package wiring
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- sealed trait DecKind extends AnyRef
Declaration kind in lineage (e.g.
Declaration kind in lineage (e.g. input port, output port, wire)
- case class Modifications(addPortOrWire: Option[(String, DecKind)] = None, cons: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty) extends Product with Serializable
Store of pending wiring information for a Module
- case class SinkAnnotation(target: Named, pin: String) extends SingleTargetAnnotation[Named] with Product with Serializable
A module, e.g.
A module, e.g. ExtModule etc., that should add the input pin
- case class SourceAnnotation(target: ComponentName, pin: String) extends SingleTargetAnnotation[ComponentName] with Product with Serializable
A component, e.g.
A component, e.g. register etc. Must be declared only once under the TopAnnotation
- class Wiring extends Pass
Pass that computes and applies a sequence of wiring modifications
- case class WiringException(msg: String) extends PassException with Product with Serializable
A class for all exceptions originating from firrtl.passes.wiring
- case class WiringInfo(source: ComponentName, sinks: Seq[Named], pin: String) extends Product with Serializable
A data store of one sink--source wiring relationship
- case class WiringNames(compName: String, source: String, sinks: Seq[Named], pin: String) extends Product with Serializable
A data store of wiring names
- class WiringTransform extends Transform
Wires a Module's Source Target to one or more Sink Modules/Components
Wires a Module's Source Target to one or more Sink Modules/Components
Sinks are wired to their closest source through their lowest common ancestor (LCA). Verbosely, this modifies the circuit in the following ways:
- Adds a pin to each sink module
- Punches ports up from source signals to the LCA
- Punches ports down from LCAs to each sink module
- Wires sources up to LCA, sinks down from LCA, and across each LCA
- Exceptions thrown
if a sink is equidistant to two sources
Deprecated Type Members
- case class Lineage(name: String, children: Seq[(String, Lineage)] = Seq.empty, source: Boolean = false, sink: Boolean = false, sourceParent: Boolean = false, sinkParent: Boolean = false, sharedParent: Boolean = false, addPort: Option[(String, DecKind)] = None, cons: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq.empty) extends Product with Serializable
A lineage tree representing the instance hierarchy in a design
A lineage tree representing the instance hierarchy in a design
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version FIRRTL 1.1.1) Use DiGraph/InstanceGraph