
data class Invited(val id: UUID, val participants: Set<Participant>, val invitedOn: Instant, val studyDeploymentStatus: StudyDeploymentStatus) : ParticipantGroupStatus.InDeployment

The participants have been invited to a study deployment which isn't Running or hasn't been Stopped yet. More details are on the study deployment state are available in studyDeploymentStatus.


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fun Invited(id: UUID, participants: Set<Participant>, invitedOn: Instant, studyDeploymentStatus: StudyDeploymentStatus)


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open override val id: UUID

The ID of this participant group, which is equivalent to the ID of the associated study deployment once deployed.

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open override val invitedOn: Instant

The time at which the participant group was invited.

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open override val participants: Set<Participant>

The participants that are part of this group.

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open override val studyDeploymentStatus: StudyDeploymentStatus

The deployment status of the study deployment the participants were invited to.