
package math

Mathematical data types for general use, not specific to the Gem model.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. math
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
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Package Members

  1. package dimensional
  2. package parser

    Package of atto parsers, for parsing things in the science model.

    Package of atto parsers, for parsing things in the science model. The idea here is that parsers compose, so for internal use it's nice to have them together and so we can share implementations. In end-user code we normally want to expose something weaker like String => Option[A] that delegates to a parser, rather than exposing Parser[A] directly. Each set of parsers is provided as a trait that can be extended and as a module whose members can be imported (preferred).

  3. package skycalc
  4. package syntax

Type Members

  1. sealed class Angle extends AnyRef

    Exact angles represented as integral microarcseconds.

    Exact angles represented as integral microarcseconds. These values form a commutative group over addition, where the inverse is reflection around the 0-180° axis. The subgroup of angles where integral microarcseconds correspond with clock microseconds (i.e., where they are evenly divisible by 15 microarcseconds) is represented by the HourAgle subtype.

    Lawful conversion to and from other types/scales is provided by optics defined on the companion object. Floating-point conversions are provided directly

  2. trait AngleOptics extends OpticsHelpers
  3. final case class ApparentRadialVelocity(cz: Quantity[BigDecimal, units.MetersPerSecond]) extends Product with Serializable

    Representation of a radial velocity in meters per second Unlike RadialVelocity this is not limited to the speed of light Apparent Radial Velocity is often represented as cz

  4. final case class BrightnessValue(scaledValue: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Exact brightness value represented as an int with the original value scaled up

    Exact brightness value represented as an int with the original value scaled up


    A brightness integral value, as the original multiplied by 1000. value is unitless.

    See also

    The Wikipedia

  5. final case class Coordinates(ra: RightAscension, dec: Declination) extends Product with Serializable

    A point in the sky, given right ascension and declination.

  6. trait CoordinatesOptics extends AnyRef
  7. type Dec = Declination
  8. sealed abstract case class Declination extends Product with Serializable

    Celestial latitude, measured in angular distance from the celestial equator.

    Celestial latitude, measured in angular distance from the celestial equator. Points north of the celestial equator have positive declinations, while those south have negative declinations. This is a newtype wrapper for an Angle constrainted to the range [-90°, 90°], or [270 - 360) + [0 - 90] in terms of the underlying Angle. Note that the range is *inclusive* of both poles.

    See also

    The helpful Wikipedia article.

  9. trait DeclinationOptics extends AnyRef
  10. final class Epoch extends AnyRef

    An epoch, the astronomer's equivalent of Instant, based on a fractional year in some temporal scheme (Julian or Besselian) that determines year zero and the length of a year.

    An epoch, the astronomer's equivalent of Instant, based on a fractional year in some temporal scheme (Julian or Besselian) that determines year zero and the length of a year. The only meaningful operation for an Epoch is to ask the elapsed epoch-years between it and some other point in time. We need this for proper motion corrections because velocities are measured in motion per epoch-year. The epoch year is stored internally as integral milliyears.

    See also

    The Wikipedia article

  11. trait EpochOptics extends AnyRef
  12. final class HourAngle extends Angle

    Exact hour angles represented as integral microseconds.

    Exact hour angles represented as integral microseconds. These values form a commutative group over addition, where the inverse is reflection around the 0-12h axis. This is a subgroup of the integral Angles where microarcseconds are evenly divisible by 15.

    Lawful conversion to and from other types/scales is provided by optics defined on the companion object. Floating-point conversions are provided directly

    See also

    The helpful Wikipedia article.

  13. trait HourAngleOptics extends OpticsHelpers
  14. sealed abstract case class Index extends Product with Serializable

    A positive, non-zero value for numbered identifiers.

  15. trait IndexOptics extends AnyRef
  16. sealed abstract case class JulianDate extends Product with Serializable

    Astronomical time representation of continuous days since noon, November 24, 4714 BC.

    Astronomical time representation of continuous days since noon, November 24, 4714 BC.

    See also

    The Wikipedia article

  17. type Lat = Declination
  18. type Lon = Angle
  19. final case class Offset(p: Component[P], q: Component[Q]) extends Product with Serializable

    Angular offset with P and Q components.

  20. trait OffsetOptics extends AnyRef
  21. trait OpticsHelpers extends AnyRef
  22. sealed abstract case class Parallax extends Product with Serializable

    Parallax stored as microarcseconds Normally parallax is expressed in milliarcseconds but simbad reports them with a higher precision thus using microarcseconds gives us enough space.

    Parallax stored as microarcseconds Normally parallax is expressed in milliarcseconds but simbad reports them with a higher precision thus using microarcseconds gives us enough space. Parallax values need to be in the interval [0°, 180°]. 180° is a theoretical limit - actual astronomical values will be very small.

  23. sealed trait ParallaxOptics extends AnyRef
  24. final case class Place(latitude: Lat, longitude: Lon, altitude: Quantity[NonNegInt, Meter], timezone: ZoneId) extends Product with Serializable

    A point on Earth, given latitude, longitude and altitude in m above sea level.

  25. final case class ProperMotion(ra: AngularVelocityComponent[VelocityAxis.RA], dec: AngularVelocityComponent[VelocityAxis.Dec]) extends Product with Serializable

    ProperMotion contains Ra/Dec angular velocities

  26. sealed trait ProperMotionOptics extends AnyRef
  27. type RA = RightAscension
  28. final case class RadialVelocity extends Product with Serializable

    Representation of a radial velocity in meters per second Valid range is (-C, C) where C is the speed of light Radial Velocity is often represented as RV

    Representation of a radial velocity in meters per second Valid range is (-C, C) where C is the speed of light Radial Velocity is often represented as RV

    The selection of units is based on references to velocities as low as 20 cm/s

  29. final case class Redshift(z: BigDecimal) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a redshift of an object as it moves away (positive) or towards (negative) the observing point

    Represents a redshift of an object as it moves away (positive) or towards (negative) the observing point

    Redshift can be (perhaps surprisingly) higher than 1.

    For far objects Redshift can be converted to RadialVelocity which takes into account relativistic effects and cannot be more than C For nearer objects we can convert to ApparentRadialVelocity which doesn't consider relativistic effects

    Often Redshift is referred as z

  30. final case class RightAscension(toHourAngle: HourAngle) extends Product with Serializable

    Celestial longitude, measured eastward along the celestial equator from the vernal equinox to the hour circle of the point in question.

    Celestial longitude, measured eastward along the celestial equator from the vernal equinox to the hour circle of the point in question. This class is a simple newtype wrapper for an HourAngle.


    the underlying hour angle

    See also

    The helpful Wikipedia article.

  31. trait RightAscensionOptics extends AnyRef
  32. final case class Wavelength(toPicometers: Quantity[PosInt, units.Picometer]) extends Product with Serializable

    Exact wavelengths represented as positive integral picometers in the range (0 ..

    Exact wavelengths represented as positive integral picometers in the range (0 .. PosInt.MaxValue] which means the largest representable wavelength is 2.147483647 mm.


    This wavelength in positive integral picometers (10-12 of a meter).

  33. trait units extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. val Dec: Declination.type
  2. val Lat: Declination.type
  3. val Lon: Angle.type
  4. val RA: RightAscension.type
  5. object Angle extends AngleOptics
  6. object ApparentRadialVelocity extends Serializable
  7. object Axis
  8. object BrightnessUnits
  9. object BrightnessValue extends Serializable
  10. object Constants
  11. object Coordinates extends CoordinatesOptics with Serializable
  12. object Declination extends DeclinationOptics with Serializable
  13. object Epoch extends EpochOptics
  14. object HourAngle extends HourAngleOptics
  15. object Index extends IndexOptics with Serializable
  16. object JulianDate extends Serializable
  17. object Offset extends OffsetOptics with Serializable
  18. object Parallax extends ParallaxOptics with Serializable
  19. object Place extends Serializable
  20. object ProperMotion extends ProperMotionOptics with Serializable
  21. object RadialVelocity extends Serializable
  22. object Redshift extends Serializable
  23. object RightAscension extends RightAscensionOptics with Serializable
  24. object VelocityAxis
  25. object Wavelength extends Serializable
  26. object units extends units

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
