



package altIR

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AssignableGraphNode extends NamedGraphNode

    Graph node representation of nodes that can be assigned to by connect statements in the tree form of firrtl.

  2. class ConnectGraphNode extends StatementGraphNode

    Graph node equivalent to Connect nodes in the tree form of the IR

  3. class DefInstanceGraphNode extends AssignableGraphNode

    Graph node equivalent to DefInstance nodes in the tree form of the IR

  4. class DefWireGraphNode extends AssignableGraphNode

    Graph node equivalent to DefWire nodes in the tree form of the IR

  5. abstract class ExpressionGraphNode extends FirrtlGraphNode

    Graph node equivalent to Expression nodes in the tree form of the IR.

  6. abstract class FirrtlGraphNode extends AnyRef

    Base class for the graph nodes in the graph representation of firrtl AST tree.

  7. class IsInvalidGraphNode extends StatementGraphNode

    Graph node equivalent to IsInvalid nodes in the tree form of the IR

  8. abstract class NamedGraphNode extends StatementGraphNode

    Graph node representation of nodes that can be refered to by name in the tree form of the IR

  9. class PortGraphNode extends AssignableGraphNode

    Graph nodes that represent the IO ports of a module not present in the tree form of the IR.

  10. class ReferenceGraphNode extends ExpressionGraphNode

    Graph node equivalent to Reference nodes in the tree form of the IR

  11. abstract class StatementGraphNode extends FirrtlGraphNode

    Graph node equivalent of Statement AST tree nodes in IR.scala.

  12. class SubFieldGraphNode extends ExpressionGraphNode

    Graph node equivalent to SubField nodes in the tree form of the IR

  13. class SubIndexGraphNode extends ExpressionGraphNode

    Graph node equivalent to SubIndex nodes in the tree form of the IR

Value Members

  1. object getGraphNode
