
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type Dep = (ShapeLabel, PosNeg, ShapeLabel)
type Deps = List[Dep]
type ES[A] = Either[String, A]

Value members

Concrete methods

def addDependencies(graph: DepGraph[ShapeLabel], deps: Deps): DepGraph[ShapeLabel]
def addDependency(schema: Schema)(se: ShapeExpr, graph: ES[DepGraph[ShapeLabel]]): Either[String, DepGraph[ShapeLabel]]
def combine(d: Dep, g: DepGraph[ShapeLabel]): DepGraph[ShapeLabel]
def depGraph(schema: Schema): ES[DepGraph[ShapeLabel]]

Returns the dependency graph of a schema

Returns the dependency graph of a schema

Value Params

the ShEx schema


either a string signalling an error or the dependency graph

def dependencies(schema: Schema, shape: ShapeExpr, source: ShapeLabel, posNeg: PosNeg): ES[Deps]
def dependenciesExtra(e: IRI, schema: Schema, source: ShapeLabel, tripleExpr: TripleExpr, posNeg: PosNeg): ES[Deps]
def dependenciesExtras(es: List[IRI], schema: Schema, source: ShapeLabel, tripleExpr: TripleExpr, posNeg: PosNeg): ES[Deps]
def dependenciesTripleExpr(schema: Schema, source: ShapeLabel, tripleExpr: TripleExpr, posNeg: PosNeg): ES[Deps]
def negCycles(schema: Schema): ES[Set[Set[(ShapeLabel, ShapeLabel)]]]

Returns the set of cycles that have a negative dependency in a schema

Returns the set of cycles that have a negative dependency in a schema

Value Params

the ShEx schema


either a string signaling an error or the set of negated cycles. If the set is empy, there are no negated cycles.

def oddNegCycles(schema: Schema): ES[Set[Set[(ShapeLabel, ShapeLabel)]]]