Class HttpBoxClient

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HttpBoxClient extends AbstractHttpBoxClient
A client for communicating with Box through it's web api.
Charles Draper
  • Constructor Details

    • HttpBoxClient

      public HttpBoxClient(URI uri)
      Creates a new HttpBoxClient with the given base uri. A new HttpClient is used with default settings plus it always follows redirects.
      uri - the base uri of the box source (eg, http://localhost:8080/app/box)
    • HttpBoxClient

      public HttpBoxClient(URI uri, HttpClient client)
      Creates a new HttpBoxClient with the given base uri and client.
      uri - the base uri of the box source (eg, http://localhost:8080/app/box)
      client - http client to use
  • Method Details

    • send

      protected InputStream send(URI uri)
      Description copied from class: AbstractHttpBoxClient
      Sends the request to the Box server and returns the response as an input stream. This can be overridden by subclasses that require different HTTP clients. The input stream will be closed here.
      Specified by:
      send in class AbstractHttpBoxClient
      uri - the full uri to send to box for the query
      the response body as an InputStream