
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package eu
    Definition Classes
  • package cdevreeze
    Definition Classes
  • package yaidom

    Yaidom is yet another Scala immutable DOM-like XML API.

    Yaidom is yet another Scala immutable DOM-like XML API. Some other well-known Scala immutable DOM-like APIs are the standard scala.xml API and Anti-XML. The latter API is considered by many to be an improvement over the former, but both APIs:

    • attempt to offer an XPath-like querying experience, thus somewhat blurring the distinction between nodes and node collections
    • lack first-class support for namespaces (and namespace URIs)
    • have limited (functional) update support

    Yaidom takes a different approach, avoiding XPath-like query support, and offering good namespace and decent (functional) update support. Yaidom is also characterized by almost mathematical precision and clarity. Still, the API remains practical and pragmatic. In particular, the API user has much configuration control over parsing and serialization, because yaidom exposes the underlying JAXP parsers and serializers, which can be configured by the library user.

    Yaidom chooses its battles. For example, given that DTDs do not know about namespaces, yaidom offers good namespace support, but ignores DTDs entirely. Of course the underlying XML parser may still validate XML against a DTD, if so desired. As another example, yaidom tries to leave the handling of the gory details of XML processing (such as whitespace handling) as much as possible to JAXP (and JAXP parser/serializer configuration). As yet another example, yaidom knows nothing about (XML Schema) types of elements and attributes.

    As mentioned above, yaidom tries to treat basic XML processing with almost mathematical precision, even if this is "incorrect". At the same time, yaidom tries to be useful in practice. For example, yaidom compromises "correctness" in the following ways:

    • Yaidom does not generally consider documents to be nodes (called "document information items" in the XML Infoset), thus introducing fewer constraints on DOM-like node construction
    • Yaidom does not consider attributes to be (non-child) nodes (called "attribute information items" in the XML Infoset), thus introducing fewer constraints on DOM-like node construction
    • Yaidom does not consider namespace declarations to be attributes, thus facilitating a clear theory of namespaces
    • Yaidom tries to keep the order of the attributes (for better round-tripping), although attribute order is irrelevant according to the XML Infoset
    • Very importantly, yaidom clearly distinguishes between qualified names (QNames) and expanded names (ENames), which is essential in facilitating a clear theory of namespaces

    Yaidom, and in particular the eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.core, eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi, eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.resolved and eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple sub-packages, contains the following layers:

    • basic concepts, such as (qualified and expanded) names of elements and attributes (in the core package)
    • the uniform query API traits, to query elements for child, descendant and descendant-or-self elements (in the queryapi package)
    • some of the specific element implementations, mixing in those uniform query API traits (e.g. in the resolved and simple packages)

    It makes sense to read this documentation, because it helps in getting up-to-speed with yaidom.

    Basic concepts

    In real world XML, elements (and sometimes attributes) tend to have names within a certain namespace. There are 2 kinds of names at play here:

    • qualified names: prefixed names, such as book:Title, and unprefixed names, such as Edition
    • expanded names: having a namespace, such as {http://bookstore/book}Title (in James Clark notation), and not having a namespace, such as Edition

    They are represented by immutable classes eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.core.QName and eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.core.EName, respectively.

    Qualified names occur in XML, whereas expanded names do not. Yet qualified names have no meaning on their own. They need to be resolved to expanded names, via the in-scope namespaces. Note that the term "qualified name" is often used for what yaidom (and the Namespaces specification) calls "expanded name", and that most XML APIs do not distinguish between the 2 kinds of names. Yaidom has to clearly make this distinction, in order to model namespaces correctly.

    To resolve qualified names to expanded names, yaidom distinguishes between:

    • namespace declarations
    • in-scope namespaces

    They are represented by immutable classes eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.core.Declarations and eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.core.Scope, respectively.

    Namespace declarations occur in XML, whereas in-scope namespaces do not. The latter are the accumulated effect of the namespace declarations of the element itself, if any, and those in ancestor elements.

    Note: in the code examples below, we assume the following import:

    import eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.core._

    To see the resolution of qualified names in action, consider the following sample XML:

    <book:Bookstore xmlns:book="http://bookstore/book" xmlns:auth="http://bookstore/author">
      <book:Book ISBN="978-0321356680" Price="35" Edition="2">
        <book:Title>Effective Java (2nd Edition)</book:Title>
      <book:Book ISBN="978-0981531649" Price="35" Edition="2">
        <book:Title>Programming in Scala: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide, 2nd Edition</book:Title>

    Consider the last element with qualified name QName("book:Book"). To resolve this qualified name as expanded name, we need to know the namespaces in scope at that element. To compute the in-scope namespaces, we need to accumulate the namespace declarations of the last book:Book element and of its ancestor element(s), starting with the root element.

    The start Scope is "parent scope" Scope.Empty. Then, in the root element we find namespace declarations:

    Declarations.from("book" -> "http://bookstore/book", "auth" -> "http://bookstore/author")

    This leads to the following namespaces in scope at the root element:

    Scope.Empty.resolve(Declarations.from("book" -> "http://bookstore/book", "auth" -> "http://bookstore/author"))

    which is equal to:

    Scope.from("book" -> "http://bookstore/book", "auth" -> "http://bookstore/author")

    We find no other namespace declarations in the last book:Book element or its ancestor(s), so the computed scope is also the scope of the last book:Book element.

    Then QName("book:Book") is resolved as follows:

    Scope.from("book" -> "http://bookstore/book", "auth" -> "http://bookstore/author").resolveQNameOption(QName("book:Book"))

    which is equal to:


    This namespace support in yaidom has mathematical rigor. The immutable classes QName, EName, Declarations and Scope have precise definitions, reflected in their implementations, and they obey some interesting properties. For example, if we correctly define Scope operation relativize (along with resolve), we get:

    scope1.resolve(scope1.relativize(scope2)) == scope2

    This may not sound like much, but by getting the basics right, yaidom succeeds in offering first-class support for XML namespaces, without the magic and namespace-related bugs often found in other XML libraries.

    There are 2 other basic concepts in this package, representing paths to elements:

    • path builders
    • paths

    They are represented by immutable classes eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.core.PathBuilder and eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.core.Path, respectively.

    Path builders are like canonical XPath expressions, yet they do not contain the root element itself, and indexing starts with 0 instead of 1.

    For example, the last name of the first author of the last book element has path:

      EName("{http://bookstore/book}Book") -> 1,
      EName("{http://bookstore/book}Authors") -> 0,
      EName("{http://bookstore/author}Author") -> 0,
      EName("{http://bookstore/author}Last_Name") -> 0

    This path could be written as path builder as follows:

    PathBuilder.from(QName("book:Book") -> 1, QName("book:Authors") -> 0, QName("auth:Author") -> 0, QName("auth:Last_Name") -> 0)

    Using the Scope mentioned earlier, the latter path builder resolves to the path given before that, by invoking method In order for this to work, the Scope must be invertible. That is, there must be a one-to-one correspondence between prefixes ("" for the default namespace) and namespace URIs, because otherwise the index numbers may differ. Also note that the prefixes book and auth in the path builder are arbitrary, and need not match with the prefixes used in the XML tree itself.

    Uniform query API traits

    Yaidom provides a relatively small query API, to query an individual element for collections of child elements, descendant elements or descendant-or-self elements. The resulting collections are immutable Scala collections, that can further be manipulated using the Scala Collections API.

    This query API is uniform, in that different element implementations share (most of) the same query API. It is also element-centric (unlike standard Scala XML and Anti-XML).

    For example, consider the XML example given earlier, as a Scala XML literal named bookstore. We can wrap this Scala XML Elem into a yaidom wrapper of type eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.scalaxml.ScalaXmlElem, named bookstoreElem. Then we can query for all books, that is, all descendant-or-self elements with resolved (or expanded) name EName("{http://bookstore/book}Book"), as follows:

    bookstoreElem filterElemsOrSelf (elem => elem.resolvedName == EName("{http://bookstore/book}Book"))

    The result would be an immutable IndexedSeq of ScalaXmlElem instances, holding 2 book elements.

    We could instead have written:


    with the same result, due to an implicit conversion from expanded names to element predicates.

    Instead of searching for appropriate descendant-or-self elements, we could have searched for descendant elements only, without altering the result in this case:

    bookstoreElem filterElems (elem => elem.resolvedName == EName("{http://bookstore/book}Book"))



    We could even have searched for appropriate child elements only, without altering the result in this case:

    bookstoreElem filterChildElems (elem => elem.resolvedName == EName("{http://bookstore/book}Book"))



    or, knowing that all child elements are books:


    We could find all authors of the Scala book as follows:

    for {
      bookElem <- bookstoreElem filterChildElems (elem => elem.resolvedName == EName("{http://bookstore/book}Book"))
      if bookElem.attributeOption(EName("ISBN")) == Some("978-0981531649")
      authorElem <- bookElem filterElems (elem => elem.resolvedName == EName("{http://bookstore/author}Author"))
    } yield authorElem


    for {
      bookElem <- bookstoreElem.filterChildElems(EName("{http://bookstore/book}Book"))
      if bookElem.attributeOption(EName("ISBN")) == Some("978-0981531649")
      authorElem <- bookElem.filterElems(EName("{http://bookstore/author}Author"))
    } yield authorElem

    We could even use operator notation, as follows:

    for {
      bookElem <- bookstoreElem \ (elem => elem.resolvedName == EName("{http://bookstore/book}Book"))
      if (bookElem \@ EName("ISBN")) == Some("978-0981531649")
      authorElem <- bookElem \\ (elem => elem.resolvedName == EName("{http://bookstore/author}Author"))
    } yield authorElem


    for {
      bookElem <- bookstoreElem \ EName("{http://bookstore/book}Book")
      if (bookElem \@ EName("ISBN")) == Some("978-0981531649")
      authorElem <- bookElem \\ EName("{http://bookstore/author}Author")
    } yield authorElem

    where \\ stands for filterElemsOrSelf.

    There is no explicit support for filtering on the "self" element itself. In the example above, we might want to check if the root element has the expected EName, for instance. That is easy to express using a simple idiom, however. The last example then becomes:

    for {
      bookstoreElem <- Vector(bookstoreElem)
      if bookstoreElem.resolvedName == EName("{http://bookstore/book}Bookstore")
      bookElem <- bookstoreElem \ EName("{http://bookstore/book}Book")
      if (bookElem \@ EName("ISBN")) == Some("978-0981531649")
      authorElem <- bookElem \\ EName("{http://bookstore/author}Author")
    } yield authorElem

    Now suppose the same XML is stored in a (org.w3c.dom) DOM tree, wrapped in a eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.dom.DomElem bookstoreElem. Then the same queries would use exactly the same code as above! The result would be a collection of DomElem instances instead of ScalaXmlElem instances, however. There are many more element implementations in yaidom, and they share (most of) the same query API. Therefore this query API is called a uniform query API.

    The last example, using operator notation, looks a bit more "XPath-like". It is more verbose than queries in Scala XML, however, partly because in yaidom these operators cannot be chained. Yet this is with good reason. Yaidom does not blur the distinction between elements and element collections, and therefore does not offer any XPath experience. The small price paid in verbosity is made up for by precision. The yaidom query API traits have very precise definitions of their operations, as can be seen in the corresponding documentation.

    The uniform query API traits turn minimal APIs into richer APIs, where each richer API is defined very precisely in terms of the minimal API. The most important query API trait is eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.ElemLike. It needs to be given a method implementation to query for child elements (not child nodes in general, but just child elements!), and it offers methods to query for some or all child elements, descendant elements, and descendant-or-self elements. That is, the minimal API consists of abstract method findAllChildElems, and it offers methods such as filterChildElems, filterElems and filterElemsOrSelf. This trait has no knowledge about elements at all, other than the fact that elements can have child elements.

    Trait eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.HasEName needs minimal knowledge about elements themselves, viz. that elements have a "resolved" (or expanded) name, and "resolved" attributes (mapping attribute expanded names to attribute values). That is, it needs to be given implementations of abstract methods resolvedName and resolvedAttributes, and then offers methods to query for individual attributes or the local name of the element.

    It is important to note that yaidom does not consider namespace declarations to be attributes themselves. Otherwise, there would have been circular dependencies between both concepts, because attributes with namespaces require in-scope namespaces and therefore namespace declarations for resolving the names of these attributes.

    Many traits, such as eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.HasEName, are just "capabilities", and need to be combined with trait eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.ElemLike in order to offer a useful element querying API.

    Note that trait eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.ElemLike only knows about elements, not about other kinds of nodes. Of course the actual element implementations mixing in this query API know about other node types, but that knowledge is outside the uniform query API. Note that the example queries above only use the minimal element knowledge that traits ElemLike and HasEName together have about elements. Therefore the query code can be used unchanged for different element implementations.

    Trait eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.IsNavigable is used to navigate to an element given a Path.

    Trait eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.UpdatableElemLike (which extends trait IsNavigable) offers functional updates at given paths. Whereas the traits mentioned above know only about elements, this trait knows that elements have some node super-type.

    Instead of functional updates at given paths, elements can also be "transformed" functionally without specifying any paths. This is offered by trait eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.TransformableElemLike. The Scala XML and DOM wrappers above do not mix in this trait.

    Some element implementations

    The uniform query API traits, especially ElemLike and its sub-trait ElemLike are mixed in by many element implementations. In this package there are 2 immutable element implementations, eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple.ElemBuilder and eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple.Elem.

    Class eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple.Elem is the default element implementation of yaidom. It extends class eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple.Node. The latter also has sub-classes for text nodes, comments, entity references and processing instructions. Class eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple.Document contains a document Elem, but is not a Node sub-class itself.

    The eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple.Elem class has the following characteristics:

    • It is immutable, and thread-safe
    • These elements therefore cannot be queried for their parent elements
    • It mixes in query API traits eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.ElemLike, eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.UpdatableElemLike and eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.TransformableElemLike, among others
    • Indeed this element class offers almost all of the yaidom query API, except HasParent
    • Besides the tag name, attributes and child nodes, it keeps a Scope, but no Declarations
    • This makes it easy to compose these elements, as long as scopes are passed explicitly throughout the element tree
    • Equality is reference equality, because it is hard to come up with a sensible equality for this element class
    • Roundtripping cannot be entirely lossless, but this class does try to retain the attribute order (although irrelevant according to XML Infoset)
    • Packages parse and print offer DocumentParser and DocumentPrinter classes for parsing/serializing these default Elem (and Document) instances

    Creating such Elem trees by hand is a bit cumbersome, partly because scopes have to be passed to each Elem in the tree. The latter is not needed if we use class eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple.ElemBuilder to create element trees by hand. When the tree has been fully created as ElemBuilder, invoke method to turn it into an Elem.

    Like their super-classes Node and NodeBuilder, classes Elem and ElemBuilder have very much in common. Both are immutable, easy to compose (ElemBuilder instances even more so), equality is reference equality, etc. The most important differences are as follows:

    • Instead of a Scope, an ElemBuilder contains a Declarations
    • This makes an ElemBuilder easier to compose than an Elem, because no Scope needs to be passed around throughout the tree
    • Class ElemBuilder uses a minimal query API, mixing in almost only traits ElemLike and TransformableElemLike
    • After all, an ElemBuilder neither keeps nor knows about Scopes, so does not know about resolved element/attribute names

    The Effective Java book element in the XML example above could have been written as ElemBuilder (without the inter-element whitespace) as follows:

    import NodeBuilder._
      qname = QName("book:Book"),
      attributes = Vector(QName("ISBN") -> "978-0321356680", QName("Price") -> "35", QName("Edition") -> "2"),
      children = Vector(
          qname = QName("book:Title"),
          children = Vector(
            text("Effective Java (2nd Edition)")
          qname = QName("book:Authors"),
          children = Vector(
              qname = QName("auth:Author"),
              children = Vector(
                  qname = QName("auth:First_Name"),
                  children = Vector(
                  qname = QName("auth:Last_Name"),
                  children = Vector(

    This ElemBuilder (say, eb) lacks namespace declarations for prefixes book and auth. So, the following returns false:


    while the following returns true:

    eb.canBuild(Scope.from("book" -> "http://bookstore/book", "auth" -> "http://bookstore/author"))

    Indeed,"book" -> "http://bookstore/book", "auth" -> "http://bookstore/author"))

    returns the element tree as Elem.

    Note that the distinction between ElemBuilder and Elem "solves" the mismatch that immutable ("functional") element trees are constructed in a bottom-up manner, while namespace scoping works in a top-down manner. (See also Anti-XML issue 78, in

    There are many more element implementations in yaidom, most of them in sub-packages of this package. Yaidom is extensible in that new element implementations can be invented, for example elements that are better "roundtrippable" (at the expense of "composability"), or yaidom wrappers around other DOM-like APIs (such as XOM or JDOM2). The current element implementations in yaidom are:

    • Immutable class eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple.Elem, the default (immutable) element implementation. See above.
    • Immutable class eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple.ElemBuilder for creating an Elem by hand. See above.
    • Immutable class eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.resolved.Elem, which takes namespace prefixes out of the equation, and therefore makes useful (namespace-aware) equality comparisons feasible. It mixes in the same query API traits as the default element implementation.
    • Immutable class eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.indexed.Elem, which offers views on default Elems that know the ancestry of each element. It mixes in the ElemLike query API, but knows its ancestry, despite being immutable! This element implementation is handy for querying XML schemas, for example, because in schemas the ancestry of queried elements typically matters.
    • Class eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.scalaxml.ScalaXmlElem, which wraps a Scala XML Elem. It mixes in the ElemLike query API.
    • Class eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.dom.DomElem, which wraps a (mutable!) DOM Element. It mixes in both the ElemLike and HasParent query APIs.

    This illustrates that especially trait ElemLike is a uniform query API in yaidom.

    One yaidom wrapper that is very useful is a Saxon tiny tree yaidom wrapper. It has not been provided out of the box, in order to prevent any yaidom dependency on Saxon (which could have been an optional dependency), and because of changes among Saxon versions. Nevertheless, a Saxon wrapper has been tried out in test code (just like wrappers around XOM and JDOM), thus showing how easy it is to create such a wrapper ourselves. In the case of Saxon, when using schema-awareness (Saxon-EE), the wrapped tiny tree would contain interesting type information.

    Packages and dependencies

    Yaidom has the following packages, and layering between packages (mentioning the lowest layers first):

    Indeed, all yaidom package dependencies are uni-directional.

    Notes on performance

    Yaidom can be quite memory-hungry. One particular cause of that is the possible creation of very many duplicate EName and QName instances. This can be the case while parsing XML into yaidom documents, or while querying yaidom element trees.

    The user of the library can reduce memory consumption to a large extent, and yaidom facilitates that.

    As for querying, prefer:

    import HasENameApi._
    bookstoreElem filterElemsOrSelf withEName("http://bookstore/book", "Book")


    bookstoreElem.filterElemsOrSelf(EName("http://bookstore/book", "Book"))

    to avoid unnecessary (large scale) EName object creation.

    To reduce the memory footprint of parsed XML trees, see eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.core.ENameProvider and eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.core.QNameProvider.

    For example, during the startup phase of an application, we could set the global ENameProvider as follows:

    ENameProvider.globalENameProvider.become(new ENameProvider.ENameProviderUsingImmutableCache(knownENames))

    Note that the global ENameProvider or QNameProvider can typically be configured rather late during development, but the memory cost savings can be substantial. Also note that the global ENameProvider or QNameProvider can be used implicitly in application code, by writing:

    bookstoreElem filterElemsOrSelf getEName("http://bookstore/book", "Book")

    using an implicit ENameProvider, whose members are in scope. Still, for querying the first alternative using withEName is better, but there are likely many scenarios in yaidom client code where an implicit ENameProvider or QNameProvider makes sense.

    The bottom line is that yaidom can be configured to be far less memory-hungry, and that yaidom client code can also take some responsibility in reducing memory usage.

    Definition Classes
  • package convert

    Support for conversions from/to yaidom.

    Support for conversions from/to yaidom. This package mostly contains conversions between yaidom objects and JAXP DOM or StAX objects, in both directions.

    This conversion support is used by the Document parsers and printers in the parse and print packages, respectively. This package can also be used directly by consumers of the yaidom API.

    These JAXP-object conversions suggest that yaidom is optimistic about the available (heap) memory.

    This package depends on the eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.core, eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi and eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple packages, and not the other way around. The eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.parse and eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.print packages depend on this package.

    Definition Classes
  • package core

    This package contains the core concepts, such as qualified names, expanded names, namespace declarations, in-scope namespaces, paths and path builders.

    This package contains the core concepts, such as qualified names, expanded names, namespace declarations, in-scope namespaces, paths and path builders.

    This package depends on no other packages in yaidom, but almost all other packages do depend on this one.

    Definition Classes
  • package dom

    Wrapper around class org.w3c.dom.Element, adapting it to the eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.ElemLike API.

    Wrapper around class org.w3c.dom.Element, adapting it to the eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.ElemLike API.

    This wrapper is not thread-safe, and should only be used if the immutable element classes such as eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple.Elem are not the best fit.

    Such scenarios could be as follows:

    • Conversions from DOM to eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple.Elem (and back) have more runtime costs than needed or wanted.
    • Round-tripping from XML string to "tree", and back to XML string should keep the resulting XML string as much as possible the same.
    • In-place updates (instead of "functional updates") of DOM trees are desired.
    • The DOM elements are desired for their PSVI information.

    Yet be aware that the advantages of immutability and thread-safety (offered by immutable Elem classes) are lost when using this wrapper API. Mutable DOM trees are also very easy to break, even via the ElemLike API, if element predicates with side-effects are used.

    To explain the "round-tripping" item above, note that class eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple.Elem considers attributes in an element unordered, let alone namespace declarations. That is consistent with the XML Infoset specification, but can sometimes be impractical. Using org.w3c.dom.Element instances, parsed from XML input sources, chances are that this order is retained.

    There are of course limitations to what formatting data is retained in a DOM tree. A good example is the short versus long form of an empty element. Typically parsers do not pass any information about this distinction, so it is unknown whether the XML input source used the long or short form for an empty element.

    It should also be noted that the configuration of XML parsers and serializers can be of substantial influence on the extent that "round-tripping" keeps the XML string the same. Whitespace handling is one such area in which different configurations can lead to quite different "round-tripping" results.

    Note that in one way these wrappers are somewhat unnatural: the ElemLike API uses immutable Scala collections everywhere, whereas the elements of those collections are mutable (!) DOM node wrappers. The wrappers are idiomatic Scala in their use of the Scala Collections API, whereas the wrapped DOM nodes come from a distant past, when imperative programming and "mutability everywhere" ruled.

    In comparison to XPath against DOM trees, the ElemLike API may be more verbose, but it requires no setup and "result set handling" boilerplate.

    Definition Classes
  • package indexed

    This package contains element representations that contain the "context" of the element.

    This package contains element representations that contain the "context" of the element. That is, the elements in this package are pairs of a root element and a path (to the actual element itself). The "context" of an element also contains an optional document URI.

    An example of where such a representation can be useful is XML Schema. After all, to interpret an element definition in an XML schema, we need context of the element definition to determine the target namespace, or to determine whether the element definition is top level, etc.

    Below follows a simple example query, using the uniform query API:

    // Note the import of package indexed, and not of its members. That is indeed a best practice!
    import eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.indexed
    val indexedBookstoreElem = indexed.Elem(bookstoreElem)
    val scalaBookAuthors =
      for {
        bookElem <- indexedBookstoreElem \ EName("{http://bookstore/book}Book")
        if (bookElem \@ EName("ISBN")) == Some("978-0981531649")
        authorElem <- bookElem \\ EName("{http://bookstore/author}Author")
      } yield authorElem

    The query for Scala book authors would have been exactly the same if normal Elems had been used instead of indexed.Elems (replacing indexedBookstoreElem by bookstoreElem)!

    There is no explicit functional update support for the indexed elements in this package. Of course the underlying elements can be functionally updated (for element implementations that offer such update support), and indexed elements can be created from the update results, but this is hardly efficient functional update support.

    One problem with efficient functional updates for indexed elements is that updating just one child element means that all subsequent child elements may have to be updated as well, adapting the stored paths. In comparison, simple elements do not have this restriction, and can be updated in isolation. Hence the functional update support for simple elements but not for the different indexed element implementations.

    Definition Classes
  • package java8

    The streaming element query API that can be used in Java 8, in this package and its sub-packages.

    The streaming element query API that can be used in Java 8, in this package and its sub-packages. This package itself contains some common data structures shared by the API.


    This API is experimental!

    Definition Classes
  • package parse

    Support for parsing XML into yaidom Documents and Elems.

    Support for parsing XML into yaidom Documents and Elems. This package offers the eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.parse.DocumentParser trait, as well as several implementations. Those implementations use JAXP (SAX, DOM or StAX), and most of them use the convert package to convert JAXP artifacts to yaidom Documents.

    For example:

    val docParser = DocumentParserUsingSax.newInstance()
    val doc: Document = docParser.parse(docUri)

    This example chose a SAX-based implementation, and used the default configuration of that document parser.

    Having several different fully configurable JAXP-based implementations shows that yaidom is pessimistic about the transparency of parsing and printing XML. It also shows that yaidom is optimistic about the available (heap) memory and processing power, because of the 2 separated steps of JAXP parsing/printing and (in-memory) convert conversions. Using JAXP means that escaping of characters is something that JAXP deals with, and that's definitely better than trying to do it yourself.

    One DocumentParser implementation does not use any convert conversion. That is DocumentParserUsingSax. It is likely the fastest of the DocumentParser implementations.

    The preferred DocumentParser for XML (not HTML) parsing is DocumentParserUsingDomLS, if memory usage is not an issue. This DocumentParser implementation is best integrated with DOM, and is highly configurable, although DOM LS configuration is somewhat involved.

    This package depends on the eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.core, eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi, eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple and eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.convert packages, and not the other way around.

    Definition Classes
  • package print

    Support for "printing" yaidom Documents and Elems.

    Support for "printing" yaidom Documents and Elems. This package offers the eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.print.DocumentPrinter trait, as well as several implementations. Most of those implementations use the convert package to convert yaidom Documents to JAXP artifacts, and all use JAXP (DOM, SAX or StAX).

    For example:

    val docPrinter = DocumentPrinterUsingSax.newInstance()
    docPrinter.print(doc, "UTF-8", System.out)

    This example chose a SAX-based implementation, and used the default configuration of that document printer.

    Having several different fully configurable JAXP-based implementations shows that yaidom is pessimistic about the transparency of parsing and printing XML. It also shows that yaidom is optimistic about the available (heap) memory and processing power, because of the 2 separated steps of JAXP parsing/printing and (in-memory) convert conversions. Using JAXP means that escaping of characters is something that JAXP deals with, and that's definitely better than trying to do it yourself.

    One DocumentPrinter implementation does not use any convert conversion. That is DocumentPrinterUsingSax. It is likely the fastest of the DocumentPrinter implementations, as well as the one using the least memory.

    The preferred DocumentPrinter for XML (not HTML) printing is DocumentPrinterUsingDomLS, if memory usage is not an issue. This DocumentPrinter implementation is best integrated with DOM, and is highly configurable, although DOM LS configuration is somewhat involved.

    This package depends on the eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.core, eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi, eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple and eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.convert packages, and not the other way around.

    Definition Classes
  • AbstractDocumentPrinter
  • DocumentPrinter
  • DocumentPrinterUsingDom
  • DocumentPrinterUsingDomLS
  • DocumentPrinterUsingSax
  • DocumentPrinterUsingStax
  • ThreadLocalDocumentPrinter
  • package queryapi

    This package contains the (renewed) query API traits.

    This package contains the (renewed) query API traits. It contains both the purely abstract API traits as well as the partial implementation traits.

    Generic code abstracting over yaidom element implementations should either use trait ClarkElemApi or sub-trait ScopedElemApi, or even BackingElemApi, depending on the abstraction level.

    Most API traits are orthogonal, but some API traits are useful combinations of other ones. Examples include the above-mentioned ClarkElemApi and ScopedElemApi traits.

    Simplicity and consistency of the entire query API are 2 important design considerations. For example, the query API methods themselves use no generics. Note how the resulting API with type members is essentially the same as the "old" yaidom query API using type parameters, except that the purely abstract traits are less constrained in the type members.

    This package depends only on the core package in yaidom, but many other packages do depend on this one.

    Note: whereas the old query API used F-bounded polymorphism with type parameters extensively, this new query API essentially just uses type member ThisElem, defined in a common super-trait. The old query API may be somewhat easier to develop (that is, convincing the compiler), but the new query API is easier to use as generic "backend" element query API. As an example, common "bridge" element query APIs come to mind, used within type-safe XML dialect DOM tree implementations. The reason this is easier with the new API is intuitively that fewer type constraints leak to the query API client code.

    Definition Classes
  • package resolved

    This package contains element representations that can be compared for (some notion of "value") equality, unlike normal yaidom nodes.

    This package contains element representations that can be compared for (some notion of "value") equality, unlike normal yaidom nodes. That notion of equality is simple to understand, but "naive". The user is of the API must take control over what is compared for equality.

    See eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.resolved.Node for why this package is named resolved.

    The most important difference with normal Elems is that qualified names do not occur, but only expanded (element and attribute) names. This reminds of James Clark notation for XML trees and expanded names, where qualified names are absent.

    Moreover, the only nodes in this package are element and text nodes.

    Below follows a simple example query, using the uniform query API:

    // Note the import of package resolved, and not of its members. That is indeed a best practice!
    import eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.resolved
    val resolvedBookstoreElem = resolved.Elem(bookstoreElem)
    val scalaBookAuthors =
      for {
        bookElem <- resolvedBookstoreElem \ EName("{http://bookstore/book}Book")
        if (bookElem \@ EName("ISBN")) == Some("978-0981531649")
        authorElem <- bookElem \\ EName("{http://bookstore/author}Author")
      } yield authorElem

    The query for Scala book authors would have been exactly the same if normal Elems had been used instead of resolved.Elems (replacing resolvedBookstoreElem by bookstoreElem)!

    Definition Classes
  • package scalaxml

    Wrapper around class scala.xml.Elem, adapting it to the eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.ElemLike API.

    Wrapper around class scala.xml.Elem, adapting it to the eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi.ElemLike API.

    This wrapper brings the uniform yaidom query API to Scala XML literals (and Scala XML Elems in general).

    For some namespace-related pitfalls and peculiarities, see eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.scalaxml.ScalaXmlElem.

    Definition Classes
  • package simple

    This package contains the default element implementation.

    This package contains the default element implementation.

    This package depends only on the core and queryapi packages in yaidom, but many other packages do depend on this one.

    Definition Classes
  • package utils

    Several utilities, such as custom ENameProviders and QNameProviders.

    Several utilities, such as custom ENameProviders and QNameProviders. They are utilities "on top of yaidom", so the rest of yaidom has no dependencies on this package, but this package does depend on the rest of yaidom.

    Definition Classes

package print

Support for "printing" yaidom Documents and Elems. This package offers the eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.print.DocumentPrinter trait, as well as several implementations. Most of those implementations use the convert package to convert yaidom Documents to JAXP artifacts, and all use JAXP (DOM, SAX or StAX).

For example:

val docPrinter = DocumentPrinterUsingSax.newInstance()

docPrinter.print(doc, "UTF-8", System.out)

This example chose a SAX-based implementation, and used the default configuration of that document printer.

Having several different fully configurable JAXP-based implementations shows that yaidom is pessimistic about the transparency of parsing and printing XML. It also shows that yaidom is optimistic about the available (heap) memory and processing power, because of the 2 separated steps of JAXP parsing/printing and (in-memory) convert conversions. Using JAXP means that escaping of characters is something that JAXP deals with, and that's definitely better than trying to do it yourself.

One DocumentPrinter implementation does not use any convert conversion. That is DocumentPrinterUsingSax. It is likely the fastest of the DocumentPrinter implementations, as well as the one using the least memory.

The preferred DocumentPrinter for XML (not HTML) printing is DocumentPrinterUsingDomLS, if memory usage is not an issue. This DocumentPrinter implementation is best integrated with DOM, and is highly configurable, although DOM LS configuration is somewhat involved.

This package depends on the eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.core, eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.queryapi, eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple and eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.convert packages, and not the other way around.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. print
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractDocumentPrinter extends DocumentPrinter

    Partial DocumentPrinter implementation.

  2. trait DocumentPrinter extends AnyRef

    eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple.Document printer (to the XML as a String or byte array).

    eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple.Document printer (to the XML as a String or byte array). This trait is purely abstract.

    Implementing classes deal with the details of printing yaidom documents as XML strings or byte arrays. The eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.simple package itself is agnostic of those details.

    Typical implementations use DOM or StAX, but make them easier to use in the tradition of the "template" classes of the Spring framework. That is, resource management is done as much as possible by the DocumentPrinter, typical usage is easy, and complex scenarios are still possible. The idea is that the document printer is configured once, and that it should be re-usable multiple times.

    Although DocumentPrinter instances should be re-usable multiple times, implementing classes are encouraged to indicate to what extent re-use of a DocumentPrinter instance is indeed supported (single-threaded, or even multi-threaded).

  3. final class DocumentPrinterUsingDom extends AbstractDocumentPrinter

    DOM-based Document printer.

    DOM-based Document printer.

    It may be the case that the DocumentPrinter does not indent. See bug This problem appears especially when creating a Document from scratch, using NodeBuilders. A possible (implementation-specific!) workaround is to create the DocumentPrinter as follows:

    val documentBuilderFactory: DocumentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance
    val transformerFactory: TransformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance
    transformerFactory.setAttribute("indent-number", java.lang.Integer.valueOf(2))
    val documentPrinter = DocumentPrinterUsingDom.newInstance(documentBuilderFactory, transformerFactory)

    If more flexibility is needed in configuring the DocumentPrinter than offered by this class, consider writing a wrapper DocumentPrinter which wraps a DocumentPrinterUsingDom, but adapts the print method. This would make it possible to adapt the conversion from a yaidom Document to DOM Document, for example.

    A DocumentPrinterUsingDom instance can be re-used multiple times, from the same thread. If the DocumentBuilderFactory and TransformerFactory are thread-safe, it can even be re-used from multiple threads. Typically a DocumentBuilderFactory or TransformerFactory cannot be trusted to be thread-safe, however. In a web application, one (safe) way to deal with that is to use one DocumentBuilderFactory and TransformerFactory instance per request.

    Notes on HTML

    In order to serialize a yaidom Document as HTML (which could have been parsed using the TagSoup library), a "transformer creator" can be coded as follows:

    val trCreator = { (tf: TransformerFactory) =>
      val t = tf.newTransformer
      t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "html")

    This "transformer creator" is then passed as one of the arguments during DocumentPrinter construction.

    Using such a DocumentPrinter configured for "HTML serialization", the serialized HTML is hopefully better understood by browsers than would have been the case with a DocumentPrinter configured for "XML serialization". For example, script tags (with empty content) are typically not written as self-closing tags in the first case, whereas they are in the second case.

    If a DocumentPrinter is not explicitly configured for either "HTML or XML serialization", it may still be the case that HTML is serialized as HTML, depending on the TrAX implementation. Yet it is likely that in that case other elements than the document element would be serialized as XML instead of HTML. After all, (immutable) yaidom elements do not know about their ancestry.

  4. final class DocumentPrinterUsingDomLS extends AbstractDocumentPrinter

    DOM-LS-based Document printer.

    DOM-LS-based Document printer.

    To pretty-print a Document, create a DocumentPrinterUsingDomLS instance as follows:

    val printer = DocumentPrinterUsingDomLS.newInstance() withSerializerCreator { domImpl =>
      val writer = domImpl.createLSSerializer()
      writer.getDomConfig.setParameter("format-pretty-print", java.lang.Boolean.TRUE)

    If more flexibility is needed in configuring the DocumentPrinter than offered by this class, consider writing a wrapper DocumentPrinter which wraps a DocumentPrinterUsingDomLS, but adapts the print method. This would make it possible to adapt the serialization, for example.

    A DocumentPrinterUsingDomLS instance can be re-used multiple times, from the same thread. If the DocumentBuilderFactory and DOMImplementationLS are thread-safe, it can even be re-used from multiple threads. Typically a DocumentBuilderFactory or DOMImplementationLS cannot be trusted to be thread-safe, however. In a web application, one (safe) way to deal with that is to use one DocumentBuilderFactory and DOMImplementationLS instance per request.

  5. final class DocumentPrinterUsingSax extends AbstractDocumentPrinter

    SAX-based Document printer.

    SAX-based Document printer. It should be the fastest of the DocumentPrinter implementations, and use the least memory.


    If more flexibility is needed in configuring the DocumentPrinter than offered by this class, consider writing a wrapper DocumentPrinter which wraps a DocumentPrinterUsingSax, but adapts the print method. This would make it possible to adapt the generation of SAX events, for example.

    A DocumentPrinterUsingSax instance can be re-used multiple times, from the same thread. If the SAXTransformerFactory is thread-safe, it can even be re-used from multiple threads. Typically a SAXTransformerFactory cannot be trusted to be thread-safe, however. In a web application, one (safe) way to deal with that is to use one SAXTransformerFactory instance per request.

  6. sealed class DocumentPrinterUsingStax extends AbstractDocumentPrinter

    StAX-based Document printer.

    StAX-based Document printer.

    Note: this XML printer does not pretty-print!

    If more flexibility is needed in configuring the DocumentPrinter than offered by this class, consider writing a wrapper DocumentPrinter which wraps a DocumentPrinterUsingStax, but adapts the print method. This would make it possible to adapt the conversion from a yaidom Document to StAX events, for example.

    A DocumentPrinterUsingStax instance can be re-used multiple times, from the same thread. If the XMLEventFactory and XMLOutputFactory are thread-safe, it can even be re-used from multiple threads. Typically these objects cannot be trusted to be thread-safe, however. In a web application, one (safe) way to deal with that is to use one XMLEventFactory and XMLOutputFactory instance per request.

  7. final class ThreadLocalDocumentPrinter extends AbstractDocumentPrinter

    Thread-local DocumentPrinter.

    Thread-local DocumentPrinter. This class exists because typical JAXP factory objects (DocumentBuilderFactory etc.) are not thread-safe, but still expensive to create. Using this DocumentPrinter facade backed by a thread local DocumentPrinter, we can create a ThreadLocalDocumentPrinter once, and re-use it all the time without having to worry about thread-safety issues.

    Note that each ThreadLocalDocumentPrinter instance (!) has its own thread-local document printer. Typically it makes no sense to have more than one ThreadLocalDocumentPrinter instance in one application. In a Spring application, for example, a single instance of a ThreadLocalDocumentPrinter can be configured.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
