Package org.xbill.DNS

Interface Summary
Resolver Interface describing a resolver.
ResolverListener An interface to the asynchronous resolver.

Class Summary
A6Record A6 Record - maps a domain name to an IPv6 address (experimental)
AAAARecord IPv6 Address Record - maps a domain name to an IPv6 address
Address Routines dealing with IP addresses.
AFSDBRecord AFS Data Base Record - maps a domain name to the name of an AFS cell database server.
APLRecord APL - Address Prefix List.
ARecord Address Record - maps a domain name to an Internet address
Cache A cache of DNS records.
CERTRecord Certificate Record - Stores a certificate associated with a name.
ClientSubnetOption The Client Subnet EDNS Option, defined in ("Client subnet in DNS requests").
CNAMERecord CNAME Record - maps an alias to its real name
Compression DNS Name Compression object.
Credibility Constants relating to the credibility of cached data, which is based on the data's source.
DClass Constants and functions relating to DNS classes.
DHCIDRecord DHCID - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) ID (RFC 4701)
DLVRecord DLV - contains a Delegation Lookaside Validation record, which acts as the equivalent of a DS record in a lookaside zone.
DNAMERecord DNAME Record - maps a nonterminal alias (subtree) to a different domain
DNSInput An class for parsing DNS messages.
DNSKEYRecord Key - contains a cryptographic public key for use by DNS.
DNSOutput A class for rendering DNS messages.
DNSSEC Constants and methods relating to DNSSEC.
DSRecord DS - contains a Delegation Signer record, which acts as a placeholder for KEY records in the parent zone.
EDNSOption DNS extension options, as described in RFC 2671.
ExtendedFlags Constants and functions relating to EDNS flags.
ExtendedResolver An implementation of Resolver that can send queries to multiple servers, sending the queries multiple times if necessary.
Flags Constants and functions relating to flags in the DNS header.
Generator A representation of a $GENERATE statement in a master file.
GenericEDNSOption An EDNSOption with no internal structure.
GPOSRecord Geographical Location - describes the physical location of a host.
Header A DNS message header
HINFORecord Host Information - describes the CPU and OS of a host
IPSECKEYRecord IPsec Keying Material (RFC 4025)
ISDNRecord ISDN - identifies the ISDN number and subaddress associated with a name.
KEYRecord Key - contains a cryptographic public key.
KXRecord Key Exchange - delegation of authority
LOCRecord Location - describes the physical location of hosts, networks, subnets.
Lookup The Lookup object issues queries to caching DNS servers.
Master A DNS master file parser.
MBRecord Mailbox Record - specifies a host containing a mailbox.
MDRecord Mail Destination Record - specifies a mail agent which delivers mail for a domain (obsolete)
Message A DNS Message.
MFRecord Mail Forwarder Record - specifies a mail agent which forwards mail for a domain (obsolete)
MGRecord Mail Group Record - specifies a mailbox which is a member of a mail group.
MINFORecord Mailbox information Record - lists the address responsible for a mailing list/mailbox and the address to receive error messages relating to the mailing list/mailbox.
MRRecord Mailbox Rename Record - specifies a rename of a mailbox.
MXRecord Mail Exchange - specifies where mail to a domain is sent
Name A representation of a domain name.
NAPTRRecord Name Authority Pointer Record - specifies rewrite rule, that when applied to an existing string will produce a new domain.
NSAP_PTRRecord NSAP Pointer Record - maps a domain name representing an NSAP Address to a hostname.
NSAPRecord NSAP Address Record.
NSEC3PARAMRecord Next SECure name 3 Parameters - this record contains the parameters (hash algorithm, salt, iterations) used for a valid, complete NSEC3 chain present in a zone.
NSEC3Record Next SECure name 3 - this record contains the next hashed name in an ordered list of hashed names in the zone, and a set of types for which records exist for this name.
NSECRecord Next SECure name - this record contains the following name in an ordered list of names in the zone, and a set of types for which records exist for this name.
NSIDOption The Name Server Identifier Option, define in RFC 5001.
NSRecord Name Server Record - contains the name server serving the named zone
NULLRecord The NULL Record.
NXTRecord Next name - this record contains the following name in an ordered list of names in the zone, and a set of types for which records exist for this name.
Opcode Constants and functions relating to DNS opcodes
Options Boolean options:
bindttl - Print TTLs in BIND format
multiline - Print records in multiline format
noprintin - Don't print the class of a record if it's IN
verbose - Turn on general debugging statements
verbosemsg - Print all messages sent or received by SimpleResolver
verbosecompression - Print messages related to name compression
verbosesec - Print messages related to signature verification
verbosecache - Print messages related to cache lookups

Valued options:
tsigfudge=n - Sets the default TSIG fudge value (in seconds)
sig0validity=n - Sets the default SIG(0) validity period (in seconds)
OPTRecord Options - describes Extended DNS (EDNS) properties of a Message.
PTRRecord Pointer Record - maps a domain name representing an Internet Address to a hostname.
PXRecord X.400 mail mapping record.
Rcode Constants and functions relating to DNS rcodes (error values)
Record A generic DNS resource record.
ResolverConfig A class that tries to locate name servers and the search path to be appended to unqualified names.
ReverseMap A set functions designed to deal with DNS names used in reverse mappings.
RPRecord Responsible Person Record - lists the mail address of a responsible person and a domain where TXT records are available.
RRset A set of Records with the same name, type, and class.
RRSIGRecord Recource Record Signature - An RRSIG provides the digital signature of an RRset, so that the data can be authenticated by a DNSSEC-capable resolver.
RTRecord Route Through Record - lists a route preference and intermediate host.
Section Constants and functions relating to DNS message sections
Serial Helper functions for doing serial arithmetic.
SetResponse The Response from a query to Cache.lookupRecords() or Zone.findRecords()
SIG0 Creates SIG(0) transaction signatures.
SIGRecord Signature - A SIG provides the digital signature of an RRset, so that the data can be authenticated by a DNSSEC-capable resolver.
SimpleResolver An implementation of Resolver that sends one query to one server.
SOARecord Start of Authority - describes properties of a zone.
SPFRecord Sender Policy Framework (RFC 4408, experimental)
SRVRecord Server Selection Record - finds hosts running services in a domain.
SSHFPRecord SSH Fingerprint - stores the fingerprint of an SSH host key.
TKEYRecord Transaction Key - used to compute and/or securely transport a shared secret to be used with TSIG.
TLSARecord Transport Layer Security Authentication
Tokenizer Tokenizer is used to parse DNS records and zones from text format,
TSIG Transaction signature handling.
TSIGRecord Transaction Signature - this record is automatically generated by the resolver.
TTL Routines for parsing BIND-style TTL values.
TXTRecord Text - stores text strings
Type Constants and functions relating to DNS Types
UNKRecord A class implementing Records of unknown and/or unimplemented types.
Update A helper class for constructing dynamic DNS (DDNS) update messages.
WKSRecord Well Known Services - Lists services offered by this host.
X25Record X25 - identifies the PSDN (Public Switched Data Network) address in the X.121 numbering plan associated with a name.
Zone A DNS Zone.
ZoneTransferIn An incoming DNS Zone Transfer.

Exception Summary
DNSSEC.DNSSECException A DNSSEC exception.
DNSSEC.IncompatibleKeyException The key data provided is inconsistent.
DNSSEC.KeyMismatchException A DNSSEC verification failed because fields in the DNSKEY and RRSIG records do not match.
DNSSEC.MalformedKeyException The cryptographic data in a DNSSEC key is malformed.
DNSSEC.NoSignatureException No signature was found.
DNSSEC.SignatureExpiredException A DNSSEC verification failed because the signature has expired.
DNSSEC.SignatureNotYetValidException A DNSSEC verification failed because the signature has not yet become valid.
DNSSEC.SignatureVerificationException A DNSSEC verification failed because the cryptographic signature verification failed.
DNSSEC.UnsupportedAlgorithmException An algorithm is unsupported by this DNSSEC implementation.
InvalidDClassException An exception thrown when an invalid dclass code is specified.
InvalidTTLException An exception thrown when an invalid TTL is specified.
InvalidTypeException An exception thrown when an invalid type code is specified.
NameTooLongException An exception thrown when a name is longer than the maximum length of a DNS name.
RelativeNameException An exception thrown when a relative name is passed as an argument to a method requiring an absolute name.
TextParseException An exception thrown when unable to parse text.
WireParseException An exception thrown when a DNS message is invalid.
ZoneTransferException An exception thrown when a zone transfer fails.

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