All Implemented Interfaces:

public class IgnoredPropertyException extends PropertyBindingException
Specialized JsonMappingException sub-class used to indicate case where an explicitly ignored property is encountered, and mapper is configured to consider this an error.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • from

      public static IgnoredPropertyException from(JsonParser p, Object fromObjectOrClass, String propertyName, Collection<Object> propertyIds)
      Factory method used for constructing instances of this exception type.
      p - Underlying parser used for reading input being used for data-binding
      fromObjectOrClass - Reference to either instance of problematic type ( if available), or if not, type itself
      propertyName - Name of unrecognized property
      propertyIds - (optional, null if not available) Set of properties that type would recognize, if completely known: null if set cannot be determined.