



package executable

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. executable
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
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Type Members

  1. case class AddBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  2. case class AddInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  3. case class AddLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  4. case class AndBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig, resultWidth: Int) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  5. case class AndInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt, resultWidth: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  6. case class AndLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong, resultWidth: Int) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  7. case class AndrBigs(f1: FuncBig, width: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable

    are all bits set

    are all bits set


    value to be and reduced


    result bit size

  8. case class AndrInts(f1: FuncInt, width: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable

    are all bits set

    are all bits set


    value to be and reduced


    result bit size

  9. case class AndrLongs(f1: FuncLong, width: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable

    are all bits set

    are all bits set


    value to be and reduced


    result bit size

  10. case class AsClockBigs(f1: FuncBig) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  11. case class AsClockInts(f1: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  12. case class AsClockLongs(f1: FuncLong) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  13. case class AsSIntBigs(f1: FuncBig, width: Int) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  14. case class AsSIntInts(f1: FuncInt, width: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  15. case class AsSIntLongs(f1: FuncLong, width: Int) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  16. case class AsUIntBigs(f1: FuncBig, width: Int) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  17. case class AsUIntInts(f1: FuncInt, width: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  18. case class AsUIntLongs(f1: FuncLong, width: Int) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  19. trait Assigner extends AnyRef
  20. type Big = BigInt
  21. trait BigExpressionResult extends ExpressionResult
  22. case class BigToLong(f: FuncBig) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  23. case class BitsBigs(f1: FuncBig, high: Int, low: Int, originalWidth: Int) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  24. case class BitsInts(f1: FuncInt, high: Int, low: Int, originalWidth: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  25. case class BitsLongs(f1: FuncLong, high: Int, low: Int, originalWidth: Int) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  26. case class BlackBoxCycler(symbol: Symbol, blackBox: ScalaBlackBox, clockSymbol: Symbol, clockTransitionGetter: ClockTransitionGetter, info: Info) extends Assigner with Product with Serializable

    Implements an assigner that can be scheduled to publish clock transitions to specific black box implementations

    Implements an assigner that can be scheduled to publish clock transitions to specific black box implementations


    symbol name of instance


    the instance


    clock used by instance


    source location

  27. case class CatBigs(f1: FuncBig, f1Width: Int, f2: FuncBig, f2Width: Int) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  28. case class CatInts(f1: FuncInt, f1Width: Int, f2: FuncInt, f2Width: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  29. case class CatLongs(f1: FuncLong, f1Width: Int, f2: FuncLong, f2Width: Int) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  30. case class ClockAssigners(upAssigner: Assigner, downAssigner: Assigner) extends Product with Serializable
  31. case class ClockBasedAssigner(assigner: Assigner, clockSymbol: Symbol, prevClockSymbol: Symbol, dataStore: DataStore, requiredTransition: Transition) extends Assigner with Product with Serializable
  32. case class ClockInfo(name: String = ClockInfo.DefaultName, period: Long = ClockInfo.DefaultPeriod, initialOffset: Long = ClockInfo.DefaultOffset) extends Product with Serializable

    ClockInfo associates a clock with the given name and period and offset The period is in an arbitrary number of ticks.

    ClockInfo associates a clock with the given name and period and offset The period is in an arbitrary number of ticks. The VCD logger currently sets these ticks to be nanosecond(ns). The first up transition takes place after initialOffset ticks. One or more clocks can be specified through the TreadleOptions clockInfo as a Seq of ClockInfo's or from string command line based --fint-clock-info or -fici which use the format clock-name[:period[:initial-offset] ]


    the signal name of a clock


    how many ticks between rising edges of this clock


    the tick where the first up transition takes place.

  33. trait ClockStepper extends AnyRef
  34. case class ClockTransitionGetter(clockSymbol: Symbol, prevClockSymbol: Symbol, dataStore: DataStore) extends Product with Serializable

    Used internally by assigners that care about clock transitions

    Used internally by assigners that care about clock transitions


    the clock


    the previous state of the clock


    needed to get current and prev values

  35. trait DataSize extends AnyRef
  36. class DataStore extends HasDataArrays

    Creates a data store for the three underlying data types.

    Creates a data store for the three underlying data types. The numberOfBuffers is used to control the ability to rollback execution. The meaning of the values of each slot must be maintained outside of this class. This class only supports (2 ** 31) - 1 of any ints, longs or bigs.

  37. class DataStoreAllocator extends AnyRef
  38. abstract class DataStorePlugin extends AnyRef
  39. trait DataType extends AnyRef
  40. case class DivBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  41. case class DivInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  42. case class DivLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  43. case class DshlBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  44. case class DshlInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  45. case class DshlLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  46. case class DshrBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  47. case class DshrInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  48. case class DshrLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  49. case class EqBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  50. case class EqInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  51. case class EqLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  52. class ExecutionEngine extends AnyRef
  53. class ExpressionCompiler extends LazyLogging
  54. trait ExpressionResult extends AnyRef
  55. class ExpressionView extends AnyRef
  56. class ExpressionViewBuilder extends LazyLogging
  57. class ExpressionViewRenderer extends AnyRef

    This class answers the question why does the given symbol have a particular value, it shows all arguments of PrimOPs and should only show any symbols value once.

    This class answers the question why does the given symbol have a particular value, it shows all arguments of PrimOPs and should only show any symbols value once. Muxes only show the expanded derivation of the branch taken Display goes from top to bottom since it is usually the top value one wants to see that is rendered last.

  58. type FuncBig = () ⇒ Big
  59. type FuncInt = () ⇒ Int
  60. type FuncLong = () ⇒ Long
  61. type FuncUnit = () ⇒ Unit
  62. case class GeqBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  63. case class GeqInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  64. case class GeqLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  65. case class GetBigConstant(n: Big) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  66. case class GetIntConstant(n: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  67. case class GetLongConstant(n: Long) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  68. case class GtBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  69. case class GtInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  70. case class GtLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  71. trait HasDataArrays extends AnyRef
  72. case class HeadBigs(f1: FuncBig, takeBits: Int, originalWidth: Int) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  73. case class HeadInts(f1: FuncInt, takeBits: Int, originalWidth: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  74. case class HeadLongs(f1: FuncLong, takeBits: Int, originalWidth: Int) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  75. trait IntExpressionResult extends ExpressionResult
  76. case class IsPosEdge(symbol: Symbol, symbolPreviousValue: Symbol, dataStore: DataStore) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  77. case class LeqBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  78. case class LeqInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  79. case class LeqLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  80. trait LongExpressionResult extends ExpressionResult
  81. case class LongToBig(f: FuncLong) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  82. case class LongToInt(f: FuncLong) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  83. case class LtBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  84. case class LtInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  85. case class LtLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  86. class MemoryInitializer extends AnyRef
  87. case class MulBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  88. case class MulInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  89. case class MulLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  90. class MultiClockStepper extends ClockStepper

    Manage multiple top-level clocks step is interpreted here to mean advance to the next clock cycle considering all the clocks multiple clocks may fire at that time

  91. case class MuxBigs(condition: FuncInt, trueClause: FuncBig, falseClause: FuncBig) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  92. case class MuxInts(condition: FuncInt, trueClause: FuncInt, falseClause: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  93. case class MuxLongs(condition: FuncInt, trueClause: FuncLong, falseClause: FuncLong) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  94. case class NegBigs(f1: FuncBig) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  95. case class NegInts(f1: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  96. case class NegLongs(f1: FuncLong) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  97. case class NeqBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  98. case class NeqInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  99. case class NeqLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  100. class NoClockStepper extends ClockStepper
  101. case class NotBigs(f1: FuncBig, width: Int) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  102. case class NotInts(f1: FuncInt, width: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  103. case class NotLongs(f1: FuncLong, width: Int) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  104. case class OrBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig, resultWidth: Int) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  105. case class OrInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt, resultWidth: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  106. case class OrLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong, resultWidth: Int) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  107. case class OrrBigs(f1: FuncBig, width: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable

    are any bits set

    are any bits set


    value to be or reduced


    result bit size

  108. case class OrrInts(f1: FuncInt, width: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable

    are any bits set

    are any bits set


    value to be or reduced


    result bit size

  109. case class OrrLongs(f1: FuncLong, width: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable

    are any bits set

    are any bits set


    value to be or reduced


    result bit size

  110. case class PrintInfo(printSymbol: Symbol, cardinal: Int) extends Ordered[PrintInfo] with Product with Serializable
  111. case class PrintfOp(symbol: Symbol, info: Info, string: StringLit, args: Seq[ExpressionResult], clockTransition: ClockTransitionGetter, condition: IntExpressionResult) extends Assigner with Product with Serializable
  112. case class RemBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  113. case class RemInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  114. case class RemLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  115. class RenderComputations extends DataStorePlugin
  116. class ReportAssignments extends DataStorePlugin
  117. class RollBackBuffer extends HasDataArrays

    A RollBackBuffer is the an image of DataStore at a particular time.

  118. class RollBackBufferManager extends AnyRef

    Manage the allocation of the rollback buffers

  119. class RollBackBufferRing extends AnyRef

    Maintains a ring buffer of dataStore images The only real complexity here is that the number of populated buffers is zero.

  120. class Scheduler extends LazyLogging

    The scheduler holds the ordered assignment statements of the entire circuit.

    The scheduler holds the ordered assignment statements of the entire circuit. Clocks have magic shadow symbols "clockName/prev". These shadows are used to make the circuit evaluation idempotent, i.e. evaluating the circuit at the moment of an positive clock transition can be done repeatedly and registers will only be advanced on the first call.

  121. class SensitivityGraphBuilder extends AnyRef

    builds driving and driven by relationships between symbols

  122. case class ShlBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  123. case class ShlInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  124. case class ShlLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  125. case class ShrBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  126. case class ShrInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  127. case class ShrLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  128. case class SimpleSingleClockStepper(engine: ExecutionEngine, dataStore: DataStore, clockSymbol: Symbol, resetSymbolOpt: Option[Symbol], clockPeriod: Long, clockInitialOffset: Long, wallTime: UTC) extends ClockStepper with Product with Serializable
  129. class Snapshotter extends AnyRef
  130. case class StopException(message: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable
  131. case class StopInfo(stopSymbol: Symbol) extends Product with Serializable
  132. case class StopOp(symbol: Symbol, info: Info, returnValue: Int, condition: IntExpressionResult, hasStopped: Symbol, dataStore: DataStore, clockTransition: ClockTransitionGetter) extends Assigner with Product with Serializable
  133. case class SubBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  134. case class SubInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  135. case class SubLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  136. case class Symbol(name: String, dataSize: DataSize, dataType: DataType, dataKind: Kind, bitWidth: Int, slots: Int, firrtlType: Type, info: Info) extends Product with Serializable
  137. class SymbolAtDepth extends AnyRef
  138. class SymbolTable extends AnyRef
  139. case class TailBigs(f1: FuncBig, toDrop: Int, originalWidth: Int) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  140. case class TailInts(f1: FuncInt, toDrop: Int, originalWidth: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  141. case class TailLongs(f1: FuncLong, toDrop: Int, originalWidth: Int) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  142. case class ToBig(f: FuncInt) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  143. case class ToInt(f: FuncBig) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  144. case class ToLong(f: FuncInt) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  145. trait Transition extends AnyRef
  146. case class TreadleException(message: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

    Created by chick on 4/21/16.

  147. case class UndefinedBigs(width: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  148. case class UndefinedInts(width: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  149. case class UndefinedLongs(width: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  150. class VcdHook extends DataStorePlugin
  151. case class WaveformValues(clockValues: Array[BigInt], symbols: Array[Symbol], symbolValues: Array[Array[BigInt]]) extends Product with Serializable
  152. case class XorBigs(f1: FuncBig, f2: FuncBig, resultWidth: Int) extends BigExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  153. case class XorInts(f1: FuncInt, f2: FuncInt, resultWidth: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  154. case class XorLongs(f1: FuncLong, f2: FuncLong, resultWidth: Int) extends LongExpressionResult with Product with Serializable
  155. case class XorrBigs(f1: FuncBig, width: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable

    are all bits set

    are all bits set


    value to be xor reduced


    result bit size

  156. case class XorrInts(f1: FuncInt, width: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable

    are all bits set

    are all bits set


    value to be xor reduced


    result bit size

  157. case class XorrLongs(f1: FuncLong, width: Int) extends IntExpressionResult with Product with Serializable

    are all bits set

    are all bits set


    value to be xor reduced


    result bit size

Value Members

  1. object Big
  2. object BigSize extends DataSize with Product with Serializable
  3. object ClockInfo extends Serializable

    The default settings for a single clock are here.

    The default settings for a single clock are here. Units are in arbitrary ticks

  4. object DataSize
  5. object DataStore
  6. object DataType
  7. object ExecutionEngine
  8. object ExpressionViewBuilder
  9. object IntSize extends DataSize with Product with Serializable
  10. object LongSize extends DataSize with Product with Serializable
  11. object LongUtils
  12. object Memory
  13. object NegativeEdge extends Transition with Product with Serializable
  14. object NoTransition extends Transition with Product with Serializable
  15. object PositiveEdge extends Transition with Product with Serializable
  16. object PrintfOp extends Serializable
  17. object RenderHelper
  18. object Scheduler
  19. object SignedInt extends DataType with Product with Serializable
  20. object StopOp extends Serializable
  21. object Symbol extends Serializable
  22. object SymbolAtDepth
  23. object SymbolTable extends LazyLogging
  24. object UnsignedInt extends DataType with Product with Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
