All Classes and Interfaces

A client for communicating with Box through it's web api.
Represents an http response from a box documents enpoint.
A client for interacting with a Box server.
Represents a document in box including metadata and dependencies.
Deserializer of BoxDocument for Jackson.
Serializer of BoxDocument for Jackson.
Status of the document.
Query for requesting documents from Box.
Order ascending or descending.
Listens for updates inside a Box and runs the given runnable when there is one.
A URI builder for Box documents endpoint.
Random utilities used by Box.
Utility class for dealing with cursors (the nanoseconds since the epoch).
An immutable representation of a box document id which includes the source name of the document and its id.
An iterable for retrieving Box documents.
Represents a facet.
A client for communicating with Box through it's web api.
Builder for HttpBoxClient.
Json utilities.
A response from a querying box.
A uri builder.