



package stm

Linear Supertypes
EitherCompat, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. stm
  2. EitherCompat
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. type ETRef[+E, A] = ZTRef[E, E, A, A]
  2. type RSTM[-R, +A] = ZSTM[R, Throwable, A]
  3. type STM[+E, +A] = ZSTM[Any, E, A]
  4. final class TArray[A] extends AnyVal

    Wraps array of TRef and adds methods for convenience.

  5. final class TMap[K, V] extends AnyRef

    Transactional map implemented on top of TRef and TArray.

    Transactional map implemented on top of TRef and TArray. Resolves conflicts via chaining.

  6. final class TPromise[E, A] extends AnyVal
  7. final class TQueue[A] extends AnyRef
  8. final class TReentrantLock extends AnyRef

    A TReentrantLock is a reentrant read/write lock.

    A TReentrantLock is a reentrant read/write lock. Multiple readers may all concurrently acquire read locks. Only one writer is allowed to acquire a write lock at any given time. Read locks may be upgraded into write locks. A fiber that has a write lock may acquire other write locks or read locks.

    The two primary methods of this structure are readLock, which acquires a read lock in a managed context, and writeLock, which acquires a write lock in a managed context.

    Although located in the STM package, there is no need for locks within STM transactions. However, this lock can be quite useful in effectful code, to provide consistent read/write access to mutable state; and being in STM allows this structure to be composed into more complicated concurrent structures that are consumed from effectful code.

  9. type TRef[A] = ZTRef[Nothing, Nothing, A, A]
  10. final class TSemaphore extends AnyVal
  11. final class TSet[A] extends AnyVal

    Transactional set implemented on top of TMap.

  12. type TaskSTM[+A] = ZSTM[Any, Throwable, A]
  13. type URSTM[-R, +A] = ZSTM[R, Nothing, A]
  14. type USTM[+A] = ZSTM[Any, Nothing, A]
  15. final class ZSTM[-R, +E, +A] extends AnyVal

    STM[E, A] represents an effect that can be performed transactionally, resulting in a failure E or a value A.

    STM[E, A] represents an effect that can be performed transactionally, resulting in a failure E or a value A.

    def transfer(receiver: TRef[Int],
                 sender: TRef[Int], much: Int): UIO[Int] =
      STM.atomically {
        for {
          balance <- sender.get
          _       <- STM.check(balance >= much)
          _       <- receiver.update(_ + much)
          _       <- sender.update(_ - much)
          newAmnt <- receiver.get
        } yield newAmnt
      val action: UIO[Int] =
        for {
          t <- STM.atomically(TRef.make(0).zip(TRef.make(20000)))
          (receiver, sender) = t
          balance <- transfer(receiver, sender, 1000)
        } yield balance

    Software Transactional Memory is a technique which allows composition of arbitrary atomic operations. It is the software analog of transactions in database systems.

    The API is lifted directly from the Haskell package Control.Concurrent.STM although the implementation does not resemble the Haskell one at all.

    STM in Haskell was introduced in: Composable memory transactions, by Tim Harris, Simon Marlow, Simon Peyton Jones, and Maurice Herlihy, in ACM Conference on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming 2005.

    See also: Lock Free Data Structures using STMs in Haskell, by Anthony Discolo, Tim Harris, Simon Marlow, Simon Peyton Jones, Satnam Singh) FLOPS 2006: Eighth International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming, Fuji Susono, JAPAN, April 2006

  16. sealed trait ZTRef[+EA, +EB, -A, +B] extends Serializable

    A ZTRef[EA, EB, A, B] is a polymorphic, purely functional description of a mutable reference that can be modified as part of a transactional effect.

    A ZTRef[EA, EB, A, B] is a polymorphic, purely functional description of a mutable reference that can be modified as part of a transactional effect. The fundamental operations of a ZTRef are set and get. set takes a value of type A and transactionally sets the reference to a new value, potentially failing with an error of type EA. get gets the current value of the reference and returns a value of type B, potentially failing with an error of type EB.

    When the error and value types of the ZTRef are unified, that is, it is a ZTRef[E, E, A, A], the ZTRef also supports atomic modify and update operations. All operations are guaranteed to be executed transactionally.

    NOTE: While ZTRef provides the transactional equivalent of a mutable reference, the value inside the ZTRef should be immutable. For performance reasons ZTRef is implemented in terms of compare and swap operations rather than synchronization. These operations are not safe for mutable values that do not support concurrent access.

Value Members

  1. object STM
  2. object TArray
  3. object TMap
  4. object TPromise
  5. object TQueue
  6. object TReentrantLock
  7. object TRef
  8. object TSemaphore
  9. object TSet
  10. object ZSTM
  11. object ZTRef extends Serializable

Inherited from EitherCompat

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
