
object ResourceIO extends ResourceIOOps with IOOps[Resource]
trait IOOps[Resource]
trait IOBaseOps[Resource]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def access[A](f: Resource => A): RIO[Resource, A]

Returns a operation that requires this resource.

Returns a operation that requires this resource.

Inherited from:
def accessResource[A](f: Resource => A): ResourceIO[A]

Store an unsafe resource operation in a ResourceIO.

Store an unsafe resource operation in a ResourceIO.

Inherited from:
def foreach[A](it: () => Iterator[A])(f: A => RIO[Resource, Any]): RIO[Resource, Unit]

Applies an operation to each element of a Iterator[A] and discards the result.

Applies an operation to each element of a Iterator[A] and discards the result.

Inherited from:
def foreach[A](it: Iterable[A])(f: A => RIO[Resource, Any]): RIO[Resource, Unit]

Applies an operation to each element of a Iterable[A] and discards the result.

Applies an operation to each element of a Iterable[A] and discards the result.

Inherited from:
def fromCallback[A](operation: Try[A] => Unit => Unit): RIO[Resource, Poll[A]]

Returns a Poll from a function that receives a callback

Returns a Poll from a function that receives a callback

Inherited from:
def pure[A](x: A): RIO[Resource, A]

Lifts a value into a RIO.

Lifts a value into a RIO.

Inherited from:
def sequence[A](it: Iterable[RIO[Resource, A]]): RIO[Resource, List[A]]

Converts an Iterable[RIO[R, A]] into a RIO[R, List[A]].

Converts an Iterable[RIO[R, A]] into a RIO[R, List[A]].

Inherited from:
def sequence_(it: Iterable[RIO[Resource, Any]]): RIO[Resource, Unit]

Converts an Iterable[RIO[R, A]] into a RIO[R, Unit].

Converts an Iterable[RIO[R, A]] into a RIO[R, Unit].

Inherited from:
def suspend[A](x: => A): RIO[Resource, A]

Suspends a computation into a RIO.

Suspends a computation into a RIO.

Inherited from:
def traverse[A, B](it: Iterable[A])(f: A => RIO[Resource, B]): RIO[Resource, List[B]]

Converts an Iterable[A] into a RIO[R, List[B]] by applying an operation to each element.

Converts an Iterable[A] into a RIO[R, List[B]] by applying an operation to each element.

Inherited from:
def when(predicate: Boolean)(io: => RIO[Resource, Unit]): RIO[Resource, Unit]

Runs a computation only if the predicate is true, otherwise does nothing

Runs a computation only if the predicate is true, otherwise does nothing

Inherited from:
def withInputStream[A](f: InputStream => A): ResourceIO[Try[A]]

Loads the resource synchronously, processes the contents using a and returns the result. The InputStream is closed in the end, so it should not escape this call.

Loads the resource synchronously, processes the contents using a and returns the result. The InputStream is closed in the end, so it should not escape this call.

Inherited from:
def withInputStreamAsync[A](f: InputStream => A): ResourceIO[Poll[A]]

Loads the resource asynchronously, processes the contents using a and returns the result. The InputStream is closed in the end, so it should not escape this call.

Loads the resource asynchronously, processes the contents using a and returns the result. The InputStream is closed in the end, so it should not escape this call.

Inherited from:
def withSource[A](f: Source => A): ResourceIO[Try[A]]

Loads the resource synchronously, processes the contents using a and returns the result. The Source is closed in the end, so it should not escape this call. For working with binary files, it is recommended to use withInputStream instead.

Loads the resource synchronously, processes the contents using a and returns the result. The Source is closed in the end, so it should not escape this call. For working with binary files, it is recommended to use withInputStream instead.

Inherited from:
def withSourceAsync[A](f: Source => A): ResourceIO[Poll[A]]

Loads the resource asynchronously, processes the contents using a and returns the result. The Source is closed in the end, so it should not escape this call. For working with binary files, it is recommended to use withInputStreamAsync instead.

Loads the resource asynchronously, processes the contents using a and returns the result. The Source is closed in the end, so it should not escape this call. For working with binary files, it is recommended to use withInputStreamAsync instead.

Inherited from:

Inherited fields

val noop: RIO[Resource, Unit]

An operation that does nothing.

An operation that does nothing.

Inherited from:
val path: ResourceIO[String]

Path to the resource

Path to the resource

Inherited from: