
class PlanarGraph(nodeFact: NodeFactory)
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def this()

Concrete methods

def add(e: EdgeEnd): Boolean
def addEdges(edgesToAdd: List[Edge]): Unit

Add a set of edges to the graph. For each edge two DirectedEdges will be created. DirectedEdges are NOT linked by this method.

Add a set of edges to the graph. For each edge two DirectedEdges will be created. DirectedEdges are NOT linked by this method.

def addNode(node: Node): Node
def addNode(coord: Coordinate): Node
def find(coord: Coordinate): Node

return the node if found; null otherwise

return the node if found; null otherwise

Returns the edge whose first two coordinates are p0 and p1

Returns the edge whose first two coordinates are p0 and p1

return the edge, if found <code>null</code> if the edge was not found

Returns the EdgeEnd which has edge e as its base edge (MD 18 Feb 2002 - this should return a pair of edges)

Returns the EdgeEnd which has edge e as its base edge (MD 18 Feb 2002 - this should return a pair of edges)

return the edge, if found <code>null</code> if the edge was not found

Returns the edge which starts at p0 and whose first segment is parallel to p1

Returns the edge which starts at p0 and whose first segment is parallel to p1

return the edge, if found <code>null</code> if the edge was not found

def getEdgeEnds: ArrayList[EdgeEnd]
def getEdgeIterator: Iterator[Edge]
def getNodeIterator: Iterator[Node]
def getNodes: Collection[Node]
def isBoundaryNode(geomIndex: Int, coord: Coordinate): Boolean

Link the DirectedEdges at the nodes of the graph. This allows clients to link only a subset of nodes in the graph, for efficiency (because they know that only a subset is of interest).

Link the DirectedEdges at the nodes of the graph. This allows clients to link only a subset of nodes in the graph, for efficiency (because they know that only a subset is of interest).

def printEdges(out: PrintStream): Unit