Package-level declarations


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Application service which allows setting recruitment goals, adding participants to studies, and creating deployments for them.

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class RecruitmentServiceHost(participantRepository: ParticipantRepository, deploymentService: DeploymentService, eventBus: ApplicationServiceEventBus<RecruitmentService, RecruitmentService.Event>, uuidFactory: UUIDFactory = DefaultUUIDFactory, clock: Clock = Clock.System) : RecruitmentService
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data class StudyDetails(val studyId: UUID, val ownerId: UUID, val name: String, val createdOn: Instant, val description: String?, val invitation: StudyInvitation, val protocolSnapshot: StudyProtocolSnapshot?)

Contains detailed information about a study, such as the configured study protocol.

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interface StudyService : ApplicationService<StudyService, StudyService.Event>

Application service which allows creating and managing studies.

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class StudyServiceHost(repository: StudyRepository, eventBus: ApplicationServiceEventBus<StudyService, StudyService.Event>, uuidFactory: UUIDFactory = DefaultUUIDFactory, clock: Clock = Clock.System) : StudyService

Implementation of StudyService which allows creating and managing studies.

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sealed class StudyStatus

Describes the status of a study: the number of participants, progress towards study goal, etc.