public class AsDeductionTypeSerializer extends TypeSerializerBase
  • Constructor Details

    • AsDeductionTypeSerializer

      protected AsDeductionTypeSerializer()
  • Method Details

    • instance

      public static AsDeductionTypeSerializer instance()
    • forProperty

      public AsDeductionTypeSerializer forProperty(BeanProperty prop)
      Description copied from class: TypeSerializer
      Method called to create contextual version, to be used for values of given property. This may be the type itself (as is the case for bean properties), or values contained (for Collection or Map valued properties).
      Specified by:
      forProperty in class TypeSerializer
    • getTypeInclusion

      public JsonTypeInfo.As getTypeInclusion()
      Description copied from class: TypeSerializer
      Accessor for type information inclusion method that serializer uses; indicates how type information is embedded in resulting JSON.
      Specified by:
      getTypeInclusion in class TypeSerializerBase
    • writeTypePrefix

      public WritableTypeId writeTypePrefix(JsonGenerator g, WritableTypeId idMetadata) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: TypeSerializer
      Method called to write initial part of type information for given value, along with possible wrapping to use: details are specified by `typeId` argument. Note that for structured types (Object, Array), this call will add necessary start token so it should NOT be explicitly written, unlike with non-type-id value writes.

      See TypeSerializer.writeTypeSuffix(JsonGenerator, WritableTypeId) for a complete example of typical usage.

      writeTypePrefix in class TypeSerializerBase
      g - Generator to use for outputting type id and possible wrapping
      idMetadata - Details of what type id is to be written, how.
    • writeTypeSuffix

      public WritableTypeId writeTypeSuffix(JsonGenerator g, WritableTypeId idMetadata) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: TypeSerializer
      Method that should be called after TypeSerializer.writeTypePrefix(JsonGenerator, WritableTypeId) and matching value write have been called, passing WritableTypeId returned. Usual idiom is:
       // Indicator generator that type identifier may be needed; generator may write
       // one as suggested, modify information, or take some other action 
       // NOTE! For Object/Array types, this will ALSO write start marker!
       WritableTypeId typeIdDef = typeSer.writeTypePrefix(gen,
                typeSer.typeId(value, JsonToken.START_OBJECT));
       // serializing actual value for which TypeId may have been written... like
       // NOTE: do NOT write START_OBJECT before OR END_OBJECT after:
       g.writeStringField("message", "Hello, world!"
       // matching type suffix call to let generator chance to add suffix, if any
       // NOTE! For Object/Array types, this will ALSO write end marker!
       typeSer.writeTypeSuffix(gen, typeIdDef);
      writeTypeSuffix in class TypeSerializerBase