Enum Class GcTableSyncSubtype

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<GcTableSyncSubtype>, java.lang.constant.Constable

public enum GcTableSyncSubtype extends Enum<GcTableSyncSubtype>
type of table sync
  • Enum Constant Details

    • fullSyncFull

      public static final GcTableSyncSubtype fullSyncFull
      full sync all columns
    • fullSyncGroups

      public static final GcTableSyncSubtype fullSyncGroups
      full sync but do groups on single col primary key or single group col (e.g. group name of memberships)
    • fullSyncChangeFlag

      public static final GcTableSyncSubtype fullSyncChangeFlag
      full sync get primary keys and a col that if not matching indicates an update
    • incrementalAllColumns

      public static final GcTableSyncSubtype incrementalAllColumns
      get all incremental rows and all columns in those rows (e.g. last updated col on source, which might not get deletes unless there is a disabled flag)
    • incrementalPrimaryKey

      public static final GcTableSyncSubtype incrementalPrimaryKey
      get all incremental rows, which have the primary keys of rows that need updating
    • fullSyncMetadata

      public static final GcTableSyncSubtype fullSyncMetadata
      full sync but do groups on single col primary key or single group col, and only do add or remove on groups
    • incrementalFromIdentifiedPrimaryKeys

      public static final GcTableSyncSubtype incrementalFromIdentifiedPrimaryKeys
      get all incremental rows, which have the primary keys of rows that need updating
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static GcTableSyncSubtype[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static GcTableSyncSubtype valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • syncGroupings

      public static int syncGroupings(Map<String,Object> debugMap, GcTableSync gcTableSync, Collection<Object> groupings)
      sync groupings in full
      debugMap -
      gcTableSync -
      groupings -
      records changed
    • runEmbeddedFullSync

      public static void runEmbeddedFullSync(Map<String,Object> debugMap, GcGrouperSyncJob gcGrouperSyncJob, GcGrouperSyncLog gcGrouperSyncLog, GcTableSyncSubtype switchFromIncrementalToFullSubtype)
    • quoteStrings

      public static String quoteStrings(String columns)
      input: a,b,c output: "a","b","c"
      columns -
    • isFullSync

      public abstract boolean isFullSync()
      see if full sync
      true if full sync or false if incremental
    • isFullMetadataSync

      public abstract boolean isFullMetadataSync()
      see if full metadata sync
      true if full sync or false if incremental
    • isIncrementalSync

      public abstract boolean isIncrementalSync()
      see if incremental sync
      true if full sync or false if incremental
    • isNeedsGroupColumn

      public boolean isNeedsGroupColumn()
      see if full sync
      true if full sync or false if incremental
    • valueOfIgnoreCase

      public static GcTableSyncSubtype valueOfIgnoreCase(String string, boolean exceptionOnNull)
      do a case-insensitive matching
      string -
      exceptionOnNull - will not allow null or blank entries
      the enum or null or exception if not found
    • retrieveData

      public abstract void retrieveData(Map<String,Object> debugMap, GcTableSync gcTableSync)
      do the initial select query for the sync
      debugMap - , gcTableSync
    • syncData

      public abstract Integer syncData(Map<String,Object> debugMap, GcTableSync gcTableSync)
      do the initial compare step
      debugMap - , gcTableSync
      records changed or null if not applicable
    • formatData

      public void formatData(Map<String,Object> debugMap, GcTableSync gcTableSync)