See theZIO companion trait


trait Sum
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Type members


final class Acquire[-R, +E, +A](acquire: () => ZIO[R, E, A]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class AcquireExit[-R, +E, +A](acquire: () => ZIO[R, E, A]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
abstract class CanFilter[+E]


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object CanFilter


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
final class EnvironmentWithPartiallyApplied[R](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class EnvironmentWithZIOPartiallyApplied[R](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class GetStateWithPartiallyApplied[S](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class Grafter(scope: FiberScope) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class IfZIO[R, E](b: () => ZIO[R, E, Boolean]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any


trait Sum
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
object MakeInterruptible.type
final class LogAnnotate(val annotations: () => Set[LogAnnotation])


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
final class LogSpan(val label: () => String) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class ProvideSomeLayer[R0, -R, +E, +A](self: ZIO[R, E, A]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class Release[-R, +E, +A](acquire: () => ZIO[R, E, A], release: A => URIO[R, Any])


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
final class ReleaseExit[-R, +E, E1, +A, B](acquire: () => ZIO[R, E, A], release: (A, Exit[E1, B]) => URIO[R, Any])


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
final class ScopedPartiallyApplied[R](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class ServiceAtPartiallyApplied[Service](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class ServiceWithPartiallyApplied[Service](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class ServiceWithZIOPartiallyApplied[Service](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class StatefulPartiallyApplied[R](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class Tagged(val tags: () => Set[MetricLabel])


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
final class TimeoutTo[-R, +E, +A, +B](self: ZIO[R, E, A], b: () => B)


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
final class UnlessZIO[R, E](b: () => ZIO[R, E, Boolean]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class UpdateService[-R, +E, +A, M](self: ZIO[R, E, A]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class UpdateServiceAt[-R, +E, +A, Service](self: ZIO[R, E, A]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class UsingPartiallyApplied[R](dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final class WhenZIO[R, E](b: () => ZIO[R, E, Boolean]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final implicit class ZIOAutoCloseableOps[R, E, A <: AutoCloseable](io: ZIO[R, E, A]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any
final implicit class ZIOBooleanOps[R, E](self: ZIO[R, E, Boolean]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any


Self type
sealed trait ZIOConstructor[-Environment, +Error, In]

A ZIOConstructor[Input] knows how to construct a ZIO value from an input of type Input. This allows the type of the ZIO value constructed to depend on Input. The constructed ZIO value is guaranteed not to require any services not included in Environment or to be able to fail in any ways not described by Error.

A ZIOConstructor[Input] knows how to construct a ZIO value from an input of type Input. This allows the type of the ZIO value constructed to depend on Input. The constructed ZIO value is guaranteed not to require any services not included in Environment or to be able to fail in any ways not described by Error.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
object ZIOConstructor.type


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
final implicit class ZioRefineToOrDieOps[R, E <: Throwable, A](self: ZIO[R, E, A]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements


Inherited from:

The name of the type

The name of the type


Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

def absolve[R, E, A](v: => ZIO[R, E, Either[E, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Submerges the error case of an Either into the ZIO. The inverse operation of IO.either.

Submerges the error case of an Either into the ZIO. The inverse operation of IO.either.


def acquireRelease[R, R1, E, A](acquire: => ZIO[R, E, A])(release: A => ZIO[R1, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R & R1 & Scope, E, A]

Constructs a scoped resource from an acquire and release effect. If acquire successfully completes execution then release will be added to the finalizers associated with the scope of this effect and is guaranteed to be run when the scope is closed.

Constructs a scoped resource from an acquire and release effect. If acquire successfully completes execution then release will be added to the finalizers associated with the scope of this effect and is guaranteed to be run when the scope is closed.

The acquire and release effects will be run uninterruptibly.


def acquireReleaseExit[R, R1, E, A](acquire: => ZIO[R, E, A])(release: (A, Exit[Any, Any]) => ZIO[R1, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R & R1 & Scope, E, A]

A more powerful variant of acquireRelease that allows the release effect to depend on the Exit value specified when the scope is closed.

A more powerful variant of acquireRelease that allows the release effect to depend on the Exit value specified when the scope is closed.


def acquireReleaseExitWith[R, E, A](acquire: => ZIO[R, E, A]): AcquireExit[R, E, A]

Acquires a resource, uses the resource, and then releases the resource. Neither the acquisition nor the release will be interrupted, and the resource is guaranteed to be released, so long as the acquire effect succeeds. If use fails, then after release, the returned effect will fail with the same error.

Acquires a resource, uses the resource, and then releases the resource. Neither the acquisition nor the release will be interrupted, and the resource is guaranteed to be released, so long as the acquire effect succeeds. If use fails, then after release, the returned effect will fail with the same error.


def acquireReleaseInterruptible[R, R1, E, A](acquire: => ZIO[R, E, A])(release: ZIO[R1, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R & R1 & Scope, E, A]

A variant of acquireRelease that allows the acquire effect to be interruptible. Since the acquire effect could be interrupted after partially acquiring resources, the release effect is not allowed to access the resource produced by acquire and must independently determine what finalization, if any, needs to be performed (e.g. by examining in memory state).

A variant of acquireRelease that allows the acquire effect to be interruptible. Since the acquire effect could be interrupted after partially acquiring resources, the release effect is not allowed to access the resource produced by acquire and must independently determine what finalization, if any, needs to be performed (e.g. by examining in memory state).


def acquireReleaseInterruptibleExit[R, R1, E, A](acquire: => ZIO[R, E, A])(release: Exit[Any, Any] => ZIO[R1, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R & R1 & Scope, E, A]

A more powerful variant of acquireReleaseInterruptible that allows the release effect to depend on the Exit value specified when the scope is closed.

A more powerful variant of acquireReleaseInterruptible that allows the release effect to depend on the Exit value specified when the scope is closed.


def acquireReleaseWith[R, E, A](acquire: => ZIO[R, E, A]): Acquire[R, E, A]

Given an effect representing acquisition of a resource (for example, opening a file, launching a thread, etc.), acquireReleaseWith can be used to ensure the acquisition is not interrupted and the resource is always released.

Given an effect representing acquisition of a resource (for example, opening a file, launching a thread, etc.), acquireReleaseWith can be used to ensure the acquisition is not interrupted and the resource is always released.

The function does two things:

  1. Ensures this acquire effect will not be interrupted. Of course, acquisition may fail for internal reasons (an uncaught exception).

  2. Ensures the release effect will not be interrupted, and will be executed so long as this effect successfully acquires the resource.

In between acquisition and release of the resource, the use effect is executed.

If the release effect fails, then the entire effect will fail even if the use effect succeeds. If this fail-fast behavior is not desired, errors produced by the release effect can be caught and ignored.

ZIO.acquireReleaseWith(openFile("data.json"))(closeFile) { file =>
 for {
   header <- readHeader(file)
 } yield result


def addFinalizer[R](finalizer: => URIO[R, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R & Scope, Nothing, Any]

Adds a finalizer to the scope of this effect. The finalizer is guaranteed to be run when the scope is closed.

Adds a finalizer to the scope of this effect. The finalizer is guaranteed to be run when the scope is closed.


def addFinalizerExit[R](finalizer: Exit[Any, Any] => URIO[R, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R & Scope, Nothing, Any]

A more powerful variant of addFinalizer that allows the finalizer to depend on the Exit value that the scope is closed with.

A more powerful variant of addFinalizer that allows the finalizer to depend on the Exit value that the scope is closed with.


def allowInterrupt(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Makes an explicit check to see if the fiber has been interrupted, and if so, performs self-interruption

Makes an explicit check to see if the fiber has been interrupted, and if so, performs self-interruption


def asyncInterruptUnsafe[R, E, A](register: Unsafe => (ZIO[R, E, A] => Unit) => Either[URIO[R, Any], ZIO[R, E, A]], blockingOn: => FiberId)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]
def asyncZIO[R, E, A](register: (ZIO[R, E, A] => Unit) => ZIO[R, E, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Converts an asynchronous, callback-style API into a ZIO effect, which will be executed asynchronously.

Converts an asynchronous, callback-style API into a ZIO effect, which will be executed asynchronously.

With this variant, the registration function may return a ZIO effect.


def attemptBlockingIOUnsafe[A](effect: Unsafe => A)(implicit trace: Trace): IO[IOException, A]
def attemptUnsafe[A](a: Unsafe => A)(implicit trace: Trace): Task[A]
def blocking[R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Returns a new effect that, when executed, will execute the original effect on the blocking thread pool.

Returns a new effect that, when executed, will execute the original effect on the blocking thread pool.


def blockingExecutor(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Executor]

Retrieves the executor for all blocking tasks.

Retrieves the executor for all blocking tasks.


def checkInterruptible[R, E, A](f: InterruptStatus => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Checks the interrupt status, and produces the effect returned by the specified callback.

Checks the interrupt status, and produces the effect returned by the specified callback.


def clock(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Clock]

Retrieves the Clock service for this workflow.

Retrieves the Clock service for this workflow.


def clockWith[R, E, A](f: Clock => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Retrieves the Clock service for this workflow and uses it to run the specified workflow.

Retrieves the Clock service for this workflow and uses it to run the specified workflow.


def collect[R, E, A, B, Collection <: (Iterable)](in: Collection[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, Option[E], B])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[A], B, Collection[B]], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Collection[B]]

Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, collecting the the successful values and discarding the empty cases. For a parallel version, see collectPar.

Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, collecting the the successful values and discarding the empty cases. For a parallel version, see collectPar.


def collect[R, E, Key, Key2, Value, Value2](map: Map[Key, Value])(f: (Key, Value) => ZIO[R, Option[E], (Key2, Value2)])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Map[Key2, Value2]]

Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, collecting the the successful values and discarding the empty cases. For a parallel version, see collectPar.

Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, collecting the the successful values and discarding the empty cases. For a parallel version, see collectPar.


def collectAll[R, E, A, Collection <: (Iterable)](in: Collection[ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[ZIO[R, E, A]], A, Collection[A]], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Collection[A]]

Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, and collect the results. For a parallel version, see collectAllPar.

Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, and collect the results. For a parallel version, see collectAllPar.


def collectAll[R, E, A](in: Set[ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Set[A]]

Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, and collect the results. For a parallel version, see collectAllPar.

Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, and collect the results. For a parallel version, see collectAllPar.


def collectAll[R, E, A : ClassTag](in: Array[ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit evidence$111: ClassTag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Array[A]]

Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, and collect the results. For a parallel version, see collectAllPar.

Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, and collect the results. For a parallel version, see collectAllPar.


def collectAll[R, E, A](in: Option[ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Option[A]]

Evaluate effect if present, and return its result as Option[A].

Evaluate effect if present, and return its result as Option[A].


def collectAll[R, E, A](in: NonEmptyChunk[ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, NonEmptyChunk[A]]

Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, and collect the results. For a parallel version, see collectAllPar.

Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, and collect the results. For a parallel version, see collectAllPar.


def collectAllDiscard[R, E, A](in: => Iterable[ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Unit]

Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, and discard the results. For a parallel version, see collectAllParDiscard.

Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, and discard the results. For a parallel version, see collectAllParDiscard.


def collectAllPar[R, E, A, Collection <: (Iterable)](as: Collection[ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[ZIO[R, E, A]], A, Collection[A]], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Collection[A]]

Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and collect the results. For a sequential version, see collectAll.

Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and collect the results. For a sequential version, see collectAll.


def collectAllPar[R, E, A](as: Set[ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Set[A]]

Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and collect the results. For a sequential version, see collectAll.

Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and collect the results. For a sequential version, see collectAll.


def collectAllPar[R, E, A : ClassTag](as: Array[ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit evidence$112: ClassTag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Array[A]]

Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and collect the results. For a sequential version, see collectAll.

Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and collect the results. For a sequential version, see collectAll.


def collectAllPar[R, E, A](as: NonEmptyChunk[ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, NonEmptyChunk[A]]

Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and collect the results. For a sequential version, see collectAll.

Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and collect the results. For a sequential version, see collectAll.


def collectAllParDiscard[R, E, A](as: => Iterable[ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Unit]

Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and discard the results. For a sequential version, see collectAllDiscard.

Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, and discard the results. For a sequential version, see collectAllDiscard.


def collectAllSuccesses[R, E, A, Collection <: (Iterable)](in: Collection[ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[ZIO[R, E, A]], A, Collection[A]], trace: Trace): URIO[R, Collection[A]]

Evaluate and run each effect in the structure and collect discarding failed ones.

Evaluate and run each effect in the structure and collect discarding failed ones.


def collectAllSuccessesPar[R, E, A, Collection <: (Iterable)](in: Collection[ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[ZIO[R, E, A]], A, Collection[A]], trace: Trace): URIO[R, Collection[A]]

Evaluate and run each effect in the structure in parallel, and collect discarding failed ones.

Evaluate and run each effect in the structure in parallel, and collect discarding failed ones.


def collectAllWith[R, E, A, B, Collection <: (Iterable)](in: Collection[ZIO[R, E, A]])(f: PartialFunction[A, B])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[ZIO[R, E, A]], B, Collection[B]], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Collection[B]]

Evaluate each effect in the structure with collectAll, and collect the results with given partial function.

Evaluate each effect in the structure with collectAll, and collect the results with given partial function.


def collectAllWithPar[R, E, A, U, Collection <: (Iterable)](in: Collection[ZIO[R, E, A]])(f: PartialFunction[A, U])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[ZIO[R, E, A]], U, Collection[U]], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Collection[U]]

Evaluate each effect in the structure with collectAllPar, and collect the results with given partial function.

Evaluate each effect in the structure with collectAllPar, and collect the results with given partial function.


def collectFirst[R, E, A, B](as: => Iterable[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Option[B]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Option[B]]

Collects the first element of the Iterable[A] for which the effectual function f returns Some.

Collects the first element of the Iterable[A] for which the effectual function f returns Some.


def collectPar[R, E, A, B, Collection <: (Iterable)](in: Collection[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, Option[E], B])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[A], B, Collection[B]], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Collection[B]]

Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, collecting the the successful values and discarding the empty cases.

Evaluate each effect in the structure in parallel, collecting the the successful values and discarding the empty cases.


def collectPar[R, E, Key, Key2, Value, Value2](map: Map[Key, Value])(f: (Key, Value) => ZIO[R, Option[E], (Key2, Value2)])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Map[Key2, Value2]]

Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, collecting the the successful values and discarding the empty cases. For a parallel version, see collectPar.

Evaluate each effect in the structure from left to right, collecting the the successful values and discarding the empty cases. For a parallel version, see collectPar.


def cond[E, A](predicate: => Boolean, result: => A, error: => E)(implicit trace: Trace): IO[E, A]

Similar to Either.cond, evaluate the predicate, return the given A as success if predicate returns true, and the given E as error otherwise

Similar to Either.cond, evaluate the predicate, return the given A as success if predicate returns true, and the given E as error otherwise

For effectful conditionals, see ZIO.ifZIO


def config[A](config: Config[A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, Error, A]

Uses the current config provider to load the specified config, or fail with an error of type Config.Error.

Uses the current config provider to load the specified config, or fail with an error of type Config.Error.


def configProviderWith[R, E, A](f: ConfigProvider => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Retrieves the current config provider, and passes it to the specified function, which may return an effect that uses the provider to perform some work or compute some value.

Retrieves the current config provider, and passes it to the specified function, which may return an effect that uses the provider to perform some work or compute some value.


def console(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Console]

Retrieves the Console service for this workflow.

Retrieves the Console service for this workflow.


def consoleWith[R, E, A](f: Console => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Retrieves the Console service for this workflow and uses it to run the specified workflow.

Retrieves the Console service for this workflow and uses it to run the specified workflow.


def debug(value: => Any)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Prints the specified message to the console for debugging purposes.

Prints the specified message to the console for debugging purposes.


def descriptor(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Descriptor]

Returns information about the current fiber, such as its identity.

Returns information about the current fiber, such as its identity.


def descriptorWith[R, E, A](f: Descriptor => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Constructs an effect based on information about the current fiber, such as its identity.

Constructs an effect based on information about the current fiber, such as its identity.


def die(t: => Throwable)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Nothing]

Returns an effect that dies with the specified Throwable. This method can be used for terminating a fiber because a defect has been detected in the code.

Returns an effect that dies with the specified Throwable. This method can be used for terminating a fiber because a defect has been detected in the code.


def dieMessage(message: => String)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Nothing]

Returns an effect that dies with a java.lang.RuntimeException having the specified text message. This method can be used for terminating a fiber because a defect has been detected in the code.

Returns an effect that dies with a java.lang.RuntimeException having the specified text message. This method can be used for terminating a fiber because a defect has been detected in the code.


def done[E, A](r: => Exit[E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[E, A]

Returns an effect from a zio.Exit value.

Returns an effect from a zio.Exit value.


def environment[R](implicit trace: Trace): URIO[R, ZEnvironment[R]]

Accesses the whole environment of the effect.

Accesses the whole environment of the effect.


Accesses the environment of the effect.

Accesses the environment of the effect.


Effectually accesses the environment of the effect.

Effectually accesses the environment of the effect.


def executor(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Executor]

Retrieves the executor for this effect.

Retrieves the executor for this effect.


def executorWith[R, E, A](f: Executor => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Constructs an effect based on the current executor.

Constructs an effect based on the current executor.


def exists[R, E, A](as: => Iterable[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Boolean]

Determines whether any element of the Iterable[A] satisfies the effectual predicate f.

Determines whether any element of the Iterable[A] satisfies the effectual predicate f.


def fail[E](error: => E)(implicit trace: Trace): IO[E, Nothing]

Returns an effect that models failure with the specified error. The moral equivalent of throw for pure code.

Returns an effect that models failure with the specified error. The moral equivalent of throw for pure code.


def failCause[E](cause: => Cause[E])(implicit trace0: Trace): IO[E, Nothing]

Returns an effect that models failure with the specified Cause.

Returns an effect that models failure with the specified Cause.


def fiberId(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Runtime]

Returns the FiberId of the fiber executing the effect that calls this method.

Returns the FiberId of the fiber executing the effect that calls this method.


def fiberIdWith[R, E, A](f: Runtime => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Constructs an effect based on the FiberId of the fiber executing the effect that calls this method.

Constructs an effect based on the FiberId of the fiber executing the effect that calls this method.


def filter[R, E, A, Collection <: (Iterable)](as: Collection[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[A], A, Collection[A]], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Collection[A]]

Filters the collection using the specified effectual predicate.

Filters the collection using the specified effectual predicate.


def filter[R, E, A](as: Set[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Set[A]]

Filters the Set[A] using the specified effectual predicate.

Filters the Set[A] using the specified effectual predicate.


def filterNot[R, E, A, Collection <: (Iterable)](as: Collection[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[A], A, Collection[A]], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Collection[A]]

Filters the collection using the specified effectual predicate, removing all elements that satisfy the predicate.

Filters the collection using the specified effectual predicate, removing all elements that satisfy the predicate.


def filterNot[R, E, A](as: Set[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Set[A]]

Filters the Set[A] using the specified effectual predicate, removing all elements that satisfy the predicate.

Filters the Set[A] using the specified effectual predicate, removing all elements that satisfy the predicate.


def filterNotPar[R, E, A, Collection <: (Iterable)](as: Collection[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[A], A, Collection[A]], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Collection[A]]

Filters the collection in parallel using the specified effectual predicate, emoving all elements that satisfy the predicate.

Filters the collection in parallel using the specified effectual predicate, emoving all elements that satisfy the predicate.

See [zio.ZIO.filterNot for a sequential version.


def filterNotPar[R, E, A](as: Set[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Set[A]]

Filters the Set[A] in parallel using the specified effectual predicate, removing all elements that satisfy the predicate.

Filters the Set[A] in parallel using the specified effectual predicate, removing all elements that satisfy the predicate.

See [zio.ZIO.filterNot] for a sequential version.


def filterPar[R, E, A, Collection <: (Iterable)](as: Collection[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[A], A, Collection[A]], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Collection[A]]

Filters the collection in parallel using the specified effectual predicate.

Filters the collection in parallel using the specified effectual predicate.

See [zio.ZIO.filter for a sequential version.


def filterPar[R, E, A](as: Set[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Set[A]]

Filters the Set[A] in parallel using the specified effectual predicate.

Filters the Set[A] in parallel using the specified effectual predicate.

See [zio.ZIO.filter for a sequential version.


def firstSuccessOf[R, R1 <: R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[R, E, A], rest: => Iterable[ZIO[R1, E, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R1, E, A]

Returns an effect that runs the first effect and in case of failure, runs each of the specified effects in order until one of them succeeds.

Returns an effect that runs the first effect and in case of failure, runs each of the specified effects in order until one of them succeeds.


def flatten[R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[R, E, ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Returns an effect that first executes the outer effect, and then executes the inner effect, returning the value from the inner effect, and effectively flattening a nested effect.

Returns an effect that first executes the outer effect, and then executes the inner effect, returning the value from the inner effect, and effectively flattening a nested effect.


def foldLeft[R, E, S, A](in: => Iterable[A])(zero: => S)(f: (S, A) => ZIO[R, E, S])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, S]

Folds an Iterable[A] using an effectual function f, working sequentially from left to right.

Folds an Iterable[A] using an effectual function f, working sequentially from left to right.


def foldRight[R, E, S, A](in: => Iterable[A])(zero: => S)(f: (A, S) => ZIO[R, E, S])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, S]

Folds an Iterable[A] using an effectual function f, working sequentially from right to left.

Folds an Iterable[A] using an effectual function f, working sequentially from right to left.


def forall[R, E, A](as: => Iterable[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Boolean]

Determines whether all elements of the Iterable[A] satisfy the effectual predicate f.

Determines whether all elements of the Iterable[A] satisfy the effectual predicate f.


def foreach[R, E, A, B, Collection <: (Iterable)](in: Collection[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[A], B, Collection[B]], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Collection[B]]

Applies the function f to each element of the Collection[A] and returns the results in a new Collection[B].

Applies the function f to each element of the Collection[A] and returns the results in a new Collection[B].

For a parallel version of this method, see foreachPar. If you do not need the results, see foreachDiscard for a more efficient implementation.


final def foreach[R, E, A, B](in: Set[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Set[B]]

Applies the function f to each element of the Set[A] and returns the results in a new Set[B].

Applies the function f to each element of the Set[A] and returns the results in a new Set[B].

For a parallel version of this method, see foreachPar. If you do not need the results, see foreachDiscard for a more efficient implementation.


final def foreach[R, E, A, B : ClassTag](in: Array[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit evidence$113: ClassTag[B], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Array[B]]

Applies the function f to each element of the Array[A] and returns the results in a new Array[B].

Applies the function f to each element of the Array[A] and returns the results in a new Array[B].

For a parallel version of this method, see foreachPar. If you do not need the results, see foreachDiscard for a more efficient implementation.


def foreach[R, E, Key, Key2, Value, Value2](map: Map[Key, Value])(f: (Key, Value) => ZIO[R, E, (Key2, Value2)])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Map[Key2, Value2]]

Applies the function f to each element of the Map[Key, Value] and returns the results in a new Map[Key2, Value2].

Applies the function f to each element of the Map[Key, Value] and returns the results in a new Map[Key2, Value2].

For a parallel version of this method, see foreachPar. If you do not need the results, see foreachDiscard for a more efficient implementation.


final def foreach[R, E, A, B](in: Option[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Option[B]]

Applies the function f if the argument is non-empty and returns the results in a new Option[B].

Applies the function f if the argument is non-empty and returns the results in a new Option[B].


final def foreach[R, E, A, B](in: NonEmptyChunk[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, NonEmptyChunk[B]]

Applies the function f to each element of the NonEmptyChunk[A] and returns the results in a new NonEmptyChunk[B].

Applies the function f to each element of the NonEmptyChunk[A] and returns the results in a new NonEmptyChunk[B].

For a parallel version of this method, see foreachPar. If you do not need the results, see foreachDiscard for a more efficient implementation.


def foreachDiscard[R, E, A](as: => Iterable[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Unit]

Applies the function f to each element of the Iterable[A] and runs produced effects sequentially.

Applies the function f to each element of the Iterable[A] and runs produced effects sequentially.

Equivalent to foreach(as)(f).unit, but without the cost of building the list of results.


final def foreachExec[R, E, A, B, Collection <: (Iterable)](as: Collection[A])(exec: => ExecutionStrategy)(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[A], B, Collection[B]], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Collection[B]]

Applies the function f to each element of the Collection[A] and returns the result in a new Collection[B] using the specified execution strategy.

Applies the function f to each element of the Collection[A] and returns the result in a new Collection[B] using the specified execution strategy.


def foreachPar[R, E, A, B, Collection <: (Iterable)](as: Collection[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[A], B, Collection[B]], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Collection[B]]

Applies the function f to each element of the Collection[A] in parallel, and returns the results in a new Collection[B].

Applies the function f to each element of the Collection[A] in parallel, and returns the results in a new Collection[B].

For a sequential version of this method, see foreach.


final def foreachPar[R, E, A, B](as: Set[A])(fn: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Set[B]]

Applies the function f to each element of the Set[A] in parallel, and returns the results in a new Set[B].

Applies the function f to each element of the Set[A] in parallel, and returns the results in a new Set[B].

For a sequential version of this method, see foreach.


final def foreachPar[R, E, A, B : ClassTag](as: Array[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit evidence$114: ClassTag[B], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Array[B]]

Applies the function f to each element of the Array[A] in parallel, and returns the results in a new Array[B].

Applies the function f to each element of the Array[A] in parallel, and returns the results in a new Array[B].

For a sequential version of this method, see foreach.


def foreachPar[R, E, Key, Key2, Value, Value2](map: Map[Key, Value])(f: (Key, Value) => ZIO[R, E, (Key2, Value2)])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Map[Key2, Value2]]

Applies the function f to each element of the Map[Key, Value] in parallel and returns the results in a new Map[Key2, Value2].

Applies the function f to each element of the Map[Key, Value] in parallel and returns the results in a new Map[Key2, Value2].

For a sequential version of this method, see foreach.


final def foreachPar[R, E, A, B](as: NonEmptyChunk[A])(fn: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, NonEmptyChunk[B]]

Applies the function f to each element of the NonEmptyChunk[A] in parallel, and returns the results in a new NonEmptyChunk[B].

Applies the function f to each element of the NonEmptyChunk[A] in parallel, and returns the results in a new NonEmptyChunk[B].

For a sequential version of this method, see foreach.


def foreachParDiscard[R, E, A](as: => Iterable[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Unit]

Applies the function f to each element of the Iterable[A] and runs produced effects in parallel, discarding the results.

Applies the function f to each element of the Iterable[A] and runs produced effects in parallel, discarding the results.

For a sequential version of this method, see foreachDiscard.

Optimized to avoid keeping full tree of effects, so that method could be able to handle large input sequences. Behaves almost like this code:

as.foldLeft(ZIO.unit) { (acc, a) => acc.zipParLeft(f(a)) }

Additionally, interrupts all effects on any failure.


def forkAll[R, E, A, Collection <: (Iterable)](as: Collection[ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[ZIO[R, E, A]], A, Collection[A]], trace: Trace): URIO[R, Fiber[E, Collection[A]]]

Returns an effect that forks all of the specified values, and returns a composite fiber that produces a list of their results, in order.

Returns an effect that forks all of the specified values, and returns a composite fiber that produces a list of their results, in order.


def forkAllDiscard[R, E, A](as: => Iterable[ZIO[R, E, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): URIO[R, Fiber[E, Unit]]

Returns an effect that forks all of the specified values, and returns a composite fiber that produces unit. This version is faster than forkAll in cases where the results of the forked fibers are not needed.

Returns an effect that forks all of the specified values, and returns a composite fiber that produces unit. This version is faster than forkAll in cases where the results of the forked fibers are not needed.


def from[Input](input: => Input)(implicit constructor: ZIOConstructor[Nothing, Any, Input], trace: Trace): ZIO[OutEnvironment, OutError, OutSuccess]

Constructs a ZIO value of the appropriate type for the specified input.

Constructs a ZIO value of the appropriate type for the specified input.


def fromAutoCloseable[R, E, A <: AutoCloseable](fa: => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R & Scope, E, A]
def fromEither[E, A](v: => Either[E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[E, A]

Lifts an Either into a ZIO value.

Lifts an Either into a ZIO value.


def fromEitherCause[E, A](v: => Either[Cause[E], A])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[E, A]

Lifts an Either into a ZIO value.

Lifts an Either into a ZIO value.


def fromFiber[E, A](fiber: => Fiber[E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[E, A]

Creates a ZIO value that represents the exit value of the specified fiber.

Creates a ZIO value that represents the exit value of the specified fiber.


def fromFiberZIO[R, E, A](fiber: => ZIO[R, E, Fiber[E, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Creates a ZIO value that represents the exit value of the specified fiber.

Creates a ZIO value that represents the exit value of the specified fiber.


def fromFuture[A](make: ExecutionContext => Future[A])(implicit trace: Trace): Task[A]

Returns an effect that, when executed, will both create and launch a scala.concurrent.Future, feeding it an scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext that is backed by ZIO's own executor.

Returns an effect that, when executed, will both create and launch a scala.concurrent.Future, feeding it an scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext that is backed by ZIO's own executor.


def fromFutureInterrupt[A](make: ExecutionContext => Future[A])(implicit trace: Trace): Task[A]

Imports a function that creates a scala.concurrent.Future from an scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext into a ZIO. The provided ExecutionContext will interrupt the Future between asynchronous operations such as map and flatMap if this effect is interrupted. Note that no attempt will be made to interrupt a Future blocking on a synchronous operation and that the Future must be created using the provided ExecutionContext.

Imports a function that creates a scala.concurrent.Future from an scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext into a ZIO. The provided ExecutionContext will interrupt the Future between asynchronous operations such as map and flatMap if this effect is interrupted. Note that no attempt will be made to interrupt a Future blocking on a synchronous operation and that the Future must be created using the provided ExecutionContext.


def fromOption[A](v: => Option[A])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[Option[Nothing], A]

Lifts an Option into a ZIO but preserves the error as an option in the error channel, making it easier to compose in some scenarios.

Lifts an Option into a ZIO but preserves the error as an option in the error channel, making it easier to compose in some scenarios.


def fromPromiseScala[A](promise: => Promise[A])(implicit trace: Trace): Task[A]

Imports a scala.concurrent.Promise we generate a future from promise, and we pass to [fromFuture] to transform into Task[A]

Imports a scala.concurrent.Promise we generate a future from promise, and we pass to [fromFuture] to transform into Task[A]


def fromTry[A](value: => Try[A])(implicit trace: Trace): Task[A]

Lifts a Try into a ZIO.

Lifts a Try into a ZIO.


def getFiberRefs(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[FiberRefs]

Returns a collection of all FiberRef values for the fiber running this effect.

Returns a collection of all FiberRef values for the fiber running this effect.


final def getOrFail[A](v: => Option[A])(implicit trace: Trace): Task[A]

Lifts an Option into a ZIO, if the option is not defined it fails with NoSuchElementException.

Lifts an Option into a ZIO, if the option is not defined it fails with NoSuchElementException.


final def getOrFailUnit[A](v: => Option[A])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[Unit, A]

Lifts an Option into a IO, if the option is not defined it fails with Unit.

Lifts an Option into a IO, if the option is not defined it fails with Unit.


final def getOrFailWith[E, A](e: => E)(v: => Option[A])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[E, A]

Lifts an Option into a ZIO. If the option is not defined, fail with the e value.

Lifts an Option into a ZIO. If the option is not defined, fail with the e value.


def getState[S : Tag](implicit evidence$115: Tag[S], trace: Trace): ZIO[ZState[S], Nothing, S]

Gets a state from the environment.

Gets a state from the environment.


Gets a state from the environment and uses it to run the specified function.

Gets a state from the environment and uses it to run the specified function.


def ifZIO[R, E](b: => ZIO[R, E, Boolean]): IfZIO[R, E]

Runs onTrue if the result of b is true and onFalse otherwise.

Runs onTrue if the result of b is true and onFalse otherwise.


def infinity(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Nothing]

Like never, but fibers that running this effect won't be garbage collected unless interrupted.

Like never, but fibers that running this effect won't be garbage collected unless interrupted.


def inheritFiberRefs(childFiberRefs: FiberRefs)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Inherits values from all FiberRef instances into current fiber.

Inherits values from all FiberRef instances into current fiber.


def interrupt(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Nothing]

Returns an effect that is interrupted as if by the fiber calling this method.

Returns an effect that is interrupted as if by the fiber calling this method.


def interruptAs(fiberId: => FiberId)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Nothing]

Returns an effect that is interrupted as if by the specified fiber.

Returns an effect that is interrupted as if by the specified fiber.


def interruptible[R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Prefix form of ZIO#interruptible.

Prefix form of ZIO#interruptible.


def interruptibleMask[R, E, A](k: InterruptibilityRestorer => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Makes the effect interruptible, but passes it a restore function that can be used to restore the inherited interruptibility from whatever region the effect is composed into.

Makes the effect interruptible, but passes it a restore function that can be used to restore the inherited interruptibility from whatever region the effect is composed into.


def isFatal(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Throwable => Boolean]

Retrieves the definition of a fatal error.

Retrieves the definition of a fatal error.


def isFatalWith[R, E, A](f: (Throwable => Boolean) => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Constructs an effect based on the definition of a fatal error.

Constructs an effect based on the definition of a fatal error.


def iterate[R, E, S](initial: => S)(cont: S => Boolean)(body: S => ZIO[R, E, S])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, S]

Iterates with the specified effectual function. The moral equivalent of:

Iterates with the specified effectual function. The moral equivalent of:

var s = initial

while (cont(s)) {
 s = body(s)



def left[A](a: => A)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Either[A, Nothing]]

Returns an effect with the value on the left part.

Returns an effect with the value on the left part.


def log(message: => String)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified message at the current log level.

Logs the specified message at the current log level.


def logAnnotate(key: => String, value: => String): LogAnnotate

Annotates each log in this effect with the specified log annotation.

Annotates each log in this effect with the specified log annotation.


def logAnnotate(logAnnotation: => LogAnnotation, logAnnotations: LogAnnotation*): LogAnnotate

Annotates each log in this effect with the specified log annotation.

Annotates each log in this effect with the specified log annotation.


def logAnnotate(logAnnotations: => Set[LogAnnotation]): LogAnnotate

Annotates each log in this effect with the specified log annotation.

Annotates each log in this effect with the specified log annotation.


def logAnnotateScoped(key: => String, value: => String)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]
def logAnnotateScoped(logAnnotation: => LogAnnotation, logAnnotations: LogAnnotation*)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]
def logAnnotateScoped(logAnnotations: => Set[LogAnnotation])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]
def logAnnotations(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Map[String, String]]

Retrieves the log annotations associated with the current scope.

Retrieves the log annotations associated with the current scope.


def logCause(cause: => Cause[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified cause at the current log level.

Logs the specified cause at the current log level.


def logCause(message: => String, cause: => Cause[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified message and cause at the current log level.

Logs the specified message and cause at the current log level.


def logDebug(message: => String)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified message at the debug log level.

Logs the specified message at the debug log level.


def logDebugCause(message: => String, cause: => Cause[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified cause at the debug log level.

Logs the specified cause at the debug log level.


def logDebugCause(cause: => Cause[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified cause at the debug log level..

Logs the specified cause at the debug log level..


def logError(message: => String)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified message at the error log level.

Logs the specified message at the error log level.


def logErrorCause(message: => String, cause: => Cause[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified cause as an error.

Logs the specified cause as an error.


def logErrorCause(cause: => Cause[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified cause as an error.

Logs the specified cause as an error.


def logFatal(message: => String)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified message at the fatal log level.

Logs the specified message at the fatal log level.


def logFatalCause(message: => String, cause: => Cause[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified cause at the fatal log level.

Logs the specified cause at the fatal log level.


def logFatalCause(cause: => Cause[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified cause at the fatal log level.

Logs the specified cause at the fatal log level.


def logInfo(message: => String)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified message at the informational log level.

Logs the specified message at the informational log level.


def logInfoCause(message: => String, cause: => Cause[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified cause at the informational log level.

Logs the specified cause at the informational log level.


def logInfoCause(cause: => Cause[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified cause at the informational log level..

Logs the specified cause at the informational log level..


Sets the log level for this effect.

Sets the log level for this effect.

ZIO.logLevel(LogLevel.Warning) {
 ZIO.log("The response time exceeded its threshold!")


def logLevelScoped(level: LogLevel)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]
def logSpan(label: => String): LogSpan

Adjusts the label for the current logging span.

Adjusts the label for the current logging span.

ZIO.logSpan("parsing") { parseRequest(req) }


def logSpanScoped(label: => String)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]
def logSpans(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[List[LogSpan]]

Retrieves the log spans associated with the current scope.

Retrieves the log spans associated with the current scope.


def logTrace(message: => String)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified message at the trace log level.

Logs the specified message at the trace log level.


def logTraceCause(message: => String, cause: => Cause[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified cause at the trace log level.

Logs the specified cause at the trace log level.


def logTraceCause(cause: => Cause[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified cause at the trace log level..

Logs the specified cause at the trace log level..


def logWarning(message: => String)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified message at the warning log level.

Logs the specified message at the warning log level.


def logWarningCause(message: => String, cause: => Cause[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified cause at the warning log level.

Logs the specified cause at the warning log level.


def logWarningCause(cause: => Cause[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Logs the specified cause at the warning log level..

Logs the specified cause at the warning log level..


def loggers(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Set[ZLogger[String, Any]]]

Retrieves the current loggers for this effect.

Retrieves the current loggers for this effect.


def loggersWith[R, E, A](f: Set[ZLogger[String, Any]] => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Constructs an effect based on the current loggers.

Constructs an effect based on the current loggers.


def loop[R, E, A, S](initial: => S)(cont: S => Boolean, inc: S => S)(body: S => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, List[A]]

Loops with the specified effectual function, collecting the results into a list. The moral equivalent of:

Loops with the specified effectual function, collecting the results into a list. The moral equivalent of:

var s  = initial
var as = List.empty[A]

while (cont(s)) {
 as = body(s) :: as
 s  = inc(s)



def loopDiscard[R, E, S](initial: => S)(cont: S => Boolean, inc: S => S)(body: S => ZIO[R, E, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Unit]

Loops with the specified effectual function purely for its effects. The moral equivalent of:

Loops with the specified effectual function purely for its effects. The moral equivalent of:

var s = initial

while (cont(s)) {
 s = inc(s)


def memoize[R, E, A, B](f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[A => ZIO[R, E, B]]

Returns a memoized version of the specified effectual function.

Returns a memoized version of the specified effectual function.


def mergeAll[R, E, A, B](in: => Iterable[ZIO[R, E, A]])(zero: => B)(f: (B, A) => B)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, B]

Merges an Iterable[IO] to a single IO, working sequentially.

Merges an Iterable[IO] to a single IO, working sequentially.


def mergeAllPar[R, E, A, B](in: => Iterable[ZIO[R, E, A]])(zero: => B)(f: (B, A) => B)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, B]

Merges an Iterable[IO] to a single IO, working in parallel.

Merges an Iterable[IO] to a single IO, working in parallel.

Due to the parallel nature of this combinator, f must be both:

  • commutative: f(a, b) == f(b, a)
  • associative: f(a, f(b, c)) == f(f(a, b), c)

It's unsafe to execute side effects inside f, as f may be executed more than once for some of in elements during effect execution.


def never(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Nothing]

Returns a effect that will never produce anything. The moral equivalent of while(true) {}, only without the wasted CPU cycles. Fibers that execute this effect will be automatically garbage collected on the JVM when no explicit references to them are held, because they cannot be reactivated.

Returns a effect that will never produce anything. The moral equivalent of while(true) {}, only without the wasted CPU cycles. Fibers that execute this effect will be automatically garbage collected on the JVM when no explicit references to them are held, because they cannot be reactivated.


def noneOrFail[E](o: => Option[E])(implicit trace: Trace): IO[E, Unit]

Lifts an Option into a ZIO. If the option is empty it succeeds with Unit. If the option is defined it fails with the content.

Lifts an Option into a ZIO. If the option is empty it succeeds with Unit. If the option is defined it fails with the content.


def noneOrFailWith[E, O](o: => Option[O])(f: O => E)(implicit trace: Trace): IO[E, Unit]

Lifts an Option into a ZIO. If the option is empty it succeeds with Unit. If the option is defined it fails with an error adapted with f.

Lifts an Option into a ZIO. If the option is empty it succeeds with Unit. If the option is defined it fails with an error adapted with f.


def not[R, E](effect: => ZIO[R, E, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Boolean]

Returns a new effect where boolean value of this effect is negated.

Returns a new effect where boolean value of this effect is negated.


def onExecutor[R, E, A](executor: => Executor)(zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Returns an effect that will execute the specified effect fully on the provided executor, before potentially returning to the previous executor. See ZIO!.onExecutor.

Returns an effect that will execute the specified effect fully on the provided executor, before potentially returning to the previous executor. See ZIO!.onExecutor.


def onExecutorScoped(executor: => Executor)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]

Shifts execution to the specified executor and shifts it back to the previous executor, if any, when the scope is closed.

Shifts execution to the specified executor and shifts it back to the previous executor, if any, when the scope is closed.


def parallelFinalizers[R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R & Scope, E, A]

Returns a new scoped workflow that runs finalizers added to the scope of this workflow in parallel.

Returns a new scoped workflow that runs finalizers added to the scope of this workflow in parallel.


def parallelism(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Option[Int]]

Retrieves the maximum number of fibers for parallel operators or None if it is unbounded.

Retrieves the maximum number of fibers for parallel operators or None if it is unbounded.


def parallelismWith[R, E, A](f: Option[Int] => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Retrieves the current maximum number of fibers for parallel operators and uses it to run the specified effect.

Retrieves the current maximum number of fibers for parallel operators and uses it to run the specified effect.


def partition[R, E, A, B](in: => Iterable[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit ev: CanFail[E], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, Nothing, (Iterable[E], Iterable[B])]

Feeds elements of type A to a function f that returns an effect. Collects all successes and failures in a tupled fashion.

Feeds elements of type A to a function f that returns an effect. Collects all successes and failures in a tupled fashion.


def partitionPar[R, E, A, B](in: => Iterable[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit ev: CanFail[E], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, Nothing, (Iterable[E], Iterable[B])]

Feeds elements of type A to a function f that returns an effect. Collects all successes and failures in parallel and returns the result as a tuple.

Feeds elements of type A to a function f that returns an effect. Collects all successes and failures in parallel and returns the result as a tuple.


def patchFiberRefs(patch: Patch)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit]

Applies the specified changes to the FiberRef values for the fiber running this workflow.

Applies the specified changes to the FiberRef values for the fiber running this workflow.


def provideEnvironment[R, E, A](r: => ZEnvironment[R])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A] => IO[E, A]

Given an environment R, returns a function that can supply the environment to programs that require it, removing their need for any specific environment.

Given an environment R, returns a function that can supply the environment to programs that require it, removing their need for any specific environment.

This is similar to dependency injection, and the provide function can be thought of as inject.


def provideLayer[RIn, E, ROut, RIn2, ROut2](layer: ZLayer[RIn, E, ROut])(zio: ZIO[ROut & RIn2, E, ROut2])(implicit ev: Tag[RIn2], tag: Tag[ROut], trace: Trace): ZIO[RIn & RIn2, E, ROut2]
def raceAll[R, R1 <: R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[R, E, A], ios: => Iterable[ZIO[R1, E, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R1, E, A]

Races an IO[E, A] against zero or more other effects. Yields either the first success or the last failure.

Races an IO[E, A] against zero or more other effects. Yields either the first success or the last failure.


def raceFirst[R, R1 <: R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A], ios: Iterable[ZIO[R1, E, A]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R1, E, A]

Returns an effect that races this effect with all the specified effects, yielding the first result to complete, whether by success or failure. If neither effect completes, then the composed effect will not complete.

Returns an effect that races this effect with all the specified effects, yielding the first result to complete, whether by success or failure. If neither effect completes, then the composed effect will not complete.

WARNING: The raced effect will safely interrupt the "losers", but will not resume until the losers have been cleanly terminated. If early return is desired, then instead of performing ZIO.raceFirst(l, rs), perform ZIO.raceFirst(l.disconnect, rs.map(_.disconnect)), which disconnects left and rights interrupt signal, allowing a fast return, with interruption performed in the background.


def random(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Random]

Reduces an Iterable[IO] to a single IO, working sequentially.

Reduces an Iterable[IO] to a single IO, working sequentially.


def randomWith[R, E, A](f: Random => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Retrieves the Random service for this workflow and uses it to run the specified workflow.

Retrieves the Random service for this workflow and uses it to run the specified workflow.


def reduceAll[R, R1 <: R, E, A](a: => ZIO[R, E, A], as: => Iterable[ZIO[R1, E, A]])(f: (A, A) => A)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R1, E, A]

Reduces an Iterable[IO] to a single IO, working sequentially.

Reduces an Iterable[IO] to a single IO, working sequentially.


def reduceAllPar[R, R1 <: R, E, A](a0: => ZIO[R, E, A], as0: => Iterable[ZIO[R1, E, A]])(f: (A, A) => A)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R1, E, A]

Reduces an Iterable[IO] to a single IO, working in parallel.

Reduces an Iterable[IO] to a single IO, working in parallel.


def refailCause[E](cause: Cause[E])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, E, Nothing]
def replicate[R, E, A](n: Int)(effect: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): Iterable[ZIO[R, E, A]]

Replicates the given effect n times. If 0 or negative numbers are given, an empty Iterable will be returned. This method is more efficient than using List.fill or similar methods, because the returned Iterable consumes only a small amount of heap regardless of n.

Replicates the given effect n times. If 0 or negative numbers are given, an empty Iterable will be returned. This method is more efficient than using List.fill or similar methods, because the returned Iterable consumes only a small amount of heap regardless of n.


def replicateZIO[R, E, A](n: => Int)(effect: => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Iterable[A]]

Performs this effect the specified number of times and collects the results.

Performs this effect the specified number of times and collects the results.


def replicateZIODiscard[R, E, A](n: => Int)(effect: => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Unit]

Performs this effect the specified number of times, discarding the results.

Performs this effect the specified number of times, discarding the results.


def right[B](b: => B)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Either[Nothing, B]]

Returns an effect with the value on the right part.

Returns an effect with the value on the right part.


def runtime[R](implicit trace: Trace): URIO[R, Runtime[R]]

Returns an effect that accesses the runtime, which can be used to (unsafely) execute tasks. This is useful for integration with legacy code that must call back into ZIO code.

Returns an effect that accesses the runtime, which can be used to (unsafely) execute tasks. This is useful for integration with legacy code that must call back into ZIO code.


def runtimeFlags(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, Nothing, RuntimeFlags]

Retrieves an effect that succeeds with the current runtime flags, which govern behavior and features of the runtime system.

Retrieves an effect that succeeds with the current runtime flags, which govern behavior and features of the runtime system.


def scope(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Scope]

Returns the current scope.

Returns the current scope.


def scopeWith[R, E, A](f: Scope => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R & Scope, E, A]

Accesses the current scope and uses it to perform the specified effect.

Accesses the current scope and uses it to perform the specified effect.


Scopes all resources used in this effect to the lifetime of the effect, ensuring that their finalizers are run as soon as this effect completes execution, whether by success, failure, or interruption.

Scopes all resources used in this effect to the lifetime of the effect, ensuring that their finalizers are run as soon as this effect completes execution, whether by success, failure, or interruption.

ZIO.scoped {


def sequentialFinalizers[R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R & Scope, E, A]

Returns a new scoped workflow that runs finalizers added to the scope of this workflow sequentially in the reverse of the order in which they were added. Note that finalizers are run sequentially by default so this only has meaning if used within a scope where finalizers are being run in parallel.

Returns a new scoped workflow that runs finalizers added to the scope of this workflow sequentially in the reverse of the order in which they were added. Note that finalizers are run sequentially by default so this only has meaning if used within a scope where finalizers are being run in parallel.


def service[A : Tag](implicit evidence$117: Tag[A], trace: Trace): URIO[A, A]

Accesses the specified service in the environment of the effect.

Accesses the specified service in the environment of the effect.


def serviceAt[Service]: ServiceAtPartiallyApplied[Service]

Accesses the service corresponding to the specified key in the environment.

Accesses the service corresponding to the specified key in the environment.


Accesses the specified service in the environment of the effect.

Accesses the specified service in the environment of the effect.

Especially useful for creating "accessor" methods on Services' companion objects.

def foo(int: Int) = ZIO.serviceWith[Foo](_.foo(int))


Effectfully accesses the specified service in the environment of the effect.

Effectfully accesses the specified service in the environment of the effect.

Especially useful for creating "accessor" methods on Services' companion objects.

def foo(int: Int) = ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Foo](_.foo(int))


def setFiberRefs(fiberRefs: => FiberRefs)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Sets the FiberRef values for the fiber running this effect to the values in the specified collection of FiberRef values.

Sets the FiberRef values for the fiber running this effect to the values in the specified collection of FiberRef values.


def setState[S : Tag](s: => S)(implicit evidence$116: Tag[S], trace: Trace): ZIO[ZState[S], Nothing, Unit]

Sets a state in the environment to the specified value.

Sets a state in the environment to the specified value.


def shift(executor: => Executor)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Returns an effect that shifts execution to the specified executor. This is useful to specify a default executor that effects sequenced after this one will be run on if they are not shifted somewhere else. It can also be used to implement higher level operators to manage where an effect is run such as ZIO!.onExecutor and ZIO!.onExecutionContext.

Returns an effect that shifts execution to the specified executor. This is useful to specify a default executor that effects sequenced after this one will be run on if they are not shifted somewhere else. It can also be used to implement higher level operators to manage where an effect is run such as ZIO!.onExecutor and ZIO!.onExecutionContext.


def sleep(duration: => Duration)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Returns an effect that suspends for the specified duration. This method is asynchronous, and does not actually block the fiber executing the effect.

Returns an effect that suspends for the specified duration. This method is asynchronous, and does not actually block the fiber executing the effect.


def some[A](a: => A)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Option[A]]

Returns an effect with the optional value.

Returns an effect with the optional value.


def stackTrace(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[StackTrace]

Capture ZIO stack trace at the current point.

Capture ZIO stack trace at the current point.


Provides a stateful ZIO workflow with its initial state, resulting in a workflow that is ready to be run.

Provides a stateful ZIO workflow with its initial state, resulting in a workflow that is ready to be run.

ZIO.stateful(0) {
 for {
     _     <- ZIO.updateState[Int](_ + 1)
     state <- ZIO.getState[Int]
   } yield assertTrue(state == 1)


def succeedBlockingUnsafe[A](a: Unsafe => A)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[A]
def succeedUnsafe[A](a: Unsafe => A)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[A]
def suspend[R, A](rio: => RIO[R, A])(implicit trace: Trace): RIO[R, A]

Returns a lazily constructed effect, whose construction may itself require effects. When no environment is required (i.e., when R == Any) it is conceptually equivalent to flatten(effect(io)).

Returns a lazily constructed effect, whose construction may itself require effects. When no environment is required (i.e., when R == Any) it is conceptually equivalent to flatten(effect(io)).


def suspendSucceed[R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Returns a lazily constructed effect, whose construction may itself require effects. The effect must not throw any exceptions. When no environment is required (i.e., when R == Any) it is conceptually equivalent to flatten(succeed(zio)). If you wonder if the effect throws exceptions, do not use this method, use ZIO.suspend.

Returns a lazily constructed effect, whose construction may itself require effects. The effect must not throw any exceptions. When no environment is required (i.e., when R == Any) it is conceptually equivalent to flatten(succeed(zio)). If you wonder if the effect throws exceptions, do not use this method, use ZIO.suspend.


def suspendSucceedUnsafe[R, E, A](zio: Unsafe => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]
def system(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[System]

Retrieves the System service for this workflow.

Retrieves the System service for this workflow.


def systemWith[R, E, A](f: System => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Retrieves the System service for this workflow and uses it to run the specified workflow.

Retrieves the System service for this workflow and uses it to run the specified workflow.


def tagged(key: => String, value: => String): Tagged

Tags each metric in this effect with the specific tag.

Tags each metric in this effect with the specific tag.


def tagged(tag: => MetricLabel, tags: MetricLabel*): Tagged

Tags each metric in this effect with the specific tag.

Tags each metric in this effect with the specific tag.


def tagged(tags: => Set[MetricLabel]): Tagged

Tags each metric in this effect with the specific tag.

Tags each metric in this effect with the specific tag.


def taggedScoped(key: => String, value: => String)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]
def taggedScoped(tag: => MetricLabel, tags: MetricLabel*)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]
def taggedScoped(tags: => Set[MetricLabel])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]
def tags(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Set[MetricLabel]]

Retrieves the metric tags associated with the current scope.

Retrieves the metric tags associated with the current scope.


def transplant[R, E, A](f: Grafter => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Transplants specified effects so that when those effects fork other effects, the forked effects will be governed by the scope of the fiber that executes this effect.

Transplants specified effects so that when those effects fork other effects, the forked effects will be governed by the scope of the fiber that executes this effect.

This can be used to "graft" deep grandchildren onto a higher-level scope, effectively extending their lifespans into the parent scope.


def uninterruptible[R, E, A](zio: => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Prefix form of ZIO#uninterruptible.

Prefix form of ZIO#uninterruptible.


def uninterruptibleMask[R, E, A](f: InterruptibilityRestorer => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Makes the effect uninterruptible, but passes it a restore function that can be used to restore the inherited interruptibility from whatever region the effect is composed into.

Makes the effect uninterruptible, but passes it a restore function that can be used to restore the inherited interruptibility from whatever region the effect is composed into.


def unless[R, E, A](p: => Boolean)(zio: => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Option[A]]

The moral equivalent of if (!p) exp

The moral equivalent of if (!p) exp


def unlessZIO[R, E](p: => ZIO[R, E, Boolean]): UnlessZIO[R, E]

The moral equivalent of if (!p) exp when p has side-effects

The moral equivalent of if (!p) exp when p has side-effects


def unsandbox[R, E, A](v: => ZIO[R, Cause[E], A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

The inverse operation IO.sandboxed

The inverse operation IO.sandboxed

Terminates with exceptions on the Left side of the Either error, if it exists. Otherwise extracts the contained IO[E, A]


def unshift(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Returns an effect indicating that execution is no longer required to be performed on the current executor. The runtime may continue executing on this executor for efficiency but will not automatically shift back to it after completing an effect on another executor.

Returns an effect indicating that execution is no longer required to be performed on the current executor. The runtime may continue executing on this executor for efficiency but will not automatically shift back to it after completing an effect on another executor.


def updateFiberRefs(f: (Runtime, FiberRefs) => FiberRefs)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Updates the FiberRef values for the fiber running this effect using the specified function.

Updates the FiberRef values for the fiber running this effect using the specified function.


def updateRuntimeFlags(patch: Patch)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit]

Updates the runtime flags. This may have a performance impact. For a higher-performance variant, see ZIO#withRuntimeFlags.

Updates the runtime flags. This may have a performance impact. For a higher-performance variant, see ZIO#withRuntimeFlags.


def updateState[S : Tag](f: S => S)(implicit evidence$118: Tag[S], trace: Trace): ZIO[ZState[S], Nothing, Unit]

Updates a state in the environment with the specified function.

Updates a state in the environment with the specified function.


Scopes all resources acquired by resource to the lifetime of use without effecting the scope of any resources acquired by use.

Scopes all resources acquired by resource to the lifetime of use without effecting the scope of any resources acquired by use.


def validate[R, E, A, B, Collection <: (Iterable)](in: Collection[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[A], B, Collection[B]], ev: CanFail[E], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, ::[E], Collection[B]]

Feeds elements of type A to f and accumulates all errors in error channel or successes in success channel.

Feeds elements of type A to f and accumulates all errors in error channel or successes in success channel.

This combinator is lossy meaning that if there are errors all successes will be lost. To retain all information please use partition.


def validate[R, E, A, B](in: NonEmptyChunk[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit ev: CanFail[E], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, ::[E], NonEmptyChunk[B]]

Feeds elements of type A to f and accumulates all errors in error channel or successes in success channel.

Feeds elements of type A to f and accumulates all errors in error channel or successes in success channel.

This combinator is lossy meaning that if there are errors all successes will be lost. To retain all information please use partition.


def validateDiscard[R, E, A](in: => Iterable[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Any])(implicit ev: CanFail[E], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, ::[E], Unit]

Feeds elements of type A to f and accumulates all errors, discarding the successes.

Feeds elements of type A to f and accumulates all errors, discarding the successes.


def validateFirst[R, E, A, B, Collection <: (Iterable)](in: Collection[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[A], E, Collection[E]], ev: CanFail[E], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, Collection[E], B]

Feeds elements of type A to f until it succeeds. Returns first success or the accumulation of all errors.

Feeds elements of type A to f until it succeeds. Returns first success or the accumulation of all errors.


def validateFirstPar[R, E, A, B, Collection <: (Iterable)](in: Collection[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[A], E, Collection[E]], ev: CanFail[E], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, Collection[E], B]

Feeds elements of type A to f, in parallel, until it succeeds. Returns first success or the accumulation of all errors.

Feeds elements of type A to f, in parallel, until it succeeds. Returns first success or the accumulation of all errors.

In case of success all other running fibers are terminated.


def validatePar[R, E, A, B, Collection <: (Iterable)](in: Collection[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Collection[A], B, Collection[B]], ev: CanFail[E], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, ::[E], Collection[B]]

Feeds elements of type A to fand accumulates, in parallel, all errors in error channel or successes in success channel.

Feeds elements of type A to fand accumulates, in parallel, all errors in error channel or successes in success channel.

This combinator is lossy meaning that if there are errors all successes will be lost. To retain all information please use partitionPar.


def validatePar[R, E, A, B](in: NonEmptyChunk[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit ev: CanFail[E], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, ::[E], NonEmptyChunk[B]]

Feeds elements of type A to fand accumulates, in parallel, all errors in error channel or successes in success channel.

Feeds elements of type A to fand accumulates, in parallel, all errors in error channel or successes in success channel.

This combinator is lossy meaning that if there are errors all successes will be lost. To retain all information please use partitionPar.


def validateParDiscard[R, E, A](in: => Iterable[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Any])(implicit ev: CanFail[E], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, ::[E], Unit]

Feeds elements of type A to f in parallel and accumulates all errors, discarding the successes.

Feeds elements of type A to f in parallel and accumulates all errors, discarding the successes.


def when[R, E, A](p: => Boolean)(zio: => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Option[A]]

The moral equivalent of if (p) exp

The moral equivalent of if (p) exp


def whenCase[R, E, A, B](a: => A)(pf: PartialFunction[A, ZIO[R, E, B]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Option[B]]

Runs an effect when the supplied PartialFunction matches for the given value, otherwise does nothing.

Runs an effect when the supplied PartialFunction matches for the given value, otherwise does nothing.


def whenCaseZIO[R, E, A, B](a: => ZIO[R, E, A])(pf: PartialFunction[A, ZIO[R, E, B]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Option[B]]

Runs an effect when the supplied PartialFunction matches for the given effectful value, otherwise does nothing.

Runs an effect when the supplied PartialFunction matches for the given effectful value, otherwise does nothing.


def whenZIO[R, E](p: => ZIO[R, E, Boolean]): WhenZIO[R, E]

The moral equivalent of if (p) exp when p has side-effects

The moral equivalent of if (p) exp when p has side-effects


def whileLoop[R, E, A](check: => Boolean)(body: => ZIO[R, E, A])(process: A => Any)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, Unit]

A low-level while-loop with direct support in the ZIO runtime. The only reason to use this constructor is performance.

A low-level while-loop with direct support in the ZIO runtime. The only reason to use this constructor is performance.

See ZIO.iterate for a user-friendly version of this operator that is compatible with purely functional code.


def withChildren[R, E, A](get: UIO[Chunk[Runtime[Any, Any]]] => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Locally installs a supervisor and an effect that succeeds with all the children that have been forked in the returned effect.

Locally installs a supervisor and an effect that succeeds with all the children that have been forked in the returned effect.


def withClock[R, E, A <: Clock, B](clock: => A)(zio: => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, B]

Executes the specified workflow with the specified implementation of the clock service.

Executes the specified workflow with the specified implementation of the clock service.


def withClockScoped[A <: Clock](clock: => A)(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]

Sets the implementation of the clock service to the specified value and restores it to its original value when the scope is closed.

Sets the implementation of the clock service to the specified value and restores it to its original value when the scope is closed.


def withConfigProvider[R, E, A <: ConfigProvider, B](configProvider: => A)(zio: => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, B]

Executes the specified workflow with the specified configuration provider.

Executes the specified workflow with the specified configuration provider.


def withConfigProviderScoped[A <: ConfigProvider](configProvider: => A)(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]

Sets the configuration provider to the specified value and restores it to its original value when the scope is closed.

Sets the configuration provider to the specified value and restores it to its original value when the scope is closed.


def withConsole[R, E, A <: Console, B](console: => A)(zio: => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, B]

Executes the specified workflow with the specified implementation of the console service.

Executes the specified workflow with the specified implementation of the console service.


def withConsoleScoped[A <: Console](console: => A)(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]

Sets the implementation of the console service to the specified value and restores it to its original value when the scope is closed.

Sets the implementation of the console service to the specified value and restores it to its original value when the scope is closed.


def withLogger[R, E, A <: ZLogger[String, Any], B](logger: => A)(zio: => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, B]

Executed this workflow with the specified logger added.

Executed this workflow with the specified logger added.


def withLoggerScoped[A <: ZLogger[String, Any]](logger: => A)(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]

Adds the specified logger and removes it when the scope is closed.

Adds the specified logger and removes it when the scope is closed.


def withParallelism[R, E, A](n: => Int)(zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Runs the specified effect with the specified maximum number of fibers for parallel operators.

Runs the specified effect with the specified maximum number of fibers for parallel operators.


def withParallelismUnbounded[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Runs the specified effect with an unbounded maximum number of fibers for parallel operators.

Runs the specified effect with an unbounded maximum number of fibers for parallel operators.


def withRandom[R, E, A <: Random, B](random: => A)(zio: => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, B]

Executes the specified workflow with the specified implementation of the random service.

Executes the specified workflow with the specified implementation of the random service.


def withRandomScoped[A <: Random](random: => A)(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]

Sets the implementation of the random service to the specified value and restores it to its original value when the scope is closed.

Sets the implementation of the random service to the specified value and restores it to its original value when the scope is closed.


def withRuntimeFlagsScoped(update: Patch)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]
def withSystem[R, E, A <: System, B](system: => A)(zio: => ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, B]

Executes the specified workflow with the specified implementation of the system service.

Executes the specified workflow with the specified implementation of the system service.


def withSystemScoped[A <: System](system: => A)(implicit tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit]

Sets the implementation of the system service to the specified value and restores it to its original value when the scope is closed.

Sets the implementation of the system service to the specified value and restores it to its original value when the scope is closed.


def yieldNow(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Returns an effect that yields to the runtime system, starting on a fresh stack. Manual use of this method can improve fairness, at the cost of overhead.

Returns an effect that yields to the runtime system, starting on a fresh stack. Manual use of this method can improve fairness, at the cost of overhead.


Inherited methods

def async[R, E, A](register: Unsafe ?=> (ZIO[R, E, A] => Unit) => Unit, blockingOn: => FiberId)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Converts an asynchronous, callback-style API into a ZIO effect, which will be executed asynchronously.

Converts an asynchronous, callback-style API into a ZIO effect, which will be executed asynchronously.

This method allows you to specify the fiber id that is responsible for invoking callbacks provided to the register function. This is called the "blocking fiber", because it is stopping the fiber executing the async effect from making progress (although it is not "blocking" a thread). Specifying this fiber id in cases where it is known will improve diagnostics, but not affect the behavior of the returned effect.


Inherited from:
def asyncInterrupt[R, E, A](register: Unsafe ?=> (ZIO[R, E, A] => Unit) => Either[URIO[R, Any], ZIO[R, E, A]], blockingOn: => FiberId)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Converts an asynchronous, callback-style API into a ZIO effect, which will be executed asynchronously.

Converts an asynchronous, callback-style API into a ZIO effect, which will be executed asynchronously.

With this variant, you can specify either a way to cancel the asynchrounous action, or you can return the result right away if no asynchronous operation is required.

This method allows you to specify the fiber id that is responsible for invoking callbacks provided to the register function. This is called the "blocking fiber", because it is stopping the fiber executing the async effect from making progress (although it is not "blocking" a thread). Specifying this fiber id in cases where it is known will improve diagnostics, but not affect the behavior of the returned effect.


Inherited from:
def asyncMaybe[R, E, A](register: Unsafe ?=> (ZIO[R, E, A] => Unit) => Option[ZIO[R, E, A]], blockingOn: => FiberId)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

Converts an asynchronous, callback-style API into a ZIO effect, which will be executed asynchronously.

Converts an asynchronous, callback-style API into a ZIO effect, which will be executed asynchronously.

With this variant, the registration function may return the result right away, if it turns out that no asynchronous operation is required to complete the operation.

This method allows you to specify the fiber id that is responsible for invoking callbacks provided to the register function. This is called the "blocking fiber", because it is stopping the fiber executing the async effect from making progress (although it is not "blocking" a thread). Specifying this fiber id in cases where it is known will improve diagnostics, but not affect the behavior of the returned effect.


Inherited from:
def attempt[A](code: Unsafe ?=> A)(implicit trace: Trace): Task[A]

Returns an effect that, when executed, will cautiously run the provided code, catching any exception and translated it into a failed ZIO effect.

Returns an effect that, when executed, will cautiously run the provided code, catching any exception and translated it into a failed ZIO effect.

This method should be used whenever you want to take arbitrary code, which may throw exceptions or not be type safe, and convert it into a ZIO effect, which can safely execute that code whenever the effect is executed.

def printLine(line: String): Task[Unit] = ZIO.attempt(println(line))


Inherited from:
def attemptBlocking[A](effect: Unsafe ?=> A)(implicit trace: Trace): Task[A]

Returns an effect that, when executed, will cautiously run the provided code, catching any exception and translated it into a failed ZIO effect.

Returns an effect that, when executed, will cautiously run the provided code, catching any exception and translated it into a failed ZIO effect.

This method should be used whenever you want to take arbitrary code, which may throw exceptions or not be type safe, and convert it into a ZIO effect, which can safely execute that code whenever the effect is executed.

This variant expects that the provided code will engage in blocking I/O, and therefore, pro-actively executes the code on a dedicated blocking thread pool, so it won't interfere with the main thread pool that ZIO uses.


Inherited from:
def attemptBlockingCancelable[R, A](effect: => A)(cancel: => URIO[R, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): RIO[R, A]

Returns an effect that, when executed, will cautiously run the provided code, catching any exception and translated it into a failed ZIO effect.

Returns an effect that, when executed, will cautiously run the provided code, catching any exception and translated it into a failed ZIO effect.

This method should be used whenever you want to take arbitrary code, which may throw exceptions or not be type safe, and convert it into a ZIO effect, which can safely execute that code whenever the effect is executed.

This variant expects that the provided code will engage in blocking I/O, and therefore, pro-actively executes the code on a dedicated blocking thread pool, so it won't interfere with the main thread pool that ZIO uses.

Additionally, this variant allows you to specify an effect that will cancel the blocking operation. This effect will be executed if the fiber that is executing the blocking effect is interrupted for any reason.


Inherited from:
def attemptBlockingIO[A](effect: Unsafe ?=> A)(implicit trace: Trace): IO[IOException, A]

This function is the same as attempt, except that it only exposes IOException, treating any other exception as fatal.

This function is the same as attempt, except that it only exposes IOException, treating any other exception as fatal.


Inherited from:
def attemptBlockingInterrupt[A](effect: => A)(implicit trace: Trace): Task[A]

Imports a synchronous effect that does blocking IO into a pure value.

Imports a synchronous effect that does blocking IO into a pure value.

If the returned ZIO is interrupted, the blocked thread running the synchronous effect will be interrupted via Thread.interrupt.

Note that this adds significant overhead. For performance sensitive applications consider using attemptBlocking or attemptBlockingCancelable.


Inherited from:
ZIOCompanionPlatformSpecific (hidden)
def fromPromiseJS[A](promise: => Promise[A])(implicit trace: Trace): Task[A]

Imports a Scala.js promise into a ZIO.

Imports a Scala.js promise into a ZIO.


Inherited from:
ZIOCompanionPlatformSpecific (hidden)
def succeed[A](a: Unsafe ?=> A)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, Nothing, A]

Returns an effect that models success with the specified value.

Returns an effect that models success with the specified value.


Inherited from:
def succeedBlocking[A](a: Unsafe ?=> A)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[A]

Returns a synchronous effect that does blocking and succeeds with the specified value.

Returns a synchronous effect that does blocking and succeeds with the specified value.


Inherited from:

Concrete fields

final lazy val Parallelism: FiberRef[Option[Int]]

The level of parallelism for parallel operators.

The level of parallelism for parallel operators.


val none: UIO[Option[Nothing]]

Returns an effect that succeeds with the None value.

Returns an effect that succeeds with the None value.


val unit: UIO[Unit]

An effect that succeeds with a unit value.

An effect that succeeds with a unit value.




final implicit def ZIOAutoCloseableOps[R, E, A <: AutoCloseable](io: ZIO[R, E, A]): ZIOAutoCloseableOps[R, E, A]
final implicit def ZIOBooleanOps[R, E](self: ZIO[R, E, Boolean]): ZIOBooleanOps[R, E]
final implicit def ZioRefineToOrDieOps[R, E <: Throwable, A](self: ZIO[R, E, A]): ZioRefineToOrDieOps[R, E, A]