
data class StudyDetails(val studyId: UUID, val ownerId: UUID, val name: String, val createdOn: Instant, val description: String?, val invitation: StudyInvitation, val protocolSnapshot: StudyProtocolSnapshot?)

Contains detailed information about a study, such as the configured study protocol.


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fun StudyDetails(studyId: UUID, ownerId: UUID, name: String, createdOn: Instant, description: String?, invitation: StudyInvitation, protocolSnapshot: StudyProtocolSnapshot?)


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val createdOn: Instant

The date when this study was created.

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A description for the study, assigned by, and only visible to, the study owner.

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val invitation: StudyInvitation

A description of the study, shared with participants once they are invited to the study.

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A descriptive name for the study, assigned by, and only visible to, the study owner.

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val ownerId: UUID

The ID of the entity (e.g., person or group) that created this study.

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val protocolSnapshot: StudyProtocolSnapshot?

A snapshot of the protocol to use in this study, or null when not yet defined.

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val studyId: UUID