
case class Shape(id: Option[ShapeLabel], virtual: Option[Boolean], closed: Option[Boolean], extra: Option[List[IRI]], expression: Option[TripleExpr], _extends: Option[List[ShapeLabel]], restricts: Option[List[ShapeLabel]], annotations: Option[List[Annotation]], actions: Option[List[SemAct]]) extends ShapeExpr with Extend
trait Extend
trait ShapeExpr
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def addAnnotations(as: List[Annotation]): ShapeExpr
Definition Classes
override def addId(lbl: ShapeLabel): Shape
Definition Classes
override def addSemActs(as: List[SemAct]): ShapeExpr
Definition Classes
def extendExpression(schema: Schema): Either[String, Option[TripleExpr]]
def extraPaths: List[Direct]
def flattenShape(schema: AbstractSchema): Either[String, FlatShape]

If the shape can be flatten, returns a FlatShape

If the shape can be flatten, returns a FlatShape

def getActions: List[SemAct]
def getExtend: List[ShapeLabel]
def getExtra: List[IRI]
def hasRepeatedProperties(schema: AbstractSchema): Boolean
def isClosed: Boolean
def isEmpty: Boolean
def isFlatShape(schema: AbstractSchema): Boolean
def isNormalized(schema: AbstractSchema): Boolean
def isVirtual: Boolean
def normalized(schema: AbstractSchema): Either[String, NormalizedShape]
override def paths(schema: AbstractSchema): Either[String, Set[Path]]

Return the paths that are mentioned in a shape

Return the paths that are mentioned in a shape

Value Params

Schema to which the shape belongs, it is needed to resolve references to other shapes


Set of paths or error in case the shape is not well defined (may have bad references)

Definition Classes
override def relativize(base: IRI): Shape
Definition Classes
override def rmId: ShapeExpr
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def children(schema: AbstractSchema): List[Shape]
Inherited from
def extendCheckingVisited[S, E, Label](s: S, finder: Label => Either[String, S], extend: S => Option[List[Label]], combineExpr: (E, E) => E, expr: S => Option[E]): Either[String, Option[E]]
Inherited from
def getShapeRefs(schema: AbstractSchema): Either[String, List[ShapeLabel]]

Return the labels that are referenced in a shape expression This method can use useful to detect if a shape doesn't refer to non-existing labels

Return the labels that are referenced in a shape expression This method can use useful to detect if a shape doesn't refer to non-existing labels

Inherited from
def hasNoReference(schema: AbstractSchema): Boolean
Inherited from
def isSimple: Boolean
Inherited from
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from
def showQualified(pm: PrefixMap): String
Inherited from