Interface FailableBiFunction<T,U,R,E extends Throwable>

Type Parameters:
T - Input type 1.
U - Input type 2.
R - Return type.
E - Thrown exception.
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface FailableBiFunction<T,U,R,E extends Throwable>
A functional interface like BiFunction that declares a Throwable.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • nop

      static <T, U, R, E extends Throwable> FailableBiFunction<T,U,R,E> nop()
      Returns The NOP singleton.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Consumed type 1.
      U - Consumed type 2.
      R - Return type.
      E - Thrown exception.
      The NOP singleton.
    • andThen

      default <V> FailableBiFunction<T,U,V,E> andThen(FailableFunction<? super R,? extends V,E> after)
      Returns a composed FailableBiFunction that like BiFunction.andThen(Function).
      Type Parameters:
      V - the output type of the after function, and of the composed function.
      after - the operation to perform after this one.
      a composed FailableBiFunction that like BiFunction.andThen(Function).
      NullPointerException - when after is null.
    • apply

      R apply(T input1, U input2) throws E
      Applies this function.
      input1 - the first input for the function
      input2 - the second input for the function
      the result of the function
      E - Thrown when the function fails.