
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def addEvidence(nodeShape: NodeShape, msg: String): Check[ShapeTyping]
def addLog(log: Log): Check[Unit]
def attempt[A](c: Check[A]): Check[Either[Err, A]]
def bind[A, Other](c1: Check[Other], c2: Check[A]): Check[A]
def checkAll[A](xs: List[Check[A]]): Check[List[A]]

Checks all elements in a list If any of the elements fails, it fails

Checks all elements in a list If any of the elements fails, it fails

def checkAllFailFAtFirstFlag[A, B : Monoid, F[_] : Monad](ls: => LazyList[A], check: A => F[(B, Boolean)], last: => B): F[(B, Boolean)]
def checkAllFlag[A, B : Monoid, F[_] : Monad](ls: => LazyList[A], check: A => F[(B, Boolean)], last: => B): F[(B, Boolean)]
def checkCond(condition: Boolean, attempt: Attempt, error: ShExError, evidence: String): CheckTyping
def checkList[A, B](ls: List[A], check: A => Check[B]): Check[List[B]]
def checkLs[A](cs: List[Check[A]]): Check[List[A]]

Given a list of checks, return the list of values that pass It never fails (in case of failure, it ignores the value)

Given a list of checks, return the list of values that pass It never fails (in case of failure, it ignores the value)

def checkOneOf[A](cs: List[Check[A]], errNone: Err, errMoreThanOne: List[A] => Err): Check[A]
def checkPair1st[A, B](p: (Check[A], B)): Check[(A, B)]
def checkPair2nd[A, B](p: (A, Check[B])): Check[(A, B)]
def checkSequenceFlag[A : Monoid, F[_] : Monad](ls: => List[F[(A, Boolean)]], last: A): F[(A, Boolean)]
def checkSome[A](cs: List[Check[A]], errorIfNone: Err): Check[A]
def checkSome[A](cs: LazyList[Check[A]])(implicit ev: Monoid[Err]): Check[A]
def checkSomeFlag[A, B, F[_] : Monad](ls: => LazyList[A], check: A => F[(B, Boolean)], last: F[(B, Boolean)]): F[(B, Boolean)]

Given a computation check that returns a pair of value and a flag, returns the first value whose flag is true If none is true, returns the value of the computation parameter last

Given a computation check that returns a pair of value and a flag, returns the first value whose flag is true If none is true, returns the value of the computation parameter last

def checkSomeFlagCount[A, B : Monoid](ls: => LazyList[A], check: A => Check[(B, Boolean)], last: B): Check[(B, Int)]
def checkSomeFlagValue[A, B](ls: => LazyList[A], check: A => Check[B], last: Check[B]): Check[(B, Option[A])]

Checks some values. Returns the first that passes or None

Checks some values. Returns the first that passes or None

def checkSomeLazyList[A](cs: LazyList[Check[A]], errIfNone: => Err): Check[A]
def cond[A, B](check: Check[A], thenPart: A => Check[B], elsePart: Err => Check[B]): Check[B]

Attempts to execute a check If it fails, applies thenPart to the result, otherwise applies elsePart to the error

Attempts to execute a check If it fails, applies thenPart to the result, otherwise applies elsePart to the error

Type parameters:

type returned by the computation


type returned the the condition

Value parameters:

Computation to check


part to be executed when the check fails


part to be executed when it passes

def condFlag[A, B](check: Check[A], thenPart: A => Check[B], elsePart: Err => Check[B]): Check[(B, Boolean)]
def debug(msg: String): Check[Unit]
def err[A](e: Err): Check[A]
def errStr[A](msg: String): Check[A]
def filterSuccess[A, B](ls: List[A], check: A => Check[B]): Check[List[(A, B)]]

Returns the list of values whose computation is successful

Returns the list of values whose computation is successful

Type parameters:

type of values


type returned by computation

Value parameters:

computation to check for each value


list of values


a computation with a list of pairs for whom the computation was successful

def fromBase[A](b: Base[A]): Check[A]
def fromEither[A](e: Either[Err, A]): Check[A]
def fromEitherIO[A](e: EitherT[IO, Err, A]): Check[A]
def fromEitherIOS[A](e: EitherT[IO, String, A]): Check[A]
def fromEitherString[A](e: Either[String, A]): Check[A]
def fromIO[A](io: IO[A]): Check[A]
def fromIOUnsafe[A](io: IO[A]): Check[A]
def fromStream[A](s: Stream[IO, A]): Check[List[A]]
def getNeighPaths(node: RDFNode, paths: Set[Path], ext: Option[Neighs]): Check[Neighs]
def getNotAllowedPredicates(node: RDFNode, paths: List[Path], neighs: Neighs): Check[Set[IRI]]
def getValuesPath(node: RDFNode, path: Path, ext: Option[Neighs]): Check[Set[RDFNode]]
def info(msg: String): Check[Unit]
def infoTyping(t: ShapeTyping, msg: String, shapesPrefixMap: PrefixMap): Check[Unit]
def local[A](f: Env => Env)(comp: Check[A]): Check[A]
def mkErr[F[_] : Applicative](e: Err): F[Err]
def mkSeq[A, B](vs: List[A], f: A => IO[List[B]]): IO[List[B]]
def ok[A](x: A): Check[A]
def optCheck[A, B](c: Option[A], check: A => Check[B], default: => Check[B]): Check[B]

If c is some value, applies check, otherwise applies default

If c is some value, applies check, otherwise applies default

Value parameters:

Optional value


check function


value in case there is no option

def orElse[A](c1: Check[A], c2: => Check[A]): Check[A]
def run[A](c: Check[A])(config: Config)(env: Env): IO[(Log, Either[Err, A])]
def runCheck[A : Show](c: Check[A], rdf: RDFReader, verbose: VerboseLevel): IO[CheckResult[ShExError, A, Log]]
def runLocal[A](c: Check[A], f: Env => Env): Check[A]
def runLocalSafe[A](c: Check[A], f: Env => Env, safe: (Err, Env) => A): Check[A]

Run a computation in a local environment. If the computation fails, return the result of calling safe function over the current environment

Run a computation in a local environment. If the computation fails, return the result of calling safe function over the current environment

Value parameters:

computation to run




function to call if the computation fails

def runLocalSafeTyping[A](c: Check[A], f: ShapeTyping => ShapeTyping, safe: (Err, ShapeTyping) => A): Check[A]
def sequence[A](xs: List[Check[A]]): Check[List[A]]
def showCurrentTyping(msg: String, shapesPrefixMap: PrefixMap): Check[Unit]
def step(msg: String): Check[Unit]
def validateCheck(condition: Boolean, e: Err): Check[Unit]

Concrete fields