

package clue

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. clue
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract class ApolloClient[F[_], S, CP, CE] extends GraphQLPersistentClient[F, S, CP, CE]
  2. case class ApolloWebSocketClient[F[_], S](uri: Uri, backend: WebSocketBackend[F], connectionStatus: SignallingRef[F, StreamingClientStatus], subscriptions: Ref[F, Map[String, Emitter[F]]], connectionMVar: MVar2[F, Either[Throwable, PersistentConnection[F, WebSocketCloseParams]]], connectionAttempt: Ref[F, Int], reconnectionStrategy: ReconnectionStrategy[WebSocketCloseEvent])(implicit evidence$1: ConcurrentEffect[F], evidence$2: Timer[F], evidence$3: Logger[F]) extends ApolloClient[F, S, WebSocketCloseParams, WebSocketCloseEvent] with GraphQLWebSocketClient[F, S] with Product with Serializable
  3. trait Backend[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  4. trait Emitter[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  5. trait GraphQLClient[F[_], S] extends AnyRef

    A client that allows one-shot queries and mutations.

  6. class GraphQLException extends Exception
  7. trait GraphQLOperation[S] extends AnyRef
  8. trait GraphQLPersistentClient[F[_], S, CP, CE] extends GraphQLStreamingClient[F, S] with PersistentClient[F, CP, CE]
  9. trait GraphQLStreamingClient[F[_], S] extends GraphQLClient[F, S]

    A client that allows subscriptions besides one-shot queries and mutations.

  10. trait GraphQLSubscription[F[_], D] extends AnyRef
  11. trait GraphQLWebSocketClient[F[_], S] extends GraphQLPersistentClient[F, S, WebSocketCloseParams, WebSocketCloseEvent]
  12. class HttpClient[F[_], S] extends GraphQLClient[F, S]
  13. class InvalidSubscriptionIdException extends Exception
  14. trait PersistentBackend[F[_], CP, CE] extends AnyRef
  15. trait PersistentClient[F[_], CP, CE] extends AnyRef

    A client that keeps a connection open with the server.

  16. trait PersistentConnection[F[_], CP] extends AnyRef
  17. type ReconnectionStrategy[CE] = (Int, CE) => Option[FiniteDuration]
  18. sealed trait StreamingClientStatus extends AnyRef
  19. trait WebSocketBackend[F[_]] extends PersistentBackend[F, WebSocketCloseParams, WebSocketCloseEvent]
  20. case class WebSocketCloseEvent(code: Int, reason: String, wasClean: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  21. case class WebSocketCloseParams(code: Option[Int] = none, reason: Option[String] = none) extends Product with Serializable
  22. trait WebSocketConnection[F[_]] extends PersistentConnection[F, WebSocketCloseParams]
  23. type WebSocketReconnectionStrategy = (Int, WebSocketCloseEvent) => Option[FiniteDuration]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
