
abstract class ProtoDecoder[TNode, TDatatype, TTriple, TQuad, TOut](converter: ProtoDecoderConverter[TNode, TDatatype, TTriple, TQuad])(implicit evidence$1: ClassTag[TDatatype])

Base class for stateful decoders of protobuf RDF streams.

See the implementations in ProtoDecoderImpl.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class GraphsAsQuadsDecoder[TNode, TDatatype, TTriple, TQuad]
class GraphsDecoder[TNode, TDatatype, TTriple, TQuad]
class QuadsDecoder[TNode, TDatatype, TTriple, TQuad]
class TriplesDecoder[TNode, TDatatype, TTriple, TQuad]

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

final protected def convertGraphTerm(graph: RdfGraph): TNode
final protected def convertGraphTermWrapped(graph: RdfGraph): TNode
final protected def convertLiteral(literal: RdfLiteral): TNode
final protected def convertQuad(quad: RdfQuad): TQuad
final protected def convertTerm(term: RdfTerm): TNode
final protected def convertTermWrapped(term: RdfTerm, lastNodeHolder: LastNodeHolder[TNode]): TNode
final protected def convertTriple(triple: RdfTriple): TTriple
final def getStreamOpt: Option[RdfStreamOptions]

Returns the received stream options from the producer.

Returns the received stream options from the producer.


protected def handleGraphEnd(): Option[TOut]
protected def handleGraphStart(graph: RdfGraphStart): Option[TOut]
protected def handleOptions(opts: RdfStreamOptions): Unit
protected def handleQuad(quad: RdfQuad): Option[TOut]
protected def handleTriple(triple: RdfTriple): Option[TOut]
final def ingestRow(row: RdfStreamRow): Option[TOut]
final protected def setStreamOpt(opt: RdfStreamOptions): Unit

Set the stream options.

Set the stream options.



Jelly stream options

Concrete fields

final protected val lastGraph: LastNodeHolder[TNode]
final protected val lastObject: LastNodeHolder[TNode]
final protected val lastPredicate: LastNodeHolder[TNode]
final protected val lastSubject: LastNodeHolder[TNode]