
final class DefaultRelationshipFactory(val config: Config) extends RelationshipFactory

Default extractor of relationships from a "taxonomy base".

Default extractor of relationships from a "taxonomy base".

When choosing for lenient processing, XLink arcs may be broken in that the XLink labels are corrupt, and XLink locators may be broken in that the locator href URIs cannot be resolved. When choosing for strict processing, XLink arcs and locators may not be broken.

Lenient processing makes sense when the taxonomy base has not yet been validated. Strict processing makes sense when the taxonomy is XBRL valid, and we want to use that fact, for example when validating XBRL instances against it.


Chris de Vreeze

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def computeNetworks(relationships: IndexedSeq[Relationship], taxonomyBase: TaxonomyBase): Map[BaseSetKey, NetworkComputationResult]
def extractRelationships(taxonomyBase: TaxonomyBase, arcFilter: XLinkArc => Boolean): IndexedSeq[Relationship]
def extractRelationshipsFromArc(arc: XLinkArc, labeledXlinkMap: Map[String, IndexedSeq[LabeledXLink]], parentBaseUriOption: Option[URI], taxonomyBase: TaxonomyBase): IndexedSeq[Relationship]
def extractRelationshipsFromDocument(docUri: URI, taxonomyBase: TaxonomyBase, arcFilter: XLinkArc => Boolean): IndexedSeq[Relationship]
def getRelationshipKey(relationship: Relationship, taxonomyBase: TaxonomyBase): RelationshipKey

Concrete fields