


package internal

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. internal
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
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Type Members

  1. abstract class ExecutionMetrics extends AnyRef
  2. trait FiberRunnable extends Runnable
  3. abstract class Hub[A] extends Serializable

    A Hub[A] is a concurrent data structure that allows multiple publishers to publish A values and multiple subscribers to poll A values with the guarantee that all subscribers will receive all values published to the hub while they are subscribed.

  4. abstract class MutableConcurrentQueue[A] extends AnyRef

    A MutableConcurrentQueue interface to use under the hood in ZIO.

    A MutableConcurrentQueue interface to use under the hood in ZIO.

    The implementation at minimum:

    1. Should be non-blocking and ideally lock-free.
    2. Should provide basic metrics such as how many elements were enqueued/dequeued.

    this is declared as abstract class since invokevirtual is slightly cheaper than invokeinterface.

  5. final class OneElementConcurrentQueue[A] extends MutableConcurrentQueue[A] with Serializable
  6. abstract class RingBuffer[A] extends MutableConcurrentQueue[A]

    See zio.internal.RingBuffer for details on design, tradeoffs, etc.

  7. final class RingBufferArb[A] extends RingBuffer[A]
  8. final class RingBufferPow2[A] extends RingBuffer[A]
  9. class StackTraceBuilder extends AnyRef
  10. final class UniqueKey extends AnyRef

    This can be used whenever an arbitrary number of unique keys needs to be generated as this will just use memory location for equality.

  11. class WeakConcurrentBag[A] extends AnyRef

    A WeakConcurrentBag stores a collection of values, each wrapped in a WeakReference.

    A WeakConcurrentBag stores a collection of values, each wrapped in a WeakReference. The structure is optimized for addition, and will achieve zero allocations in the happy path (aside from the allocation of the WeakReference, which is unavoidable). To remove a value from the bag, it is sufficient to clear the corresponding weak reference, at which point the weak reference will be removed from the bag during the next garbage collection.

    Garbage collection happens regularly during the add operation. Assuming uniform distribution of hash codes of values added to the bag, the chance of garbage collection occurring during an add operation is 1/n, where n is the capacity of the table backing the bag.

  12. type Executor = zio.Executor

    (Since version 2.0.0) use Executor

  13. type Platform = RuntimeConfig

    (Since version 2.0.0) use RuntimeConfig

Value Members

  1. def ZIOSucceedNow[A](a: A): UIO[A]

    Returns an effect that models success with the specified value.

  2. def ZSTMSucceedNow[A](a: A): ZSTM[Any, Nothing, A]

    Returns an STM effect that succeeds with the specified value.

  3. object FastList

    A List data type that tries to avoid allocating by special-casing the singleton list and preventing pattern matching.

  4. object Hub extends Serializable
  5. object MutableConcurrentQueue
  6. object OneShot
  7. object Platform extends PlatformSpecific
  8. object RingBuffer
  9. object RingBufferArb
  10. object RingBufferPow2
  11. object SingleThreadedRingBuffer
  12. object StackTraceBuilder
  13. object UniqueKey
  14. object WeakConcurrentBag

Deprecated Value Members

  1. val Executor: zio.Executor.type

    (Since version 2.0.0) use Executor

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
