Package dk.cachet.carp.studies.infrastructure


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class InMemoryParticipantRepository : ParticipantRepository
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A StudyRepository which holds studies in memory as long as the instance is held in memory.

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class RecruitmentServiceLoggingProxy(service: RecruitmentService, eventBus: EventBus, log: (LoggedRequest<RecruitmentService, RecruitmentService.Event>) -> Unit) : ApplicationServiceLoggingProxy<RecruitmentService, RecruitmentService.Event> , RecruitmentService

A proxy for a recruitment service which notifies of incoming requests and responses through log and keeps a history of requests and published events in loggedRequests.

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sealed class RecruitmentServiceRequest<out TReturn> : ApplicationServiceRequest<RecruitmentService, TReturn>

Serializable application service requests to RecruitmentService which can be executed on demand.

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class StudyServiceLoggingProxy(service: StudyService, eventBus: EventBus, log: (LoggedRequest<StudyService, StudyService.Event>) -> Unit) : ApplicationServiceLoggingProxy<StudyService, StudyService.Event> , StudyService

A proxy for a study service which notifies of incoming requests and responses through log and keeps a history of requests and published events in loggedRequests.

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sealed class StudyServiceRequest<out TReturn> : ApplicationServiceRequest<StudyService, TReturn>

Serializable application service requests to StudyService which can be executed on demand.