


package firrtl

Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. firrtl
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AddDescriptionNodes extends Transform

    Wraps modules or statements with their respective described nodes.

    Wraps modules or statements with their respective described nodes. Descriptions come from DescriptionAnnotation. Describing a module or any of its ports will turn it into a DescribedMod. Describing a Statement will turn it into a (private) DescribedStmt.


    should only be used by VerilogEmitter, described nodes will break other transforms.

  2. class AnnotationSeq extends AnyRef

    Container of all annotations for a Firrtl compiler

  3. case class CDefMPort(info: Info, name: String, tpe: Type, mem: String, exps: Seq[Expression], direction: MPortDir) extends Statement with HasInfo with Product with Serializable
  4. case class CDefMemory(info: Info, name: String, tpe: Type, size: BigInt, seq: Boolean, readUnderWrite: ir.ReadUnderWrite.Value = ReadUnderWrite.Undefined) extends Statement with HasInfo with Product with Serializable
  5. class ChirrtlEmitter extends FirrtlEmitter
  6. class ChirrtlToHighFirrtl extends CoreTransform

    This transforms "CHIRRTL", the chisel3 IR, to "Firrtl".

    This transforms "CHIRRTL", the chisel3 IR, to "Firrtl". Note the resulting circuit has only IR nodes, not WIR.

  7. sealed abstract class CircuitForm extends Ordered[CircuitForm]

    Current form of the Firrtl Circuit

    Current form of the Firrtl Circuit

    Form is a measure of addition restrictions on the legality of a Firrtl circuit. There is a notion of "highness" and "lowness" implemented in the compiler by extending scala.math.Ordered. "Lower" forms add additional restrictions compared to "higher" forms. This means that "higher" forms are strictly supersets of the "lower" forms. Thus, that any transform that operates on HighForm can also operate on MidForm or LowForm

  8. case class CircuitState(circuit: Circuit, form: CircuitForm, annotations: AnnotationSeq, renames: Option[RenameMap]) extends Product with Serializable

    Current State of the Circuit

    Current State of the Circuit


    The current state of the Firrtl AST


    The current form of the circuit


    The current collection of Annotation


    A map of Named things that have been renamed. Generally only a return value from Transforms

  9. trait Compiler extends LazyLogging
  10. trait Constraint extends AnyRef
  11. sealed abstract class CoreTransform extends SeqTransform
  12. case class CustomTransformException(cause: Throwable) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

    Wraps exceptions from CustomTransforms so they can be reported appropriately

  13. case class DescriptionAnnotation(named: Named, description: String) extends Annotation with Product with Serializable
  14. case class EmitAllModulesAnnotation(emitter: Class[_ <: Emitter]) extends EmitAnnotation with Product with Serializable
  15. sealed trait EmitAnnotation extends NoTargetAnnotation
  16. case class EmitCircuitAnnotation(emitter: Class[_ <: Emitter]) extends EmitAnnotation with Product with Serializable
  17. sealed trait EmittedAnnotation[T <: EmittedComponent] extends NoTargetAnnotation with Unserializable

    Traits for Annotations containing emitted components

  18. sealed abstract class EmittedCircuit extends EmittedComponent
  19. sealed trait EmittedCircuitAnnotation[T <: EmittedCircuit] extends EmittedAnnotation[T]
  20. sealed abstract class EmittedComponent extends AnyRef
  21. final case class EmittedFirrtlCircuit(name: String, value: String, outputSuffix: String) extends EmittedCircuit with Product with Serializable
  22. case class EmittedFirrtlCircuitAnnotation(value: EmittedFirrtlCircuit) extends EmittedCircuitAnnotation[EmittedFirrtlCircuit] with Product with Serializable
  23. final case class EmittedFirrtlModule(name: String, value: String, outputSuffix: String) extends EmittedModule with Product with Serializable
  24. case class EmittedFirrtlModuleAnnotation(value: EmittedFirrtlModule) extends EmittedModuleAnnotation[EmittedFirrtlModule] with Product with Serializable
  25. sealed abstract class EmittedModule extends EmittedComponent
  26. sealed trait EmittedModuleAnnotation[T <: EmittedModule] extends EmittedAnnotation[T]
  27. final case class EmittedVerilogCircuit(name: String, value: String, outputSuffix: String) extends EmittedCircuit with Product with Serializable
  28. case class EmittedVerilogCircuitAnnotation(value: EmittedVerilogCircuit) extends EmittedCircuitAnnotation[EmittedVerilogCircuit] with Product with Serializable
  29. final case class EmittedVerilogModule(name: String, value: String, outputSuffix: String) extends EmittedModule with Product with Serializable
  30. case class EmittedVerilogModuleAnnotation(value: EmittedVerilogModule) extends EmittedModuleAnnotation[EmittedVerilogModule] with Product with Serializable
  31. trait Emitter extends Transform

    Defines old API for Emission.

    Defines old API for Emission. Deprecated

  32. case class EmitterException(message: String) extends PassException with Product with Serializable
  33. case class ExpWidth(arg1: Width) extends Width with HasMapWidth with Product with Serializable
  34. sealed abstract class FirrtlEmitter extends Transform with Emitter
  35. final class FirrtlProtos extends AnyRef
  36. class FirrtlUserException extends RuntimeException with NoStackTrace

    Exception indicating user error

    Exception indicating user error

    These exceptions indicate a problem due to bad input and thus do not include a stack trace. This can be extended by custom transform writers.

  37. trait Flow extends AnyRef
  38. class HighFirrtlCompiler extends Compiler

    Emits input circuit Will replace Chirrtl constructs with Firrtl

  39. class HighFirrtlEmitter extends FirrtlEmitter
  40. class HighFirrtlToMiddleFirrtl extends CoreTransform

    Expands aggregate connects, removes dynamic accesses, and when statements.

    Expands aggregate connects, removes dynamic accesses, and when statements. Checks for uninitialized values. Must accept a well-formed graph. Operates on working IR nodes.

  41. class IRToWorkingIR extends CoreTransform

    Converts from the bare intermediate representation (ir.scala) to a working representation (WIR.scala)

  42. case class InvalidEscapeCharException(message: String) extends ParserException with Product with Serializable
  43. case class InvalidStringLitException(message: String) extends ParserException with Product with Serializable
  44. trait Kind extends AnyRef
  45. abstract class LexerHelper extends AnyRef
  46. class LowFirrtlCompiler extends Compiler

    Emits lowered input circuit

  47. class LowFirrtlEmitter extends FirrtlEmitter
  48. class LowFirrtlOptimization extends CoreTransform

    Runs a series of optimization passes on LowFirrtl

    Runs a series of optimization passes on LowFirrtl


    This is currently required for correct Verilog emission TODO Fix the above note

  49. abstract class MPortDir extends FirrtlNode
  50. case class MaxWidth(args: Seq[Width]) extends Width with HasMapWidth with Product with Serializable
  51. class MemoizedHash[T] extends AnyRef
  52. class MiddleFirrtlCompiler extends Compiler

    Emits middle Firrtl input circuit

  53. class MiddleFirrtlEmitter extends FirrtlEmitter
  54. class MiddleFirrtlToLowFirrtl extends CoreTransform

    Expands all aggregate types into many ground-typed components.

    Expands all aggregate types into many ground-typed components. Must accept a well-formed graph of only middle Firrtl features. Operates on working IR nodes.

  55. case class MinWidth(args: Seq[Width]) extends Width with HasMapWidth with Product with Serializable
  56. class MinimumLowFirrtlOptimization extends CoreTransform

    Runs runs only the optimization passes needed for Verilog emission

  57. class MinimumVerilogCompiler extends Compiler

    Emits Verilog without optimizations

  58. class MinimumVerilogEmitter extends VerilogEmitter with Emitter
  59. case class MinusWidth(arg1: Width, arg2: Width) extends Width with HasMapWidth with Product with Serializable
  60. class ModuleGraph extends AnyRef

    Maintains a one to many graph of each modules instantiated child module.

    Maintains a one to many graph of each modules instantiated child module. This graph can be searched for a path from a child module back to one of it's parents. If one is found a recursive loop has happened The graph is a map between the name of a node to set of names of that nodes children

  61. class Namespace extends AnyRef
  62. class NoneCompiler extends Compiler

    Emits input circuit with no changes

    Emits input circuit with no changes

    Primarily useful for changing between .fir and .pb serialized formats

  63. final case class OneFilePerModule(targetDir: String) extends OutputConfig with Product with Serializable
  64. sealed abstract class OutputConfig extends AnyRef

    Firrtl output configuration specified by FirrtlExecutionOptions

    Firrtl output configuration specified by FirrtlExecutionOptions

    Derived from the fields of the execution options

    See also


  65. case class ParameterNotSpecifiedException(message: String) extends ParserException with Product with Serializable
  66. case class ParameterRedefinedException(message: String) extends ParserException with Product with Serializable
  67. class ParserException extends FirrtlUserException
  68. case class PlusWidth(arg1: Width, arg2: Width) extends Width with HasMapWidth with Product with Serializable
  69. final class RenameMap extends AnyRef

    Map old names to new names

    Map old names to new names

    Transforms that modify names should return a RenameMap with the CircuitState These are mutable datastructures for convenience

  70. class ResolveAndCheck extends CoreTransform

    Resolves types, kinds, and flows, and checks the circuit legality.

    Resolves types, kinds, and flows, and checks the circuit legality. Operates on working IR nodes and high Firrtl.

  71. trait ResolvedAnnotationPaths extends AnyRef

    Extend for transforms that require resolved targets in their annotations Ensures all targets in annotations of a class in annotationClasses are resolved before the execute method

  72. abstract class SeqTransform extends Transform with SeqTransformBased

    For transformations that are simply a sequence of transforms

  73. trait SeqTransformBased extends AnyRef
  74. final case class SingleFile(targetFile: String) extends OutputConfig with Product with Serializable
  75. case class SyntaxErrorsException(message: String) extends ParserException with Product with Serializable
  76. class SystemVerilogCompiler extends VerilogCompiler

    Currently just an alias for the VerilogCompiler

  77. class SystemVerilogEmitter extends VerilogEmitter
  78. abstract class Transform extends TransformLike[CircuitState]

    The basic unit of operating on a Firrtl AST

  79. case class VRandom(width: BigInt) extends Expression with Product with Serializable
  80. case class VarWidth(name: String) extends Width with HasMapWidth with Product with Serializable
  81. class VerilogCompiler extends Compiler

    Emits Verilog

  82. class VerilogEmitter extends SeqTransform with Emitter
  83. class Visitor extends AbstractParseTreeVisitor[FirrtlNode] with ParseTreeVisitor[FirrtlNode]
  84. case class WDefInstance(info: Info, name: String, module: String, tpe: Type) extends Statement with IsDeclaration with Product with Serializable
  85. case class WDefInstanceConnector(info: Info, name: String, module: String, tpe: Type, portCons: Seq[(Expression, Expression)]) extends Statement with IsDeclaration with Product with Serializable
  86. class WGeq extends Constraint
  87. case class WRef(name: String, tpe: Type, kind: Kind, flow: Flow) extends Expression with GenderFromFlow with Product with Serializable
  88. case class WSubAccess(expr: Expression, index: Expression, tpe: Type, flow: Flow) extends Expression with GenderFromFlow with Product with Serializable
  89. case class WSubField(expr: Expression, name: String, tpe: Type, flow: Flow) extends Expression with GenderFromFlow with Product with Serializable
  90. case class WSubIndex(expr: Expression, value: Int, tpe: Type, flow: Flow) extends Expression with GenderFromFlow with Product with Serializable
  91. class WrappedExpression extends AnyRef
  92. class WrappedType extends AnyRef
  93. class WrappedWidth extends AnyRef
  94. case class CommonOptions(topName: String = "", targetDirName: String = ".", globalLogLevel: logger.LogLevel.Value = LogLevel.None, logToFile: Boolean = false, logClassNames: Boolean = false, classLogLevels: Map[String, logger.LogLevel.Value] = Map.empty, programArgs: Seq[String] = Seq.empty) extends ComposableOptions with Product with Serializable

    Most of the chisel toolchain components require a topName which defines a circuit or a device under test.

    Most of the chisel toolchain components require a topName which defines a circuit or a device under test. Much of the work that is done takes place in a directory. It would be simplest to require topName to be defined but in practice it is preferred to defer this. For example, in chisel, by deferring this it is possible for the execute there to first elaborate the circuit and then set the topName from that if it has not already been set.


    (Since version 1.2) Use a FirrtlOptionsView, LoggerOptionsView, or construct your own view of an AnnotationSeq

  95. trait ComposableOptions extends AnyRef

    Use this trait to define an options class that can add its private command line options to a externally declared parser.

    Use this trait to define an options class that can add its private command line options to a externally declared parser. NOTE In all derived trait/classes, if you intend on maintaining backwards compatibility, be sure to add new options at the end of the current ones and don't remove any existing ones.


    (Since version 1.2) Use firrtl.options.HasScoptOptions and/or library/transform registration

  96. class ExecutionOptionsManager extends HasParser with HasCommonOptions


    (Since version 1.2) Use new FirrtlStage infrastructure

  97. class FIRRTLException extends RuntimeException

    (Since version 1.2) External users should use either FirrtlUserException or their own hierarchy

  98. case class FirrtlExecutionFailure(message: String) extends FirrtlExecutionResult with Product with Serializable

    The firrtl compilation failed.

    The firrtl compilation failed.


    Some kind of hint as to what went wrong.


    (Since version 1.2) Use FirrtlStage and examine the output AnnotationSeq directly

  99. case class FirrtlExecutionOptions(inputFileNameOverride: String = "", outputFileNameOverride: String = "", compilerName: String = "verilog", infoModeName: String = "append", inferRW: Seq[String] = Seq.empty, firrtlSource: Option[String] = None, customTransforms: Seq[Transform] = List.empty, annotations: List[Annotation] = List.empty, annotationFileNameOverride: String = "", outputAnnotationFileName: String = "", emitOneFilePerModule: Boolean = false, dontCheckCombLoops: Boolean = false, noDCE: Boolean = false, annotationFileNames: List[String] = List.empty, firrtlCircuit: Option[Circuit] = None) extends ComposableOptions with Product with Serializable

    The options that firrtl supports in callable component sense

    The options that firrtl supports in callable component sense


    default is targetDir/topName.fir


    default is targetDir/topName.v the .v is based on the compilerName parameter


    which compiler to use


    annotations to pass to compiler


    (Since version 1.2) Use a FirrtlOptionsView or construct your own view of an AnnotationSeq

  100. sealed trait FirrtlExecutionResult extends AnyRef

    (Since version 1.2) Use FirrtlStage and examine the output AnnotationSeq directly

  101. class FirrtlExecutionSuccess extends FirrtlExecutionResult

    Indicates a successful execution of the firrtl compiler, returning the compiled result and the type of compile

    Indicates a successful execution of the firrtl compiler, returning the compiled result and the type of compile


    (Since version 1.2) Use FirrtlStage and examine the output AnnotationSeq directly

  102. trait Gender extends AnyRef

    (Since version 1.2) Use Flow instead of Gender. This trait will be removed in 1.3

  103. trait HasCommonOptions extends AnyRef

    (Since version 1.2) Specify command line arguments in an Annotation mixing in HasScoptOptions

  104. trait HasFirrtlOptions extends AnyRef

    (Since version 1.2) Specify command line arguments in an Annotation mixing in HasScoptOptions

  105. abstract class HasParser extends AnyRef

    (Since version 1.2) Use firrtl.options.{ExecutionOptionsManager, TerminateOnExit, DuplicateHandling}

  106. type TargetDirAnnotation = firrtl.options.TargetDirAnnotation

    (Since version 1.2) Use firrtl.stage.TargetDirAnnotation

Value Members

  1. implicit def annoSeqToSeq(as: AnnotationSeq): Seq[Annotation]
  2. implicit def seqToAnnoSeq(xs: Seq[Annotation]): AnnotationSeq
  3. object Addw extends PrimOp with Product with Serializable
  4. object AnnotationSeq
  5. object ChirrtlForm extends CircuitForm with Product with Serializable

    Chirrtl Form

    Chirrtl Form

    The form of the circuit emitted by Chisel. Not a true Firrtl form. Includes cmem, smem, and mport IR nodes which enable declaring memories separately form their ports. A "Higher" form than HighForm

    See CDefMemory and CDefMPort

  6. object CircuitState extends Serializable
  7. object CompilerUtils extends LazyLogging
  8. object Dshlw extends PrimOp with Product with Serializable
  9. object DuplexFlow extends Flow with Product with Serializable
  10. object EmitAllModulesAnnotation extends HasShellOptions with Serializable
  11. object EmitCircuitAnnotation extends HasShellOptions with Serializable
  12. object EmptyExpression extends Expression with Product with Serializable
  13. object ExpKind extends Kind with Product with Serializable
  14. object FileUtils
  15. object HighForm extends CircuitForm with Product with Serializable

    High Form

    High Form

    As detailed in the Firrtl specification

    Also see

  16. object InstanceKind extends Kind with Product with Serializable
  17. object LowForm extends CircuitForm with Product with Serializable

    Low Form

    Low Form

    The "lowest" form. In addition to the restrictions in MidForm:

    • All aggregate types (vector/bundle) must have been removed
    • All implicit truncations must be made explicit
  18. object MInfer extends MPortDir with Product with Serializable
  19. object MRead extends MPortDir with Product with Serializable
  20. object MReadWrite extends MPortDir with Product with Serializable
  21. object MWrite extends MPortDir with Product with Serializable
  22. object Mappers
  23. object MemKind extends Kind with Product with Serializable
  24. object MemoizedHash
  25. object MidForm extends CircuitForm with Product with Serializable

    Middle Form

    Middle Form

    A "lower" form than HighForm with the following restrictions:

    • All widths must be explicit
    • All whens must be removed
    • There can only be a single connection to any element
  26. object Namespace
  27. object NodeKind extends Kind with Product with Serializable
  28. object Parser extends LazyLogging
  29. object PoisonKind extends Kind with Product with Serializable
  30. object PortKind extends Kind with Product with Serializable
  31. object PrimOps extends LazyLogging

    Definitions and Utility functions for ir.PrimOps

  32. object RegKind extends Kind with Product with Serializable
  33. object RenameMap
  34. object SinkFlow extends Flow with Product with Serializable
  35. object SourceFlow extends Flow with Product with Serializable
  36. object Subw extends PrimOp with Product with Serializable
  37. object UnknownFlow extends Flow with Product with Serializable
  38. object UnknownForm extends CircuitForm with Product with Serializable

    Unknown Form

    Unknown Form

    Often passes may modify a circuit (e.g. InferTypes), but return a circuit in the same form it was given.

    For this use case, use UnknownForm. It cannot be compared against other forms.

    TODO(azidar): Replace with PreviousForm, which more explicitly encodes this requirement.

  39. object UnknownKind extends Kind with Product with Serializable
  40. object Utils extends LazyLogging
  41. object WDefInstance extends Serializable
  42. object WGeq
  43. object WInvalid extends Expression with Product with Serializable
  44. object WRef extends Serializable
  45. object WSubField extends Serializable
  46. object WVoid extends Expression with Product with Serializable
  47. object WireKind extends Kind with Product with Serializable
  48. object WrappedExpression
  49. object WrappedType
  50. object WrappedWidth
  51. object bitWidth
  52. object castRhs
  53. object connectFields
  54. object flattenType
  55. object fromBits
  56. object getWidth
  57. object seqCat
  58. object toBits

    Given an expression, return an expression consisting of all sub-expressions concatenated (or flattened).

Deprecated Value Members

  1. val TargetDirAnnotation: firrtl.options.TargetDirAnnotation.type

    (Since version 1.2) Use firrtl.stage.TargetDirAnnotation

  2. implicit def genderToFlow(gender: Gender): Flow

    (Since version 1.2) Please migrate from 'Gender' to 'Flow'. This implicit conversion will be removed in 1.3

  3. object BIGENDER extends Gender with Product with Serializable

    (Since version 1.2) Use DuplexFlow instead of BIGENDER. This case object will be removed in 1.3

  4. object Driver

    The driver provides methods to access the firrtl compiler.

    The driver provides methods to access the firrtl compiler. Invoke the compiler with either a FirrtlExecutionOption


    (Since version 1.2) Use firrtl.stage.FirrtlStage

    1. val optionsManager = new ExecutionOptionsManager("firrtl")
          FirrtlExecutionOptionsKey ->
          new FirrtlExecutionOptions(topName = "Dummy", compilerName = "verilog"))

      or a series of command line arguments

    2. ,
    3. firrtl.Driver.execute(Array("--top-name Dummy --compiler verilog".split(" +"))

      each approach has its own endearing aspects

    See also

    firrtlTests/DriverSpec.scala in the test directory for a lot more examples

    CompilerUtils.mergeTransforms to see how customTransformations are inserted

  5. object FEMALE extends Gender with Product with Serializable

    (Since version 1.2) Use SinkFlow instead of FEMALE. This case object will be removed in 1.3

  6. object FIRRTLException extends Serializable

    (Since version 1.2) External users should use either FirrtlUserException or their own hierarchy

  7. object FirrtlExecutionSuccess

    (Since version 1.2) Use FirrtlStage and examine the output AnnotationSeq directly

  8. object MALE extends Gender with Product with Serializable

    (Since version 1.2) Use SourceFlow instead of MALE. This case object will be removed in 1.3

  9. object UNKNOWNGENDER extends Gender with Product with Serializable

    (Since version 1.2) Use UnknownFlow instead of UNKNOWNGENDER. This case object will be removed in 1.3

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
