, E1, ROut2])(implicit tag: Tag[ROut], trace: Trace): ZLayer[RIn & RIn2, E1, ROut2]

Feeds the output services of this layer into the input of the specified layer, resulting in a new layer with the inputs of this layer as well as any leftover inputs, and the outputs of the specified layer.

Feeds the output services of this layer into the input of the specified layer, resulting in a new layer with the inputs of this layer as well as any leftover inputs, and the outputs of the specified layer.


def >>>[E1 >: E, ROut2](that: => ZLayer[ROut, E1, ROut2])(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[RIn, E1, ROut2]

Feeds the output services of this layer into the input of the specified layer, resulting in a new layer with the inputs of this layer as well as any leftover inputs, and the outputs of the specified layer.

Feeds the output services of this layer into the input of the specified layer, resulting in a new layer with the inputs of this layer as well as any leftover inputs, and the outputs of the specified layer.


final def apply[R, E1 >: E, A](zio: ZIO[ROut & R, E1, A])(implicit ev1: Tag[R], ev2: Tag[ROut], ev3: Tag[RIn], trace: Trace): ZIO[RIn & R, E1, A]

Provides an effect with part of its required environment, eliminating its dependency on the services output by this layer.

Provides an effect with part of its required environment, eliminating its dependency on the services output by this layer.
