
sealed trait Primitive[+A] extends Config[A]


trait Config[A]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
object Bool
class Constant[A]
object Decimal
object Duration
class Fail
object Integer
object LocalDate
object LocalDateTime
object LocalTime
object SecretType
object Text
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Self type

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def parse(text: String): Either[Error, A]

Concrete methods

final def description: String
final def missingError(name: String): Error

Inherited methods

def ++[B](that: => Config[B])(implicit zippable: Zippable[A, B]): Config[zippable.Out]

Returns a new config that is the composition of this config and the specified config.

Returns a new config that is the composition of this config and the specified config.


Inherited from:
def ??(label: => String): Config[A]

Adds a description to this configuration, which is intended for humans.

Adds a description to this configuration, which is intended for humans.


Inherited from:
def map[B](f: A => B): Config[B]

Returns a new config whose structure is the same as this one, but which produces a different Scala value, constructed using the specified function.

Returns a new config whose structure is the same as this one, but which produces a different Scala value, constructed using the specified function.


Inherited from:
def mapAttempt[B](f: A => B): Config[B]

Returns a new config whose structure is the same as this one, but which may produce a different Scala value, constructed using the specified function, which may throw exceptions that will be translated into validation errors.

Returns a new config whose structure is the same as this one, but which may produce a different Scala value, constructed using the specified function, which may throw exceptions that will be translated into validation errors.


Inherited from:
def mapOrFail[B](f: A => Either[Error, B]): Config[B]

Returns a new config whose structure is the same as this one, but which may produce a different Scala value, constructed using the specified fallible function.

Returns a new config whose structure is the same as this one, but which may produce a different Scala value, constructed using the specified fallible function.


Inherited from:
def nested(name: => String, names: String*): Config[A]

Returns a new config that has this configuration nested as a property of the specified name.

Returns a new config that has this configuration nested as a property of the specified name.


Inherited from:
def nested(name: => String): Config[A]

Returns a new config that has this configuration nested as a property of the specified name.

Returns a new config that has this configuration nested as a property of the specified name.


Inherited from:

Returns an optional version of this config, which will be None if the data is missing from configuration, and Some otherwise.

Returns an optional version of this config, which will be None if the data is missing from configuration, and Some otherwise.


Inherited from:
def orElse[A1 >: A](that: => Config[A1]): Config[A1]

A named version of ||.

A named version of ||.


Inherited from:
def orElseIf(condition: Error => Boolean): OrElse[A]

Returns configuration which reads from this configuration, but which falls back to the specified configuration if reading from this configuration fails with an error satisfying the specified predicate.

Returns configuration which reads from this configuration, but which falls back to the specified configuration if reading from this configuration fails with an error satisfying the specified predicate.


Inherited from:
def repeat: Config[Chunk[A]]

Returns a new config that describes a sequence of values, each of which has the structure of this config.

Returns a new config that describes a sequence of values, each of which has the structure of this config.


Inherited from:
def switch[A1 >: A, B](f: (A1, Config[B])*): Config[B]

Returns a new configuration which reads from this configuration and uses the resulting value to determine the configuration to read from.

Returns a new configuration which reads from this configuration and uses the resulting value to determine the configuration to read from.


Inherited from:
def validate(message: => String)(f: A => Boolean): Config[A]

Returns a new config that describes the same structure as this one, but which performs validation during loading.

Returns a new config that describes the same structure as this one, but which performs validation during loading.


Inherited from:
def validateWith[B](message: => String)(pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Config[B]

Returns a new config whose structure is the same as this one, but which may produce a different Scala value, constructed using the specified partial function, failing with the specified validation error if the partial function is not defined.

Returns a new config whose structure is the same as this one, but which may produce a different Scala value, constructed using the specified partial function, failing with the specified validation error if the partial function is not defined.


Inherited from:
def withDefault[A1 >: A](default: => A1): Config[A1]

Returns a new config that describes the same structure as this one, but has the specified default value in case the information cannot be found.

Returns a new config that describes the same structure as this one, but has the specified default value in case the information cannot be found.


Inherited from:
def zip[B](that: => Config[B])(implicit z: Zippable[A, B]): Config[z.Out]

A named version of ++.

A named version of ++.


Inherited from:
def zipWith[B, C](that: => Config[B])(f: (A, B) => C): Config[C]

Returns a new configuration that is the composition of this configuration and the specified configuration, combining their values using the function f.

Returns a new configuration that is the composition of this configuration and the specified configuration, combining their values using the function f.


Inherited from:
def ||[A1 >: A](that: => Config[A1]): Config[A1]

Returns a config whose structure is preferentially described by this config, but which falls back to the specified config if there is an issue reading from this config.

Returns a config whose structure is preferentially described by this config, but which falls back to the specified config if there is an issue reading from this config.


Inherited from: