All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<JsonToken>, java.lang.constant.Constable

public enum JsonToken extends Enum<JsonToken>
Enumeration for basic token types used for returning results of parsing JSON content.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    END_ARRAY is returned when encountering ']' which signals ending of an Array value
    END_OBJECT is returned when encountering '}' which signals ending of an Object value
    FIELD_NAME is returned when a String token is encountered as a field name (same lexical value, different function)
    NOT_AVAILABLE can be returned if JsonParser implementation can not currently return the requested token (usually next one), or even if any will be available, but that may be able to determine this in future.
    START_ARRAY is returned when encountering '[' which signals starting of an Array value
    START_OBJECT is returned when encountering '{' which signals starting of an Object value.
    Placeholder token returned when the input source has a concept of embedded Object that are not accessible as usual structure (of starting with START_OBJECT, having values, ending with END_OBJECT), but as "raw" objects.
    VALUE_FALSE is returned when encountering literal "false" in value context
    VALUE_NULL is returned when encountering literal "null" in value context
    VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT is returned when a numeric token other than integer is encountered: that is, a number that does have floating point or exponent marker in it, in addition to one or more digits (or, for non-textual formats, has internal floating-point representation).
    VALUE_NUMBER_INT is returned when an integer numeric token is encountered in value context: that is, a number that does not have floating point or exponent marker in it (consists only of an optional sign, followed by one or more digits; or, for binary formats, is indicated as integral number by internal representation).
    VALUE_STRING is returned when a String token is encountered in value context (array element, field value, or root-level stand-alone value)
    VALUE_TRUE is returned when encountering literal "true" in value context
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    final byte[]
    final char[]
    final String
    final int
    final boolean
    final boolean
    final boolean
    Method that can be used to check whether this token represents a valid non-structured value.
    final boolean
    Accessor that is functionally equivalent to: this == JsonToken.END_OBJECT || this == JsonToken.END_ARRAY
    final boolean
    Accessor that is functionally equivalent to: this == JsonToken.START_OBJECT || this == JsonToken.START_ARRAY
    static JsonToken
    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    static JsonToken[]
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final JsonToken NOT_AVAILABLE
      NOT_AVAILABLE can be returned if JsonParser implementation can not currently return the requested token (usually next one), or even if any will be available, but that may be able to determine this in future. This is the case with non-blocking parsers -- they can not block to wait for more data to parse and must return something.

      public static final JsonToken START_OBJECT
      START_OBJECT is returned when encountering '{' which signals starting of an Object value.

      public static final JsonToken END_OBJECT
      END_OBJECT is returned when encountering '}' which signals ending of an Object value

      public static final JsonToken START_ARRAY
      START_ARRAY is returned when encountering '[' which signals starting of an Array value

      public static final JsonToken END_ARRAY
      END_ARRAY is returned when encountering ']' which signals ending of an Array value

      public static final JsonToken FIELD_NAME
      FIELD_NAME is returned when a String token is encountered as a field name (same lexical value, different function)

      public static final JsonToken VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT
      Placeholder token returned when the input source has a concept of embedded Object that are not accessible as usual structure (of starting with START_OBJECT, having values, ending with END_OBJECT), but as "raw" objects.

      Note: this token is never returned by regular JSON readers, but only by readers that expose other kinds of source (like JsonNode-based JSON trees, Maps, Lists and such).


      public static final JsonToken VALUE_STRING
      VALUE_STRING is returned when a String token is encountered in value context (array element, field value, or root-level stand-alone value)

      public static final JsonToken VALUE_NUMBER_INT
      VALUE_NUMBER_INT is returned when an integer numeric token is encountered in value context: that is, a number that does not have floating point or exponent marker in it (consists only of an optional sign, followed by one or more digits; or, for binary formats, is indicated as integral number by internal representation).

      public static final JsonToken VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT
      VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT is returned when a numeric token other than integer is encountered: that is, a number that does have floating point or exponent marker in it, in addition to one or more digits (or, for non-textual formats, has internal floating-point representation).

      public static final JsonToken VALUE_TRUE
      VALUE_TRUE is returned when encountering literal "true" in value context

      public static final JsonToken VALUE_FALSE
      VALUE_FALSE is returned when encountering literal "false" in value context

      public static final JsonToken VALUE_NULL
      VALUE_NULL is returned when encountering literal "null" in value context
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static JsonToken[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static JsonToken valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • id

      public final int id()
    • asString

      public final String asString()
    • asCharArray

      public final char[] asCharArray()
    • asByteArray

      public final byte[] asByteArray()
    • isNumeric

      public final boolean isNumeric()
      True if this token is VALUE_NUMBER_INT or VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT, false otherwise
    • isStructStart

      public final boolean isStructStart()
      Accessor that is functionally equivalent to: this == JsonToken.START_OBJECT || this == JsonToken.START_ARRAY
      True if this token is START_OBJECT or START_ARRAY, false otherwise
    • isStructEnd

      public final boolean isStructEnd()
      Accessor that is functionally equivalent to: this == JsonToken.END_OBJECT || this == JsonToken.END_ARRAY
      True if this token is END_OBJECT or END_ARRAY, false otherwise
    • isScalarValue

      public final boolean isScalarValue()
      Method that can be used to check whether this token represents a valid non-structured value. This means all VALUE_xxx tokens; excluding START_xxx and END_xxx tokens as well FIELD_NAME.
      True if this token is a scalar value token (one of VALUE_xxx tokens), false otherwise
    • isBoolean

      public final boolean isBoolean()
      True if this token is VALUE_TRUE or VALUE_FALSE, false otherwise